1:28 AM @
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
peace be upon you (:
hello world!!!
Alhamdullilah (:
yay haha i miss being in Thailand,
esp. the village where we did homestay.
i didnt wanna come home :D
haha awesomeness i love Thailand (:
alright ppl, it's an overdue post,
but i dont think that im gonna go day by day on Thailand,
there're too many things and it's hard t express in words.
and pictures, there are too many too, hahaha,
i wont do justice if i only select a few and post it up.
so yes, haha i love all my asean youth mates,
and i miss ya all!
so now back in singapore,
reality hits, back t work wani, hahahaha.
but hey, haha im starting at nj this friday,
so haslina, if u miss me, can come meet me,
HAHAHAHA (apejertau wani ni-Haslina's expression, hahaha)
ok take care ya all,
missing lotsa things/ppl,
and happy new year!
27th jan'09
8:32 AM @
Monday, January 12, 2009
peace be upon you (:
hello world,
ok, i need a break.
i just cant bring myself t finish up another proposal.
yes, including this, it'd be 3 proposals in a span of 2 days.
and yes, physically, mentally, im tired and drained.
but of course, im gonna try not t complain since i enjoy the work.
haha yeah, once im thru the proposals, ill be glad insyaAllah.
packing nearly done, gonna do the rest of the stuff insyaAllah tmr.
today was well, good alhamdullilah.
morning, set off early for meeting with tk for homestay prog, yoc stuff.
met at west mall, then since i had some time t kill,
went t bb library and read thru some books, did up the maths tuition stuff.
then ard 1plus, off t meet safa t get the stuff at nj bus stop.
then, off t town, i really really had t eat, i was starving,
and yeah, stomach felt super empty so since i didnt wanna barf up or anything,
went t makan alone at kfc haha it wasnt so bad.
im really, really getting used to doing things alone, enjoying it and yeah,
discarding all those 'what would ppl think' mentality.
haha yeah, i realised that i dont really care anymore, haha.
then went ard t look for souvenirs for Thailand.
found some at lucky plaza, then off again for tuition.
tuition, alhamdullilah, didnt go so bad.
went home with ibu.
other than that, yup, reached home, settled some stuff,
am on another proposal since im hoping t submit before i fly off,
so by the time im back, can have a meeting with the other party.
Allah gives me strength, amin.
nod, well, sometimes i think if im taking too many things at a time.
then i realised i enjoy being kept occupied, esp. doing things that i like.
then i think, it's all worth it then, alhamdullilah.
ok, i guess i'll take another 15mins break.
before i cont. with the stuff.
insyaAllah i can finish it up before i go t sleep.
and wake up tmr, knowing that i still have t settle other stuff.
i was watching it with my abang yesterday,
cz i only watched from 2nd half onwards.
and we were both slapping well, high fives and going yes!
when man u scored the next 2 goals, awesommmmeeee!
i really so love ROOONEEYYY :D
tho' yes, i wish hargreaves will come back soon, haha.
hmm, ok, other than that, im really glad alhamdullilah.
thank You Allah (:
take care and gnights all,
and oh, have a good start to your sch/day!
13th jan'09
4:40 AM @
Sunday, January 11, 2009
"don't give up on me kate.
what abt persuasion?
you told me they wait, they meet again,
they have another chance.
life is not a book alex, and it can be over in a second.
i was having lunch with my mother at daily plaza.
and a man was killed right in front of me.
he died in my arms.
and i thought it cant end just like that on valentine's day.
and i thought abt all the ppl who love him,
waiting at home who will never see him again
and then i thought what if there is no one.
what if u live your whole life and no one is waiting.
so i drove to the lakehouse looking for any kind of answer
and i found you.
and i let myself get lost, lost in this beautiful fantasy where time stood still.
but it's not real alex, i have to learn to live the life that i've got.
pls dont write anymore, dont try to find me
let me let you go."-the lakehouse.ahh i so love the movie,
it's so very, moving.
haha okok i need t go and continue packing, hahaha.
wani, 859pm!
