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12:25 AM @ Wednesday, August 18, 2010


it's been a real while, and alhamdullilah, so many things have happened for the past no. of months, good and bad things, crap, nonsensical stuff. but i guess i grew. and i learnt so much more about life and people. life.

"abang pergi mana?"
"abang pergi syurga."

that struck me.

innallilah, my nephew just passed away yesterday night. he's 10 years old, and he's been suffering from stomach cancer since he was born, if i'm not wrong. he's beetn suffering alot for the past years, and it's Ramadhan now. i guess, on one side, he passed away during this holy month, so alhamdullilah. i went to melawat just now, and i have to salute the mother for being so strong, for not showing any outward signs of sadness and just being strong. my abang and i stayed/were babysitted in that family when we were babies, toddlers till we grew up and went to malaysia. it's been so long since ive met them, but alhamdullilah.

but, i guess when i was there, it made me think, i couldve been him 12 years ago. my mother couldve been her. and my dad, him. i used to think last time that maybe it wouldve been better if i had succumbed and meet Him before i reached that stage, at least i wouldve gone to Heaven. but, masyaAllah, God has His ways. maybe there's a certain purpose for me to stay on this Earth now. and as much as i regret my weakness, succumbing to my human flaws, i shouldnt give up. haha yeahh. insyaAllah.

and, i was thinking. everytime we make mistakes, everytime we feel our weakness and regret them, we, or maybe i, always ask myself, "why wani why?" but, i never asked (or maybe i did, but it's rare), "so what should you do next time? what can you do?" haha, thoughts thoughts.


anws, on a more positive note, india was, i mean, IS beautiful, haha. this time, i really fell in love with india, the people and the culture. i guess, being able to interact more with the locals help me to understand them better. and i know, i was wrong to have looked at all of them with tinted lenses, but alhamdullilah, im really glad to have people on the team who reminded me of the better things in life =) i know experience shape expectations which then shape perspectives (current and future). and i know, the past experiences with india had caused me to adopt such a prejudiced and biased view against the indians (i mean, not all lar, but i guess youre more careful with them). but im so glad those 3 weeks in india had changed my perceptions. incredible india mann. haha, watching hindi movies, listening to hindi songs and conversations, God, it always make me miss india soo much, all the happenings, the moments, the ... well, everything there. haha, i wanna go back.

andd, sometimes i think, why am i so hard up about grades? haha, as much as i want to get my 4.5 by the time i graduate, im afraid that ill be missing out on so many things in life. like, the reason im not going for the cultural immersion in india for one sem is partly cuz i want to pull up my CAP (besides all the YEP stuff). so, i dont wanna spend an extra sem out since i still wanna do my SEP for another semester. but that means, doing 2 ISMs during my 4 years tenure in NUS. ah well, i mean i love research, i really dooo. i know what i wanna do for my ISMs also, buut i mean cultural immersion is something that is once in your life. like, it's an opportunity not to be missed. and i dont know whether i wanna miss this train. i mean, where can 4.5 get you in the end as compared to someone with below 4.5? HMM. sometimes, i wonder, what do i really want out of life? i enjoy the things im doing now. but i wonder, am i going the right way in other things? am i thinking too much about the end product, and not the process? haha well =X

and i feel much happier and relieved with less things on my plate now. all i wanna do now is to just slack. hahaha, silat studies family friends. yayyy. insyaAllah :D

and this Ramadhan, i wish i can make much better use of it. sighs, insyaAllah.

anws, school's been good. but i feel so drained and tire easily these days. i dunno if it's cuz of the fasting month. hmm... nahh. haha. i dunno, maybe i still havent recover fully from the 'going-all-out' of 7-8months of YEP. hahaha, ah wells. as much as there were times that i was really down and i wanted to give up, alhamdullilah, i shld remember the better things that happened and make a lesson out of those things that didnt turn out that well.

people always expect you to be on the up side. you have to be okay, and be strong for everyone. haha, it happens - lessons. but im glad i learnt all of these. it jerks me out of my idealistic world. hahaha, my brother wouldve been proud of me. ah, im just saying this in general. no specific people, events or anything =)

i miss the kids. reallyyyy miss them. hahaha, i remember chasing muskan up and down the home, shouting "green, greeen!" and all the random colours, hahaha, i pancit man going up and down the stairs. but i realised that the reason she did that was to have me going to her dorm so she could show me her bed and her wardrobe and her drawings. masyaAllah, what i would do just to run up and down again, after her. haha.

and pooja. goodness, how i love to kacau her. haha it's the negative reaction she gives lar when you kacau her, like so stubborn, and so irritatingly nice. hahaha. and laxmi, such a sweet girl =)) i miss them =((

haha alrights. ill try to update more regularly next time, insyaAllah. =)

till then, insyaAllah =)

take care!


8:22 AM @ Saturday, February 6, 2010

peace be upon you!


wow, this blog is SUPERRR abandoned!

and SO MANY THINGS have happened to me over the time period when i stopped blogging. i dont know why suddenly i feel so itchy (gatal) i want to blog today. haha prolly cz im not ready yet to start on my work. but it's like 1224am already haha but i really REALLY do have to finish up those readings. ah wells.

woww. from the time ive entered my last post to now, masyaAllah, so many things! i wouldnt have imagined i would be doing the things im/ill be doing =)

alhamdullilah yeah! i did go for my backpacking trip in india over the dec vacation! and it was superrr wowww, haha i learnt so many things about my friends, and my eyes were opened so much to the realities of life, and we saw the REAL india, not the tourist india, and you realy gotta derive the beauty from the mess/chaos you see there. nonetheless, despite the fact that 5/6 of us fell sick there, i really did ENJOY my time =)) so thanks for the memories and companionship (alphabetical order!):
CHAOS, HAZI, MAI, RENA_WONG, TK =)) ah wells, i love these ppl man, so awesome =)

academics! alhamdullilah i managed to do well last sem. kinda worried abt this sem cuz im so packed with so many things and im so afraid i wont be able to maintain my cap, like ive already skipped 2 lessons (HAHA) oh noo and usp astrophysics is like CRAZYY, so physic-ish! and i missed one tutorial for that, and i know i may sound like super geek but reallyyyyy. haha and i dont get to spend so much time in lib anymore too, haha and i go home late from mon-thurs and fri once in 2 weeks and my saturdays are often taken up till late afternoon. BUT oh wells, alhamdullilah, im enjoying myself and insyaAllah things will work, and haha sorry for the superrr whiny wani =))

SILAT, hee, i really love the seni training. not because it's less rigorous (or maybe partly) haha but learning and practising the steps are kinda, well, if you wanna say, addictive, in a way. haha (gilerr nyer wani) haha BUT i need to get more stamina and my weight needs to stop oscillating, hahahaha, i lost nearly 2kg over a few days! it's CRAZY. but silat is fun, im gonna miss trainings when i go off during the recess week, and WHEN insyaAllah, i go for my stuff next sem. let's see how it goes.

and talking abt it, i realised ill MISS so many things if i do decide to spend my next sem out of singapore. BECAUSE ill miss SILAT. and ill totally MISS MY FAMILY. and ill MISS my friends!! and goodness, i was just thinking abt it just now, and i realised, wow, i may make so many plans but it's kinda nervewrecking in a way. haha but i was thinking also, it'll make me independent right! and it's great to have these kinda experience, insyaAllah. we'll see how it goes.

my mom and my abang are getting very worried that im not attached/have a boyfriend. honestly, im not worried nor am i very concerned about it... for now? haha i dont know, these things, they just happen right? anddd i wanna do so many things in life, esp. when im still an undergrad, and when you think abt it, i really REALLY do need someone who will be supportive of ALL my actions/ideas and can tahan/sabar with me. haha but see, THAT'S exactly why my abang & mom think i wont get attached- im too busy for my own good. BUT haha i dont know if i can help it, or if i cant. but i like the things im doing, and for now, till maybe when there's someone, i dont have to worry abt it, haha. im happy being me, alhamdullilah =)

anwwws, i MISS apex, i MISS my SEMESTER 1. like truthfully, HONESTLY speaking. BUT, ive made many new and AWESOME friends this sem, like stephanie! and although some things i go for, are like, macam cekik darah, kena banyak banyak istighfar and sabar, these ppl just help to make it much better, alhamdullilah =))

i WANNA do so many things. and stephanie got me PERSUASION (by jane austen!). she's soo sweet!

and on the negative side, im afraid about some matters. BUT i really do try not to think about it, although i DO try to do something about it. ah wells, insyaAllah nothing bad will happen.

AND my saturdays! no more tuition, haha cuz theyre all on weekdays, so now i can relax and not RUSH around after training. it's sucha nice feeling. and tmr! we're gonna fly kite, hee hahahaha for some reason, im SO EXCITED to finally get a break doing fun things (although technically, i have a presentation to prepare for and midterm test next week). haha, but i dont think itll hurt to just spend a few hours out playing =)

andd im TIRED, sometimes. i try to not think abt it, but sometimes (or maybe ALL THE TIME/MOST OF THE TIME), i dont wanna get out of bed and do my work. i think im working myself too much but well, i DO like the things im doing. i should take a break and take care of myself!

AND, ive finally decided to do good things, LIKE drinking MILK once in a few days at least! so that i wont get injured so easily! hahahaha, it's something i wont do(or i'll only drink it very rarely), but i dont wanna get injured anymore cuz injury=missing trainings, haha so yeah.

and it's GREAT to hear from my old friends, or even to talk awhile to them. like PRIS GOH, JOSEPH, MIN ZHI, WEN YI, APOORV, MEHUL, BEN and the list goes on. haha i really do miss my uwct class too =((

ANDDD woww, i dont think i can stop blogging. haha i love classics. i bought like tolstoy's book andd i wanted austen's mansfield park too! here! i'd like to thank HASLINA for tagging along with me at bras basah! i know it's SUPER hard and undeniably, exhausting, when youre out with wani looking for books. haha but THANKS so much for your patience and understanding =))

wheeee, other than that, i shld stop! haha but whenever i think abt persuasion, id think abt lakehouse. it has very close connections! esp. in this dialogue from the lakehouse (ah yeah, i memorised it. im CRAZY abt lakehouse. SUPER sweet and sooo THOUGHT-PROVOKING. and it's sandra bullock and keanu reeves tgt! =)) )

alex (keanu reeves): what about persuasion? you told me they wait, they meet again, they get another chance.

kate (sandra bullock): life is not a book alex, and it can be over in just a second. i was having lunch with my mother at daily plaza, and a man was killed right in front of me. he died in my arms. and i thought, it cant end just like that on valentine's day. and i thought about all the people, sitting at home, waiting for him. and i thought, what if there is no one? what if you spend your whole life waiting, and no one's waiting for you?
so i drove to the lakehouse, looking for any kind of answer, and i found you. and i got lost, lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still. but it's not real alex. i've got to live the life that i have got. please dont write anymore. dont try to find me. let me let you go.

yeapp, beautiful, isnt it? haha i shouldnt quote pride and prejudice here, when darcy confessed to elizabeth,
"you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you."
and then he made the mistake of telling her how falling for her goes against societal standards and blabla, haha i love austen's novels, esp. this one =))

okay! im a HISTORY student, haha but i love classics, esp. austen's! =)

OK DAH. i must END here before i start blabbing about other things. hahaha it's sucha nice form of escapism from work, blogging, that is =)

alhamdullilah! gnights and happy weeekend everyone, insyaAllah! =))


8:30 AM @ Saturday, September 19, 2009


alhamdullilah, masyaAllah, it's the start of Syawal now.

it's really sad that Ramadhan has ended,
insyaAllah panjang umur to meet the next Ramadhan.

i feel like a good traditional malay girl today, haha.
i know i wake up later lar, haha.
but i did clean up the house today, and i bake a cake!
and alhamdullilah, i managed to find a pair of shoes.
haha ok, very last minute raya shopping, and i dont like to shop for shoes,
cuz i like to mull over shoes to find the perfect one,
ah well, shoes are an investment for me la, so yeah, haha.
haha ok! cake is done! i think it looks nice, heh, but yes, alhamdullilah =))
and im so excited cuz i realised that, my keingingan utk bake cakes,
or brownies, or become the next jamie oliver, can come true!
HAHAHA. anw no la, cuz my dad got my mum a new oven,
and it's really very convenient, so WOOOTS! =))

anyhoots, the week's been good alhamdullilah.
more imptly, i survived well thru it, alhamdullilah!
i had my mid term tests, ps was much better than eu,haha.
i felt so whiny and so sighs after eu.
went for photog course yesterday night,
halim could go too! haha so i was glad cuz ii didnt wanna go alone,
in the sense that if i didnt have anyone to come along,
i'd think alot whether i want t go,
altho i really did want to go, haha.
anw the course was really beneficial, i learnt alot.
then after that, i went home i tried my camera,
awesome! ive discovered so much abt my camera! haha
alhamdullilah =)))

the week was good, i cant really rmb what happened, heh,
but i had lotsa fun with the girls, my official nus buddies =))

wokays, tis is short for now. maybe i'll update some other time.

eid mubarak everyone!
maaf zahir dan batin, and i truly really apologise,
if i have ever wronged you, knowingly or unknowingly,
implicit or explicit, i truly do apologise.
may Allah bless us all always, insyaAllah,
and may we live long to meet the next Ramadhan, insyaAllah.
amin =)


9:48 AM @ Wednesday, September 9, 2009

peace be upon you =)

hello world,

alhamdullilah, here i am, it's been a very long while.

school's been awesome, alhamdullilah,
tho the workload's a lil, or maybe alot, crazy, haha.
but im enjoying it all the same.
discovering so much, and learning new things.
haha i get excited by the prospect of learning something new,
alhamdullilah i took these mods.
and prof ryan's awesome!