5:16 AM @
Saturday, January 10, 2009
peace be upon you (:
hello world!
alhamdullilah for today, i feel really satisfied with how it went today,
yes abit tired, but well, ive been busy recently,
so yeah.
haha wani wani, shakes head.
and yeah, im down, going down with another flu,
hahaha and to think i just recovered well, a day ago? haha goodness,
but well, insyaAllah i'll be fine before im off t Thailand!
ive just done up my packing list, think ill pack tmr, yeapp.
and pray that ill go and come back safe and sound ok! thanks (:
okok updates!
friday, oh it was a long and well, long day, well not exactly but well, long.
hahaha uhhuh.
uhm let's see, oh yeah we had pre-departure briefing at nyc,
so chaos, me, the nyc staff, liza, kartini and priscilla,
haha yeah the officer who's coming over with us to thailand.
so the briefing was well, haha fun and liza was funny,
started ard 1030++ and ended ard 12++,
then needed t discuss bout some other stuff,
like yeah cultural performance, haha with only chaos and i, it's pretty limited,
but yeah i refuse to sing and embarass myself in front of other ppl, haha.
so anw, all in all, left nearly one, went off with chaos,
but since i was taking straight bus home, bade goodbye at toa payoh, haha.
home home, printed stuff, did some admin stuff,
tried t get a nap for awhile but well, it was well, tak menjadi ah, haha,
then off again i went ard 320 there t boon lay,
got tb from fauzy, thanks thanks! then, haha needed t find a suit for Thailand trip,
soo i did go ard jp, haha looked here looked there,
and alhamdullilah, the shopping was over soon, haha goodness,
i think i got the pants and jacket at a good bargain, alhamdullilah (:
then after that, off t eunos, alhamdullilah i reached fmsa before kak siryana left,
so managed t get the receipt stuff from her before she left,
then kak lieja came along, haha she was early too,
so while i did the receipt stuff, she did her stuff, and we talked.
and kirim-ed fazliah makan! hahaha, i was really hungry laa, gatal, tak makan lagi,
haha anw farah came with sharifah later on,
thenn while waiting for food (we were kinda done with work),
we tried to distract ourselves by looking thru names for a baby boy,
hahaha goodness, it was funny la but well, i was really starving.
so alhamdullilah, when faz came, alhamdullilah, we started makan,
and yeah, i got another bad bad tummyache again, yeah,
those gastric pain, ah well, it lasted very long.
brother Hairuddin came later on, meeting started, oh! he ordered pizzas for us (:
alhamdullilah, cool! haha thenn, meeting, and i got myself into another thing.
haha yeah, wani likes to keep herself busy, but well,
yeah now im a chair for another programme, i think i need t settle things,
before i fly off, well, hmm alot of things on to do list, haha,
but i enjoy work, heh, workaholicccc! hahaha ok la, at times, haha.
then off home ard 940++, pain pain, thought i could barf up,
then yeah, i realised i really shldnt skip meals anymore,
but alhamdullilah, i managed t get home, put a brave face in front of my parents,
like nothing was really wrong, haha, and alhamdullilah,
finally got myself t rest later on, and the pain went away :D
slept at one plus, another long day on saturday (:
saturday, today!
yeap, alhamdullilah, today was great!
oh haha, i was so berkobarkobar ahh, nak sampai Irsyad kul 8 gitu,
abih nak buat kerje dulu hahaha then in the end kan,
i was like bersyukur i even managed t not be late, alhamdullilah (:
yeah, wani wani, ok la didnt wake up t my first alarm.
i had trouble sleeping tho during the wee hours of the morn,
my kneecap was giving problems, ah well, so i had t switch off the fan,
i think it was the chill, haha yeah, but anw, i wasnt late alhamdullilah :D
anw, mentoring session today was great alhamdullilah,
it was fun, good, im satisfied with how it went today,
my mentees are adorable, haha yeap, then i was pretty well,
kinda stoned when the session ended, from the fatigue probably,
after everything, left Irsyad, took bus down to eunos.
realised i didnt wanna eat, haha yeah, so much for not wanting t skip meals.
so yeah, i ended up seating in the mrt station and read a book,
waited for ain to come while spaceship talks came abt(looks at ain, chuckles),
hahaha, so when she came, alhamdullilah, we walked t the centre, talked ALOT,
haha first lesson! well, it started abt 3plus,
alhamdullilah, it was pretty good, i learnt some new stuff (:
haha yeap, cleared doubts about the concept of takdir,
yeah it's been in my head for quite some time,
so it was good la, alhamdullilah (:
so important things are, we have to number 1, usaha, then tawakkal,
then of course, doa, and insyaAllah things will turn out fine (:
yeap, then home home, haha talked alot again,
haha well, she understands me, alhamdullilah,
and of course im glad, alhamdullilah, cz she told me somethng,
and insyaAllah sistah, we'll all be better ppl, amin (:
alhamdullilah, thank You Allah for everything.
hmm, other than that, got home, super drained,
finally makan my first proper meal of the day, alhamdullilah,
i think i really shld eat a balanced diet, as in seriously,
haha like normal meals, but sometimes, well, im just too lazy to eat, haha,
and well, when the busy-ness (such word? haha) kicks in,
it well, gets harder, haha but i dont wanna get another horrible tummy upset.
ive been walking alot recently, haha, random.
other than that, hmm the palestine-israel's conflict's still going on,
there was an interesting analysis about the un's passing of the resolution ytd.
and oh, interesting thing was that the us abstained, that's like well,
a paradigm shift from what they usually do, let's hope it signifies something more,
and will lead to a change soon, but of course, the new generation of palestinians who experienced the trauma of this recent israeli attack, may grow up to be the next suicide bombers, terrorists etc. resentment breeds hatred, which breeds radicalism.
but i hope that insyaAllah, things will be better soon,
some call it foolish to have such optimism, but i guess, well,
the world cant live in total negativity, can it?
and i hope that ppl will just stop, for now,
propagating anger, hatred and resentment towards the israelis.
i mean of course, this attack is uncalled for,
civilian lives are compromised, children suffer;
they are the ones dying for other parties' gains.
but i think it's better if right now, the world stop being so angry with israel,
but instead, focus and come up with something constructive to help the palestinians who are suffering from the aftermaths of all the attack.
i mean, it's not like im not frustrated with all these, i am,
i deplore these attacks on the palestinian civilians.
but i find that it's pointless if we just get angry, insult their actions,
and then do nothing.
i think the least we can do is to pray for them,
that insyaAllah things will be better.
and speaking of that, Pergas is holding a solat sunat hajjat tmr at masjid sultan if im not wrong, for the palestinians, after Zohor prayers. yup, spread the word (:
yup, that's from me for now,
take care everyone, and gnights!
Whatever It Takes - Lifehouse
1:54 AM @
Thursday, January 8, 2009
peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah :D
i feel much better now.
slept most of the day, woke up to have breakfast, com,
then slept again, and i think my flu is much better, alhamdullilah (:
hmm tmr's gonna be a long day though,
insyaAllah it'll be good and God helps me through the day tmr (:
mon, tues, wed had tuition, and alhamdullilah, it generally went pretty well,
(though i think i really need to start revising my sciences haha)
wed, met ain in the morn ard 1130am at paya lebar,
well sposed t meet earlier but i was really tired so i told her later,
terima kasih ye kawan, haha, so yup walked t the centre,
it was funny and hilarious la, it's usually like that when alien ungu's there,
hahaha, goodness, then we did our registrations sumer,
i was gonna go fmsa, she walked with me there before heading t eunos mrt,
found out kak siryana was on leave when i reached there,
so left fmsa and i quickly called ain cuz or else i didnt know what t do,
anw met at eunos and she agreed t go makan with me,
so we went ljs kat tiong bahru, makan, laughed, talked, abt alot of things,
haha goodness, then she went off t her library and i took mrt down t tuition place,
well, i reached pretty early, an hour earlier actually,
so well, haha i took a walk in heartland mall, browsed through things,
ah well, it was those desperate attempts at killing time,
one knows wani doesnt like to go into shopping malls without any plans,
haha it's a waste of time ahh, right? im not into window shopping.