been to the library and stuffing myself in there.
having my brother coming along and sitting beside me,
cracking jokes and saying silly things,
really amuses and entertains me,
altho i kept telling him to stop disturbing me.
and i finally saw/met/talked to his gf! haha :D
theyre so cute tgt =)

alot of things have happened.
and it's already past the half month of Ramadhan.
i regret that i havent done as much during this beautiful month, sighs.

im really glad cuz ppl ard me are happy.
i hope things will work out for everyone, insyaAllah.

ive been thinking alot recently.
and i really do want to discover more of the world.
and i am seriously in love with thailand, and the sea region.
i was rethinking just now, why am i planning a 2nd major in s.asia?
i mean i find that region exciting, and so is sea.
haha yeah, insyaAllah everything'll be for the best.

and i was looking at sea map few days ago!
insyaAllah next sem break (next year haha), im gonna backpack in asean.
can go cambodia-> vietnam ->laos ->thailand ->malaysia and back to singapore!
haha i know it's super ambitious but maybe 2 countries at least?
hmm yup.

im gonna have to marry an archaelogist if i ever wanna travel so much.
like indiana jones.

awesomeness. im just kidding la. seriously, haha.
that idea is pretty far away from me right now.
i.e. settling down/looking for someone.

somehow, all i wanna do now is to discover more and more abt the world.
im ambitious and im stubborn. haha.
wani, youre so intent. haha.

ive been drinking so much coffee.
and i can tell you, the school's coffee is very strong.
take it from a coffeeholic. im serious.
it's stronger than starbucks. haha.
or maybe that was my first time trying it.
ah well. but really, i could feel it man.

im very HAPPY that people ard me have found/are finding happiness.
haha, it makes me feel so =)

and i love silat. haha i know that was my first training.
but the aftereffect was soo REFRESHING. haha.


im just trying to avoid any of it, yup!

i shld stop thinking so much. again.

wokays. next week's my mid term tests, haha.
due date for pre-write.
and raya's gonna come soon, cepat kan!


take care!


6:24 AM @ Wednesday, August 5, 2009


hello world,

im back after nearly 2-3 weeks of hiatus,
but alhamdullilah, im good.
with a little bout of unwell-ness (if there's sucha word).
the nose and the-sometimes-cough that comes out.
probably it's the result of super exhaustion.
but other than that, im still good, alhamdullilah.

haha yeah, i slept nearly the whole of today.
i thought i'd feel better after sleeping so much.
but im still feeling kinda, haha yeah.
but ive made up my mind. i'll only feel like that if i think like that.
so im gonna keep a positive mindset and think that i am great! insyaAllah.
or maybe not, haha.

i'll just start recounting my past 2-3 weeks of experience.
it's been full of awesomeness!

like uhmm, lemme think.
let's just start with yesterday!

realised that i couldnt go to ubin with shara today cuz of the usp thing,
and cuz i wanna do something else.
so we just shifted it back to tuesday, haha and it was kinda last minute,
so we went to east coast park to cycle!
it was a WOW day, haha as in seriously seriously AWESOME! alhamdullilah.
once we've reached east coast, we went to the bicycle shop.
as we were going off, shara realised her phone's not with her.
so we decided to cycle back to bedok interchange to look for her phone.
and that was totally the first time i cycled on the road,
hahaha super cool! but on the downside, shara couldnt find her phone.
then we decided to cycle up to bedok reservoir, we chilled out there.
i bought snacks and we just makan and talked.
then, we cycled up to tampines, on the road! haha
with the sometimes on the pedestrian pathway.
but since i never like ppl cycling on the pedestrian walk,
we tried as much as possible to avoid it.
it was super awesome! with much bouts of funny incidence,
like having a pakcik telling you to kayuh,
and another pakcik telling you to 'pergi ajelah' when i stopped at the traffic light.
haha and having buses honking at you (i think).
and the fight with traffic, haha no la not really,
but since we're not official road vehicles, sometimes you dunno whether to cycle or not.
and alhamdullilah, nothing bad happened on the road (:

and then when we headed back to east coast from tampines,
we passed by very nice places, haha places ive never explored before.
we passed by the expo! haha cool right! cuz we decided to take another route back.
and then we had to carry our bicycles up the stairs, it was heavy,
so we helped each other out, it was like cycling in modernised 'ubin', hahaha.
it was fun la, and then as we were reaching bedok mrt station,
we realised we needed a break, so we stopped after the zebra crossing, roadside.
and i was like, 'i feel like sittin down'.
and shara just went 'ok, let's sit down,'
hahahaha so we just sat at the road pavement and finished up the cheezels.
ppl passed by but we didnt really care, cuz after cycling for dunno how long,
we just needed to sit, haha, it was funny la!
like i dont think anyone will do this with me, hahaha.

then we continued our adventure back to east coast park,
and realised haha let's just deposit it back after 3hours plus of cycling.
(okay la, minus off some breaks, haha).
but it was pure AWESOMENESS!
after that, we went to the shelter and sat down, we felt like lying down.
so shara took out her poncho and we lay down there under the shelter.
and then we finished up the chips, hahaha.
it's awesome, seriously. ive finally found an outdoor activity friend :D

then we headed to town through paya lebar.
alhamdullilah, managed to find my clothes for tmr's ceremony.
ate at macs (mcspicy!), then she headed off for nyc's meeting,
and i stayed on for maghrib kat alfalah.
after maghrib, went to kino (couldnt resist it), and just walked.
i wanted to buy the tigger plush toy! but i paiseh lerr, haha.

on monday, cabbed down to pasir ris cuz i didnt wanna be late anymore.
was sposed to go go-kart, but when we reached escape, realised that it's open only on weekends.
haha so me, ain and shara went off to iceskate! hahaha.
went to kallang mrt station, and realised that the bus was taking superrr long,
and so we cabbed to kallang leisure park.
then we went iceskating! hahaha awesomeness!
it was FUN FUN FUN :D

after that, shara had to leave, so ain and i headed off for acm!
i was sooooo EXCITED!
acm is so awesome! hahaha, i was seriously excited!
ain had to leave ard 4+ so i stayed on cuz havent gone through the south asia galleries!
acm is super coool! hahaha, then after that, i was super hungry.
so i went to makan at macs alone (nothing new), haha.
asar at masjid moulana before heading off to town.
the appreciation dinner was cancelled but alhamdullilah managed to call up comm meeting cum dinner.
so while waiting for maghrib, i went to kino,
and boy, was i in a spending mood, hahaha.
i managed to restrain myself from buying more, so i bought 3.
i still wanna get those books, but wait awhile more la.
then off for maghrib, met su & wan, went off for meeting.
alhamdullilah, meeting progressed well, managed to cover much :D
home home!