anw, after that, i thought, ok, let's just walk down t the place,
so well, i took a slow walk t my tuition place,
then it was still early so i went t the park beside it,
walked ard the park, was tempted t sit on the swing,
but there were a few men ard, hahaha yeah, so i changed my mind,
cuz the playgrd was like in the centre of attraction, haha,
so i went t sit somewhere under the tree, took out my book,
and started reading for awhile before i left for tuition.
i realised that i've been so used to doing things alone,
that i actually enjoy them, haha except for the companies of few of my friends,
i need my quiet time, i mean everyone does, but yeah,
ah well, nvm, it's hard to express.
haha so anw, tuition, went alhamdullilah, home home.
i was tired and drained, flu started, but alhamdullilah it didnt got that bad.
i was well, running out of tissue, haha.
tuesday, hmm i rmb i had something on, yeah,
haha went t my nenek's house, dad's side, before i went t work,
and i realised i shld have left home earlier cuz i well,
couldnt spend that much time with her, yeap,
but alhamdullilah nenek's ok though well, penyakit org2 tua,
but insyaAllah she'll be fine (:
then she gave me 10bucks for cabfare tho i was telling her takyah,
haha then well, i couldnt refuse anymore since she was insisting on it,
well, i feel bad haha but yeah, so in the end, since she gave me the money for cab,
i just cabbed down t tiong bahru and took train down t work.
tuition went really alhamdullilah, did maths with the girls,
mostly algebra and i was really really glad, cuz i managed t perk up their interest,
alhamdullilah (:
then went home, my abang's friends were over, so yup.
hmm, that's from me, yup,
alhamdullilah (:
take care!
7:20 AM @
Monday, January 5, 2009
peace be upon you (:
hello world!
alhamdullilah :D
ok, zul's going ns tmr!
i think fath's going in tmr also, haha cool :D
anw guys, have fun in ns ok! (hmmm hahaha)
and zul, all the best ok! dont worry much,
insyaAllah it'll be good :D
and yeahh, mann im gonna miss having zul t talk t on msn,
hahaha, searching for the different scholarships online tgt,
talking abt future plans and aspirations, (and guys, hahaha),
ah well, he's like my brother, i tell him mostly everything,
(yeahh, to the point that he knows what im gonna say, haha!)
soo yeah, no more random msn also, haha, i mean,
he's like really just the very rare few that i often msn,
(ahh, wani, you sound so pathetic) haha but no la,
haha ok, i think syaf's gonna have a harder time.
ah well, bradder, have fun there!
haha ok, updates!
monday, 5th jan,
after subuh, went back t sleep, woke up ard 9plus t head off t nj,
waited for syaf at main gate bus stop, then walked in,
haha i miss nj much much =/
had briefing for convo malay with ms chong, it went well, alhamdullilah :D
then after that, yes after much thinking (cuz of the super ex adult fare),
i finally decided t head off t the west area t get the textbooks from safa,
then i went je library t borrow some books so that i can start provoking my brains,
hahaha serious, i think it's been stagnant for quite some time.
then met fazliah at je station t get the fmsa thing t do,
then off t kovan area, it was well yup, alhamdullilah tak lambat,
i mean, first day of work late? nono, not good, but yup,
i reached earlier alhamdullilah, yup!
tuition started, not bad, managed t get thru with my bad throat,
haha yeah, i really hope insyaAllah, the throat will be better by this week,
finished abt 7pm there, off for home with ibu, i was HUNGRY,
i mean yeah, i hadnt eaten since morning at all, except for well,
fishermen's friend, haha so ate prima deli stuff, then oldchangkee nuggets,
then home makan some more, haha yeah, one meal per day again wani, hmm.
i think i shld get a balance meal everyday, haha but well,
i was well, yaaa, hahaha, got home ard 8plus there.
home, after dinner etc, i ko-ed. haha.
napped until 9plus, ten, tired ahh, haha yupp.