the day my mum had been waiting for, hahahaha.
so on sunday, we had a multiple birthday celebration.
blanja at seoul garden in bugis, less than 200 alhamdullilah.
me, my mum, ayah, abang, my 2 brothers and iqbal's girlfriend (:
it was SUPER DOOPER FUN! hahaha my abang's sucha joker, so funny.
then then, we makan and makan and makan.
then went to shop awhile with my family and marlyna (iqbal's gf).
ayah spent on us, my abang bought americaya's shoes, it's beautiful ah.
haha my dad's reaction was super funny la, i think he didnt know the cost at first.
then when he saw the price, he was like, hahaha, funny la, haha!
way home was pure awesomeness :D

APEX! haha i was so excited to meet my kids again.
then 3 of them went on a hiatus, haha to be more accurate, they had another programme.
so kamarul had fahmy and i teaching him.
i think it mustve been pressurising :(
but all the same, it was fun! haha.

then in the afternoon, had the apex seminar.
alhamdullilah, the activity went ay-okay!
insyaAllah it'll benefit everyone, i was pretty nervous at first.
haha but alhamdullilah, managed to get over it, haha.
we stayed on for maghrib and then went off home!

last week, had been great!
had my tuitions, matric fair, orientation talks, haha funny, and a few other things.
cant exactly rmb but i had lotsa fun last week.

and i think so was the week before that.
yoc dinner! gpac! haha.
gee, i havent updated for a very long time la :(

haha ok la, that shld be all for now,
school's starting next week! woots!
haha got my modules,
usp writing module, south asia, south east asia and europe!

haha alright!

take care everyone!

august 5'09

7:27 AM @ Sunday, July 12, 2009

peace be upon you.

hello world.

alhamdullilah, praise be to Allah (:

im finally here, yet again, haha, it's been a very long while.

im good, camps are over, gpac is back,
and i need to squeeze some time for a meeting with the rest, haha.
i seriously miss my apex kids.
i havent seen them for nearly a month now, boo.
apexcamp post-mortem on saturday.
alhamdullilah, i finally went for my class on saturday.
haha i felt so happy cuz ive been missing class for a month too.
cuz of all the camps ive attended and etc.
learnt a lot of things that ive been wanting to know. haha yeap.

anw after smyc, attended fmsa camp, and i miss it, seriously.
alhamdullilah, it was very refreshing for the soul, really love it.
so tenang and happy, the activities on the last day was awesome.
had Subuh prayers at east coast park, it was, masyaAllah (:

after that, went home for the night and set off for nusms/pbmuks foc.
i met and made good friends.

then after all those camps, i was soo knocked out.
had yoc debrief and thank you tea on saturday though! on the 4th july!
i was sent back from apex cuz of the foc matters.
then anw, yoc debrief was haha nice, and we had to rush to carousel after that.
and seriously, we were like camera-strapped.
and i mean it, literally.
i was like, WHY DIDNT I BRING MY CAMERA, mood the whole day.
haha anw the buffet at carousel was SUPER AWESOME, alhamdullilah!
esp. with awesome friends to eat with, hahaha, and of course,
rena_WONG and mr samuel tan! he's sucha great, funny guy.
super down to earth, it's great to have an a.d. like him, haha yeap!
then after that, we went to NDP REHEARSAL!
another, WHY DIDNT I BRING MY CAMERA, moment. haha.
it was fun! most of us went, except kartik,
cindy performed! hahaha yeap! anyhoots, we LOVE the fireworks!
there was like a heartshape firework! hahaha COOL RIGHT!
and everyone was soo excited, hahaha, sang so loud :D
rena was funny, hahaha yeap! and then oh it was so embarassing.
i was like waving the torchlight thing and singing, with such joy,
and then i turned, and then there was this guy in front who was looking,
and then i was like, haha so paiseh!
and i think he was like laughing, although he was covering his face,
hahahahha goodness, so hilarious!

then after that, we went to makan at glutton's bay,
hazi intro me to kaya fondue, it was GREAT!
and then the lawyers (full fledged & studying) treated us to satays!
haha super awesomeness! LOVED THE DAY :D
soo fun, anw we went off ard ehh 10plus i think.
had a GREAT DAY with the yoc-ers and everyone!

then after that saturday, i had something on sunday i think,
then monday i had uhm, oh ya meetup session.
then tuesday, tuition, slacked and did up ain's present!
wednesday, cant rmb what was it, then did up ain's present also.
haha thursday, went down t fmsa t prep. for gpac.
friday, had class, ccm, with only 2 students, haha and gpac!
alhamdullilah it went ok!

and we celebrated ain's birthday! gave ain my present, haha yeap.
it was cool! ain loves the surprise,
cuz i guess she didnt expect us t do anything.
we got her a brownie cake, i think, haha wan was the one who bought it.
and we sat and haha funny la. and then i was still in need of food, haha.
help t makan up the rest of the mi putih (:
and i kinda felt bad also cuz ustaz najip stayed til 10plus kat fmsa.
tak tau kalau pasal kita tak, but i hope not la, haha.
reached home very very late. ah well.

saturday! had apexcamp post mortem, it was good alhamdullilah.
guess i was still ... from the late night, haha and the happenings.
left ard 3plus for class! alhamdullilah :D
then after that, Asar, then off home, haha yeap!

today! i didnt really do much la, haha.
i seriously had an entire day off from anything (except housework, haha).
so, i slept in, makan, housework.
then after Zuhur, i was like wondering what am i gonna do.
haha so i went to finally play the keyboards.
i havent touched it in sucha long time.
then my abang came, and then haha so funny.
cuz i was like, orang tak main dia tak main tau.
then he was like, kan slalu macam gitu, hahaha.
so after that, we tried to play double slash duet,
haha so klakar. then after awhile he left me alone.
then my youngest adik was randomly painting a blank box,
wrapped with white paper, haha so cute, for fun la.
then my abang joined him, cuz there were 2 boxes. haha so funny,
suddenly it felt as if macam bulan puasa, cuz we were like clumped together,
doing something, haha, i was using the laptop.
then my ibu came, and she tried the keyboards, she played for some time.
then it was all 4 of us in my bros' room.
haha so funny and FUN :D

yayness. great day (:


i was telling ain the other day, that something's like happening to me.

and nono, not the 'im in love' moment, nothing of that sort.
hahaha! nahh, that idea is pretty far away at this point of time,
now i really understand what ppl mean by 'too busy for ...'
haha yeah, and partly cuz there's really no one im interested in.
ah well, let's move away from this topic, it's very ... haha.

anw i still am not sure what the root cause is.
prolly it's really fatigue. but i wish itll go away soon.

and then i'll remind myself.
God will never test you beyond your limits.
so insyaAllah, ill get thru anything and overcome this,
La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah Hil Aliyyil Azim (:


im actually really glad, or rather, im not sad, haha,
ok ive found the word, im really very grateful, alhamdullilah.

haha yeap! yayness, but on the flipside, il be watching harrypotter alone.
ah that's really sad, hahaha.
like, i really dont mind watching other movies alone.
but when it comes to movies like these, you need company to watch with.
but ill be busy the whole of weekdays except for the earlier part of the day.
and i think my family will be watching it at night and i have tuition.
and then the rest are watching it with their sis/bro(s), haha,
takpela, ive already planned.
im gonna catch it on the morning of july 16th,
and then there wont be alot of ppl since theyre all working/schooling,
haha so yay! ah well, just a consolation, hahaha.

ok la, im not emo-ing ok, and i dont wanna sound so pathetic.
haha im good :D

haha great!

alright, ive blogged much.

school's gonna start soon, haha i dunno if i shld be hyped.
on one hand, im excited. on the other, im pretty tired,
and i wanna get a break before school starts, haha.

yeap! alrighto!

take care!

12july'09, sunday

8:50 AM @ Monday, June 22, 2009


hello world!


it's been great! and pure awesomeness!
(plus alot of sapped energy!)

but im feeling great! alhamdullilah!
and im really thankful, alhamdullilah! that the 14th smyc was,
i seriously think, a huge success!


RENA! for everything!
TK! my CRAZY homestay partner!
you guys are AWESOME!

the best committee ive ever ever EVER worked with :D

the always something to look forward to YOC MEETINGS :D
the camp was super great, late nights, debrief,
the 2 hours spent on ubin jetty just enjoying the night breeze,
prison break part 1, part 2 and part 3 :D
the crazy nights with hazi & TK! hahahaha!
the late night debriefs!
the great time spent with everyone just talking and snacking!
the super intriguing evolution of TOUHERT'S history! (HAHAHAHA!)
the great bond and covering up for one another no matter what!
the super late night out on saturday to burn photos!
the super accident prone wani.
and the awesome! super great! super blast! closing ceremony!

and of course, the super stupid, "missed a step, fly down stairs and sprained my ankle" story. hahahaha, prison break no.2.
i had to be contained in the function room the whole day.
and then the next day, mai suffered a deep cut on her toe.
so we joined the invalids club. hahaha.

im still yet to see the doctor.
somehow, i feel as if the pain's coming back.
i think im exerting too much pressure.
i need to rest. but i wanna go to the movies tmr.

and oh, i havent mentioned this, but i need t make another pair of specs.
haha the previous one got crushed by unknown vehicle(s) on sunday.
i was rushing to chijmes cuz i was late.
slept at nearly 4am cuz was burning cds.
then i think i dropped it on the way to chijmes.
so yeah i found it at the carpark, on the road, crushed.

ah wells. wani.

im gonna miss everyone!
haha too many things to say!
and i cant put it all here! photos on fb soon yeah, yoc-ers :D

haha and oh! alhamdullilah, apexcamp i heard went really great!
too bad i can only attend day one, but im glad the whole thing went awesome!

haha alright, few days more at home before im off for another camp.
hahahaha, i need a break.
and i shld go watch the movie before im off again.

im still undecided if i shld attend the usp fop.

haha alright.

i shld go now before i start ranting more abt smyc,
but it was super awesome, i really had a GREAT TIME.
thanks everyone, i really really really DO ENJOY WORKING with you all,
with all the stupid, lame, humorous jokes,
and of course, WWCMD, and yes! special tribute to TOUHEART,
our YOC mascot :D

hahaha :D

take care and cya all soon!

1203am, tuesday!

6:40 AM @ Sunday, June 7, 2009

salam all,

it's been awhile and it's been hectic.

2 events almost running concurrently, 'cept for that one day.
so well yeah, can guess, it's been crazy.

what with all the other stuff.

but alhamdullilah, it's good.

ah well, i dunno la.


8:21 AM @ Monday, May 25, 2009

and of all things i forgot t blog abt.
i know it's a bit basi la, but anw!
alhamdullilah! yay! haha

man u's epl champion! haha yay, rooney!
newcastle's relegated, argh, it's really well, kinda incredible.

man u vs barca next week! alright! :D

Peace be upon you (:

hello world!


wow, haha! finally here after nearly a month of hiatus, haha!

and yes haslina, demand & supply, but prolly mine's inelastic supply.
alot of factors affecting my supply of blog entries.
such as, 1. malas. 2. no mood. 3. no time. 4. tired. 5. _____
hahahaha! non-price factors, ah goodness, those were the days.
(macam lama sangat gitu, baru last year.)

alhamdullilah, it's been good, but very very, how do i put it.
it's been crazy at times.
the kind that leaves you thinking and wishing,
i need a full one week break. one day's not enough. haha.
but alhamdullilah, it's been better now the peak period's taken a break.
june's gonna be crazy.

ive already counted, ill be like away from home for abt 2 weeks.
one week'll be for smyc, then i come home for another week.
and then leave home for 3 days, come home,
and then away for another camp, for 4 days.
haha it'll be a wonder if my parents dont kick me out of the house soon.
hahaha! since even when im home, i wont really be home.
ahh sucha paradox, but i think you get it, haha.

but that said, my gran's gonna be staying over at our house from wed!
haha yay! alhamdullilah! haha im pretty excited.
(tho i wont be home most of the time). haha.
ah well, but it's gonna be nice.

we went t shop at giant the other day.
thought we wont spend so much,
like prolly ard the same amount we usually spend.
but it was haha well over the normal expenditure.
but it was fun!
haha, i was arguing with my adik over who get t push the trolley.
now that i think abt it, haha so merepek, but well, id still do the same thing.
yeah, anw he get t push it cuz he used his dollar coin.
ah wells, shrugs, prolly next time wani.

and i bought two albums the other day, i kinda felt guilty cuz it was abt,
50 plus bucks, but hey, haha the music's good.
maksim & cafe del mare, haha well, instrumental,
but it's my kinda music recently, go easy on the listening, haha.
(easy listening) beams.

anw! i had usp interview the other day, last week if im not wrong.
it went ay-okay, alhamdullilah, pretty enjoyable, haha.
i made new friends, haha, but insyaAllah ill be able t get in, amin!

college day! haha it was ok, i made friends with the girl next t me.
so it was not bad, haha but anw, the goh was very eloquent,
and once the ceremony was done, rushed for nyc meeting,
and painted the frames. pandai tau, paint with black paint,
and wear white tudung, haha of course the paint got onto my tudung,
kalau tak, then id really be amazed at myself, haha, then,
rushed for my class agama, it was fun, the class' dynamic is great,
alhamdullilah (:

then! haha we had nj dinner the other night!
me, syaf, zul, syamil, azrin, zai! at sakura.
haha it was fun, it's been some time since i saw them.
and oh, hahaha, i had tuition before that.
and i was feeling super lazy & tired that day, so i was so malas,
to even think of what t wear & t gosok the baju2,
so i just picked out a jubah and wore it for tuition & dinner.
then the guys kan, dorang eh, haha cakap i look like kakak2.
apersehh, haha but nvm la, i was malas also,
and i couldnt be bothered since i was comfy in that, haha.
but anw, dinner was klakar, if it wasnt ns talks, it was nj, haha.
and zai paid for my dinner cuz he felt bad abt forgetting my birthday.
hahaha, and then i realised that i forgot syamil's birthday too.
haha, overall, it was fun (:

anw, haha gpac! alhamdullilah!
i felt really glad and bersyukur that the prog's having an impact on the kids.
and thanks to my lovely & beautiful team for all your efforts (:
the dialogue session went well with mha, tho most of the time,
i was outside the room, haha bagus, but anw, thanks all!
and then, i had to cover the last gpac session,
alhamdullilah it went ok, i made the kids laugh, haha.
tak tau la kalau sebab my keselengeran or the way i delivered, haha.
but alhamdullilah really!
thank you all & may Allah bless you and reward you accordingly, insyaAllah!