and i paid so much for travelling today,
ive been thinking twice abt travelling since 1st jan, haha.
oh wells, when you were a student, it was so much easier, haha.
sunday, 4th jan,
was a good, quiet sunday, i like (:
alhamdullilah, was pretty worn out from the previous day, yup!
ctd grisham's playing for pizza :D
while i was on the com ard midnight, 12++,
found out man u was playing, haha so deserted com,
went t watch man u ard 1 plus, haha cool game, 3-0 :D
but well, it was against 10men southampton,
and nani was well, cool! haha and berbatov was awesome,
and rooney, haha ROOONEEYYY! awesomeness!
i LOVE rooney, haha but i wish hargreaves will come back from injury soon =/
so yup, after match, turned off com, night night (:
saturday, 3rd jan!
apex, first day! fun la, not bad, alhamdullilah :D
went with riduwan there since we're non nus students, haha!
met gadisti on the way, met khairi there haha, fun!
briefing, etc, broken up into grps, grp stuff! then makan,
i broke the ice with my mentees during break by telling them jokes,
hahahaha, and my partner mentors are maryam ntu (ehh i think that's her name la),
and azhar, so yup! have ard 4 kids under us, but 2 boys under azhar,
anw they're sooo cute, haha so small, so adorable, haha okok, wani.
then debrief before dismissed, went home, rested awhile,
off again for dinner after asar.
met ain first and i managed t finish john grisham's playing for pizza,
haha good book, very, heartwarming :D
mldds dinner was fun fun fun!
i had alot of fun :D
we met at alfalah after maghrib,
it was like, what, near full attendance, haha so fun!
if only khidhir, nabil, shima and samirah had come,
and yeah, andre and hafidh are in indon already, ahha yup.
ok la, at first it was quite tension, cuz we were gonna go seoul garden,
then when we were gonna make the payments, realised it was overbudget,
so since most didnt agree, we cancelled, haha anw, i was like pointing out,
no refund after payment, so it was good, haha alhamdullilah,
klo tak kopak sehh duit, it was like what, abt 30bucks each?
i was like doing my maths la, sposed t be 21.99++ and freeflow drinks 2.99++,
so, sposed t be less than 25 kann, but it turned out t be 320bucks for 11ppl,
soo yeah, we backed down, haha nvm la, so we walked t far east nak makan sakura,
tapi penuh, then we just hanged ard wondering what's the next plan,
i was hungry ahh by then, i havent really eaten the whole day,
was kinda saving my tummy for dinner, haha yeapp.
so anw, after that, me and faris went ard while they still waited at sakura,
so that we can find some food places, so in the end,
kiter just went down t turkish delight, sebab banyak dah full,
so we just put the tables tgt, asked the manager,
thenn we waited for the rest t come down, haha yup!
rest came down, started makan, haha fun, nice!
oh ain couldnt finish up her chicken well, they call it pancake,
so i ate it for her, hahaha so by the time, i was full and satisfied :D
and i think syamil? ordered the turkish yoghurt drink,
so it went ard and i tasted it, haha it was well, sour, but it tasted,
yoghurt-ish, hahaha, it was funny and fun :D
thenn we left ard late 9plus, said goodbyes,
me, ain, zai, fath, syamil headed for the mrt,
shab took cab home, syaf and zul took bus tgt, faris and azrin went off tgt,
thenn haha yup, me ain and that pakcik went take same train,
it was nice, been so long since i talked t zai face t face,
anw zai, glad everything's good now :D
thenn home home, penat sehh haha but slept only ard 2plus, haha,
yeappp, it was good, alhamdullilah, im gonna miss being in sch,
eating with ain, syaf and the mats at the malay table, haha.
but we'll see each other soon enuff in mid feb? haha yup,
and insyaAllah we'll get our as ok! amin :D
friday, 2nd jan!
had lunch with fas :D
it was great, haha miss that womann so much, talked, updated alot,
we went ramen ten for lunch, ate something that resembled chicken cutlet noodle,
just that it was tomyam-ish, and ate sushi! hahaha i felt so happy after that :D
dah kempunan since brape bulan yang lepas, haha yup, alhamdullilah :D
then talked somemore at ramen ten, abt alot of stuff,
then when going off, bought another packet of sushi, hahaha,
ate on the way t masjid temenggung, haha then came up with backpacking idea,
after we graduate from uni, haha :D
then, after asar, drew up plans for backpacking! haha,
i was suggesting cambodia, laos etc, and she was like,
europe! haha ah well, conflict conflict, haha kidding :D
but yes! we'll end in rome ok! hahaha yuppp,insyaAllah :D
home home, tired? yeahh ahhaa.
take care :D
6th jan'09
10:13 PM @
Saturday, January 3, 2009
hello world,
mldds gathering dinner 3rd jan'08,
anatolia, far east plaza,
ehh sorry haha photos first, details later :D
but enjoyed the night much much :D
and guys, have a great time in ns (hmm? haha)

8:31 AM @
Thursday, January 1, 2009
peace be upon you (:
hello world,
it's a new year (:
ok im better now, haha aii well, somethings happen,
really dragged my mood down, but it's all settled, alhamdullilah.
ok, so anw, where was i? ehh.
monday right? yeah, apex prog was good.
ya, haha wait talked bout that, then tuesday,
hmm ade ape yer.
stay at home, was it? hahaha cant rmb,
wait, yaa meeting!
haha ok, anw the meeting was good, alhamdullilah,
ehh i think i mentioned it already haha, ya ok.
and chaoqin drove me home, thanks alot, haha,
ehh wait, that's mentioned too, hahaha,
so reached home ard 11plus, thenn, oh,
was really tired, but solat etc, then off t sleep ard 12+.
31st dec, wed.
ahh, woke up, subuh, napped back, off t town.
i wanted t get my frames first la so haha but anw,
the frames i got was well, bigger than the previous specs,
so it was a waste of money, cant change the lenses now,
thank God it was less than 13bucks, well, im looking at the bright side,
nahh im just living in denial to comfort myself, haha.
so anw, town, got the tix, couldnt use student pass since it was new year's eve.
thenn ya walked t get the frames, then off t royal scotts for zohor,
thenn after that walked t lucky plaza for lunch,
met fauzy there and we went t lucky prata,
haha lucky prata in lucky plaza, okok i was amused by that actually, hah,
so if you have an equation, it'll be like, ehh,
(lucky)[(prata)+(plaza)] =lucky prata+lucky plaza, hahaha, goodness.
wani wani, shakes head, well, .... haha.
so anw, lunch there, it was good alhamdullilah, first time there,
the icecream prata really looked good actually, haha yeap.
i ended up with nasi goreng ikan bilis which was well, alot of vege,
so i kinda waste food, =/
haha ok, then after lunch, walked t lido, talked, lido,
movie, australia! haha it was good really, long but good,
i felt there were parts it was a bit draggy,
but really, that was biased, haha cuz i was really tired from sitting,
hahaha, but yeah, the movie made the sitting worth it,
ard 2.5 hours or more la the movie, but good, yup.
thennn after that, we went royal scotts for asar,
talked, mrt ride, home home, haha yup, good day.
i learnt some new jokes, hehe, im gonna try it on ain,
hahahaha :D
aite, so well, thursday, technically yestrday,
woke up for subuh, slept, napped, woke up, etc, zohor,
slept through the afternoon, it was nice, raining see,
haha, then woke up, asar, etc, tv awhile, maghrib, com, makan, isyak, etc,
com, bujang senang, hahaha goodness, yay :D
haha yeah, and im going out with fas tmr!
i mean, technically, tday later, haha lunch with her,
maybe with arfah too, goodness miss them all, haha yeap.
eating jap food, haha sushi here i come!
mann, my pocket koyak sehh gini, haha,
in addition to the now-adult-fare that im gonna pay =/
let's start work soon, haha, next week!
haha ok!
and im not going t sch yet this year, haha wow,
feels, nostalgic, hmm =/
take care and gnights,
and happy new year everyone :D
2nd jan'08