apex! ahh the kids are so cute.
one of my mentees text me the other day, a few days before the apex session,
asking me t teach her maths when apex starts again,
and i was so, haha, dunno how t explain la, but =)
but anw, apex session on sat was great!
after that, had lunch with khairi at the super kinda packed ljs @ bishan.
haha, it's been some time since we went out,
and she told me somethings which were like, ah really?
i learnt alot about somethings, haha yup!

and for those yang interested to join apexcamp'09!
pls email me your particulars to apexcamp09@gmail.com
thanks alot & God bless!

yoc/smyc! haha it's better, briefing's on saturday.
hope it'll be ok, i cant wait for the camp!
we're gonna be on ubin for 3 days 2nights, i mean,
practically the organisers wont be joining the activities,
but still, haha it's gonna be all so fun! cant wait! haha.

anw! haha on a lighter note, ive watched angels & demons,
and got so nuts over ewan mcgregor, hahahaha.
(his name appeared many times during my contoh to the ccm kids).
and then, the ramen girl, nice show, but ok only la.
but it was tear jerky, haha.

i wanna watch young victoria. and the proposal.
and the ghosts of girlfriends' past.

other than that, it's been tuitions, teaching ccm,
ah progs, events, and i cant wait t start uni!
haha, i hope ill do really well, insyaAllah.

and oh, hahaha! i didnt say how klakar my abg and his friends are,
or rather, friend.
dorang buat bet, kalau arsenal kalah 2-1 specifically,
my abg rambut kena potong tengah, hahaha so klakar!
and really really terjadi, and he went ard for a few days ngan rambut botak tengah, actually tak botak sangat la, crewcut gitu.
hahaha, gelihati betul la. haha.

anw! angklung's having a performance this coming thurs.
i wanna go watch, anyone for it?

and im very hungry, haha.
ive been hungry often these days.
and im spending alot on food.
budget's depleting, haha. i need t save more.

and ive finally finished reading friedman's the lexus & the olive tree.
i wanted t start on power next, i did.
then i realised hahaha, the book's evil, shakes head.
hahaha no la, as in the stuff it advocates, in gaining power,
kinda go against my values la, haha like contohnya, taking advantage of ppl.
ahh well, something like that la, so it's well, haha, taknak la.
i think ill read the book some other time. hahaha.

and im really lapar skrg. sudahlah, i shld stop now.
it's long enough t last for another uhm, one month?
hahahaha, tengoklah mood camne. but june's gonna be crazy.
im gonna have t makeup for my tuition, the ones im gonna miss due to my camps.
so it'll be prolly, like tuition everyday, haha, tapi takpela,
insyaAllah ill get thru all this :D

but i enjoy doing them all, haha what are you complaining abt wani.
ah well, it's being a workaholic, but i guess i do need my break.

sims3 is coming out! hahaha. but i wanna share cash with my abg t buy keyboards!
tak sabar la! haha smalam, or rather this morn,
we were youtube-ing for the music/sound prod. by this particular keyboard,
haha so fun! so exciting, haha cant wait.
takpe, tunggu gaji. sabar je (:

and i still have my kino voucher, haha.

ok! gi now, anw! join good friday's fanclub, haha :D

ok la, i seriously patut go and makan skrg.

take care & nights all!

God bless!


monday, 25th may'09

9:01 AM @ Monday, April 27, 2009

peace be upon you (:

hello world!

alhamdullilah, thank God (:

hahaha, im here, finally!

haha yeah, actually ive been too tired, lazy and no mood to blog,
but i realised it's like wow, nearly a month, or a month plus actually.

alhamdullilah, it's been good but tired.
and busy no doubt.

haha yeah, and ive already turned 20,
thanks everyone for the birthday wishes,
and of cos, the gifts, haha ain's was hilarious.
in ms oon's words, bizarre but very nice, haha.

ive watched knowing (....dont like cuz nicolas cage died in the movie).
17again, which was hilarious.

i cant wait for the proposal and the ramen girl.

and im yet to receive any news from nus,
but insyaAllah ill get a response soon.
pray hard for me k, insyaAllah, amin.

went to eat with Ain's family at lau pa sat on sunday after meeting,
cuz her nenek jemput. it was pretty haha, shy la, but it was nice.
her family members are funny man, hahaha, nahh i didnt talk that much.
haha then yeap, haha yeah.

gpac's been great alhamdullilah, wish i can do something more though.
insyaAllah it'll be better, let's work hard for this.

tuition, haha i love my tutees.
but ive been pretty tired when i come for tuition.
i think im not giving my best =(

was at fmsa office with ain just now doing the letters for schools,
haha it was hectic but alhamdullilah, we managed to do everything before i left for tuition, which was really alhamdullilah :D

and oh! man u's awesome win against spurs.
actually when it was alr 2nd half, i was dozing off already.
then i heard that man u got a penalty, and score!
after that i was totally awake.
and it was soo funny! hahaha cuz my abang and i were for man u,
and my adik is a hardcore spurs supporter.
so when man u equalised, and continued having the goals in,
my abang and i were literally high five-ing and ten-ing,
and jumping up and down and running here and there,
celebrating the goals, hahahaha and hehe,
we were like "see-man-u's-winning" at my adik, haha goodness.
ah well, i think we made so much noise that we woke our parents up.
then my ayah and ibu joined us to watch the match cuz we were noisy,
and they were feeling warm from the weather,
and man u was on fire (eh i think la, it was an awesome match la),
hahaha yeap! classic, i love the match! and ROOONEYYYY!

anw, i turned twenty some days ago, haha.
i asked my dad to buy me a bookshelf cz i wanna build a mini library in my room,
haha but anw ive been on a bookspree,
but i realised that i shld stop buying books at this point of time.
cuz ive alr bought 8 but only on one, hahaha.
but i really wanted this book, return of history end of dreams.
but it was pretty thin at a pretty high cost,
for sucha thin book, i mean quality's there la but it's still thin.
haha then i wanted this diversity of sea, it's a good read sehh,
but nvm la i shld wait, finish up the rest, haha (:

my class agama has been fun! ustazah so funny,
haha but coming lesson, we have presentation, ah well.
nvm i just hope itll go well insyaAllah.
i still prefer a quiz, we shld have asked her to give us that, haha.

and ain and i are gonna take arabic, how cool is that!
haha finally, yay alhamdullilah (:

and im really gonna try cutting my expenditures for this month.
yay, go wani!

and ain and i found bugis street, like finally, hahaha.
it's a nice place, hahaha.
slow i know, but well, we dont really go bugis see haha yeap.

syaf was so funny in the train just now.

alrights, that's for now.

and i still love nj angklung and mr dzul's music and style :D

take care everyone!

28th april'09

6:17 AM @ Thursday, March 26, 2009

peace be upon you (:

hello world,

alhamdullilah (:

i had flu today, but it's ok already haha.
short term flu, been working myself, it's been hectic.

lemme see, been weeks since ive been here,
haha macam malas gitu nak update tapi kita try la yeah.

man u asyik kalah ajer, boring seh =(
newcastle pun sama, tak best la gini.
juventus is out of champs league,
(haha i know, citer basi, tapi takpe)

other than that, it's been pretty hectic for me,
alhamdullilah, another tuition assignment for me,
malay convo too!

today, i went makan at teh tarik with fas kat my house there,
makan and catch up before she gets busy again,
haha yeap then she came t my house, i was sposed t do schsp essay,
haha then ended up watching burn after reading with her,
it was sposed to be a comedic masterpiece,
but it wasnt funny lehh, like alot of ppl die kena murder.
merepek jugak la but the plot weave in nicely.
i dunno if it was sposed t be a spoof of the cia,
but haha well, it was ok, just coarse language =(

then been eating alot, as in seriously, haha.
i think ive spent alot on food, another dinner on saturday night,
haha lau pa sat! juniors join us ok!

my abang called me a loser for watching movie alone,
haha guilty of doing that several times,
but i dont think it's being a loser, haha seriously.
partly cuz my family watched it already,
oh it was dragonball evolution, and some ppl arent interested in it,
(haha i grew up with the comic/cartoon, how can i miss this),
so i just went t watch it alone before tuition i think,
it was pretty good, couldve been longer, i like =D

then ytd, haha first tuition session at the place,
then it was morning, so i had some time t kill before my next tuition,
i went town and sat at starbucks and started on my essay,
then solat, and then went t have lunch at macs,
haha yeah alone, but well, im used to it,
and it doesnt sound pathetic ok, hahaha, tho i felt some stares,
but ive decided to not conform to society's standard on this.

but well yeah, haha, i dont really care anymore.

other than that, ehh watched a few movies which were pretty good,
i like race to witch mountain, haha.

i found out something =)

im pretty busy *no comments*

i have to finish up my essay soon =(


anw gpac! alhamdullilah first session went well,
thank you to my team:ain, riduwan, fazliah,
to brother hairudin and farhan for coming over,
and for hazi and zul for teaching the kids,
may Allah reward us all insyaAllah,
and may the kids benefit from this insyaAllah =)
and may the 2nd session be much better! insyaAllah, amin!

apex! haha well dah bis for this sem,
ah nothing much t do on a saturday morning anymore,
(yeah 'cept for meetings here and there, haha),
ah well, im gonna miss seeing the kids, haha, theyre so cute.

thenn, yoc! haha meeting the other day,
i was super high for some reason, haha i think it really was the food,
like i came into the room all grins, cuz i bumped into shi may,
and i was like smiling la when i was talking to her,
i mean you dont do long faces when u talk t someone kan kan kan, haha,
and i think the smile carried into the room,
and tk was like, why you smiling so widely? something like that, haha.
then after that, i saw the egg tart in the box, and another tart,
food for the meeting, haha, and i was like sooo happy!
hahahaha, ok im easy to please =D (esp. when it comes to food).
so haha yeah! i was very happy through the rest of the meeting,
and since i was sposed to take down mins for the meeting,
was sposed to highlight the impt stuff, but hahaha, nvm,
it was the wani-gets-very-happy mood, hard to contain laughter.
then after meeting, we got pretty hyped cuz we kinda had a plan,
like pull ppl in to backpack to india at the end of the year!
haha insyaAllah (: so if rena joins us, she pays for our food!
hahahaha good idea yeah! i love my officer, haha.

other than that, i love my new ustazah for my class,
she's super funny and amusing! but i still like the previous one also,
haha alhamdullilah :D

then other than that, my tutees are funny la haha.

and i think right now, i really should get back and do my essay.

oh! i have a joke, from zul, sorry la, it's in malay,
but it's an indonesian joke, hahaha!

banyak-banyak daun kan, daun ape paling strong??

SMACK-DAUN! (smackdown)

but sadly kan, i think only a few found it funny,
i laughed out loud, as in literally seh,
but some were like giving me that -.- face,
tak klakar ke? haha but at least my apex kids laugh ok, haha!

and talking abt lol, haha i went ramen ten with ain the other day,
haha, then i wanted to go pay the for the food la,
so i went up t this guy who had a like cashier box kinda thing,
and i cant rmb but then he was like, pay ah? there,
and he pointed to the counter next to him,
and he literally LOL at me ok, but i thought it was funny,
hahaha tu la tak pakai cermin mata lagi, hahaha,
but i think i amused him la, prolly he had a boring job,
getting customers like me are good right?
(yeah wani, hahaha)

and oh, i had 2 specs right, but i lost one recently,
then i misplaced the other one, i think it was at fmsa on a saturday,
so i went specs-less for like several days,
and ytd i went t make another specs la, so i was like telling the uncle,
aiya uncle, every year you like see me how many times like that,
haha! then i went into my i-had-2-specs-but-i-lost-1-and-misplaced-another-one story,
haha then he was like i thought you just make one recently?
then i was like haha yaa, i burning money (something like that),
and he was kinda amused, haha and i was like,
aiya uncle next time i come, give me half price ok,
hahaha and i was like telling the auntie,
they shld have loyalty or membership card so i can get discount,
haha! funny la, it was fun, and my left eye degree went down,
yayness but right eye went abit up so not that bad la alhamdullilah =)

haha ok i shld be done here and get off soon.
nahh no more joke, hahaha.

and i really miss waking up in the morn, donning the sch uniform,
and being in school, haha every part of nj i miss =(

but anw haha get off wani, get off!

take care and gnights,

26th march 2009

8:46 AM @ Saturday, March 7, 2009

peace be upon you.

hello world,

alhamdullilah, syukur kepada Allah (:
subhanallah :D

alright, it's been some time since i last blogged, haha nearly 2 weeks,
(or prolly more, haha)

alhamdullilah, thank Allah.
gp and h2 malay lit were b, well i cant say much,
b for malay lit, ah well ive accepted it,
and a for h1 maths, h2 econs and history,
(haha yeap, a for econs made up for the b in malay lit)
and merit for h3,
ah well, i guess it's still good alhamdullilah,
prolly my paper wasnt that good, but ive done my best.
alhamdullilah (:

so now, sposed to be busy applying for schps,
haha but i need some break for awhile, it's gonna be a mad rush,
but insyaAllah i can get one, i need one in fact, haha,
and yup insyaAllah ill be able to get it.

other than that,

hmm apex, fun, haha the kids are such motivation for me to come.

smu open house, ok, but we left after one talk,
prolly i was too tired.

we walked out of a restaurant today because of poor service,
rarely do i do that, patience has always been a virtue,
but this was too, well yeah, so we went to macs,
where they served us with smiles (:

yoc, good, haha alhamdullilah, managed to get to a pa system service (:
venues now, i guess i have to start calling.

tuitions, good alhamdullilah, can be better (on my part).

fmsa, gpac's starting soon, insyaAllah it'll be a success,
and i didnt go for qiyyam today (tho i was sposed t help out).
just rmb i had tuition tmr and i need t well,
get started on my essay, haha yeap.

njc convo malay, haha cute, kids are funny,
i should be more interesting.

results day, ain and i left after convo malay,
went town watched last chance harvey, very sweet and cute movie, haha.
then starbucks, Zohor, went to sch, yup.
results, alhamdullilah.

just a quick update.
and thanks to all for the congrats, haha news travel fast.
but anw, pray for all of us k, insyaAllah we can succeed (:

alhamdullilah yup, im happy with my results.

aite, so now, haha it's just a well, im gonna be a uni student soon insyaAllah.
it's kinda, unbelievable, hahaha.

ah well.

i had a dream today.
it was, thought provoking, haha.

take care!
and all the best everyone!

march 8'09

7:45 AM @ Monday, February 16, 2009

Peace be upon you.

hello world =)

alhamdullilah (:

im good, very tired, i need a break.
(yes haslina, im updating cuz i know you miss me right? hahaha.
do that 'aperjetau wani ni, hahaha.)

anw! ive been going to gelihati.blogspot.com,
hahaha super gelihati ahh!
it's like my humour nyer eh what's the word, ok nvm,
haha but yes, hahaha i laughed like aperseh at night time,
when the house is so quiet, hahaha.

oh yes, humour relief (:

anw man u won again 4-1, alhamdullilah!

ok, my days been good.
tuitions, convo malay,
transcribing (finally really alhamdullilah done with first one.)
and meetings, like well, quite a number.
and ppl around me are sick, and i cant afford to fall sick,
because i have so many things on,
so yes, insyaAllah i wont, amin (:

previous week, it was meetings and my side jobs.

then the week prior to that, me and ain watched curious case of ben button (:
kisah pelik benjamin butang, hahaha, hazi hazi.
it was really good, just abit draggy at some parts.
but overall good show, thumbs up, very touching,
but it's still a very weird thought, like,
watch old man in love with young kid, haha ok.
but yeah.

then oh previous week was normal,
i was just yeah, kinda exhausted.
still am, but i need t finish some work before i shld go sleep,
haha yeap.

saturday's class was really fun! haha, alhamdullilah, i love it (:
ehh, ya it was 14th feb, haha it passed by like any other day, haha,
i think it was like only ra-ra previously cuz it was sch time,
then everyone was super hyped up abt it and theyre around you,
but hey, haha i had a date with my doctor last year! -.-
haha yeah medical appt, hahaha yeapp, i kinda miss those sch times.
but anyhoots, i dont celebrate vday too, so haha shrugs, im not bothered.

and oh my kids were super cute la, they were like,
cikgu what's valentine's day in malay?
and i was like ehh, hari valentine?
hahaha ehh correct right? hahaha.
or is it hari kekasih? cuz i was like telling them,
valentine is st.valentine right? so it's hari valentine.
haha but they're really cute (:

and speaking of that, yeah! haha my medical appt was on last thurs,
im listed now as open case for 2 years!
so i have no like specific date to go for medical appts,
haha yeap so when 2 years are done with,
and insyaAllah i wont get any asthma attack, then case closed!
alhamdullilah yay, haha =)

sunday, after tuition, i got home.

and oh, im very happy for zul ok! cuz he got something :D
yay alhamdullilah really really really! :D
go brudder! all the way, insyaAllah yeah! alhamdullilah.

uhm, haha i dunno ah, malas la nak update sangat,
cam takde benda sangat.
i just know that i think ive overworked myself.
and im falling a little sick, so since i think i need some rest,
ah well, yeah, i still need t finish some work.
so insyaAllah ill be fine (:


gajah terbang dengan apa?
(elephant flies with what?)

haha answer's below, but think first ahh :D
oh, im gonna be so much much much lame-r, hahaha.


16th feb '09

oh no i havent forgotten abt the answer.

dengan susah payah!
(with difficulty!)

ok funny right? haha cuz when i told some people,
they just gave me that face, like -.-
hahaha and my kids were like, well, haha nvm.

wani wani, shakes head.
i have another one!

saya ada 3 kepala, 4 kaki, 5 tangan...siapakah saya?
(i have 3 heads, 4 legs, 5 hands... who am i?)

answer's below.

ans: pembohong! (liar!)


okok fine, i'll get off now and stop this, hahaha.
but super funny right right right!
haha okok :D

10:03 AM @ Saturday, February 7, 2009

peace be upon you (:

hello world,


past days been good alhamdullilah.

today, apex session in the morn.
thought i was gonna be late cuz havent reached nj bus stop by 730 ard there,
so dropped off at kap, cabbed down t irsyad.
but alhamdullilah, wasnt that late and hadnt really started.
haha cuz sposed t be there by 745am so yeah.

then after that, waited for the kids to finish,
gave them their gifts, then off to city hall.
waited for ain then waited for aloysius,
but we were like nearly half hour earlier than meeting time,
haha so ain and i walked around but didnt really know where t go.
so i said, let's just go into raffles shopping centre, it's the most obvious.
then we saw starbucks, haha and i was like, you wanna go coffee?
so we did, and got coffee for both of us, then talked.
waited for tofu, then he arrived pretty much earlier than 130.
haha kinda expected that la, he's always earlier than punctual.
ehh ya haha geddit?

so anw we went t swissotel, cuz the tea session's there.
after registering, oh yeah, we met han dong there,
then went into the ballroom, like the 4 of us.
the career talk was well, good, haha, kinda helped me decide.
but still see results how. i wanted to ask qns, but i didnt,
until the tea reception. one of their scholars came up to us,
so i just asked him the qns, hahaha yeap.
and then the food was gooood. haha alhamdullilah (:
tofu was super funny, "nvm, very singaporean la" hahaha,
something like that, haha.

then after that we made our way home, and we both agree tofu's taller,
hahaha way home was hilarious haha :D


got home, super dooper tired, i konked out until midnight,
got up to do work, prep for later's tuition.
oh now i just realised it's 211am, hahahaha.

uhm, i think ill cont. the rest of the week's updates next time.
kinda feeling lazy now, hahaha.

gnights and take care,
