3:16 AM @
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah (:
alright, firstly, it's been well, running ard for the day,
haha aite, but Alhamdullilah, im still up and here,
alright, had meeting in the morn at toa payoh,
which i was late for fuz i overslept my timing,
thought i'd give myself another 10mins or so, but oh wells,
haha you can guess.
kinda rushed there, but yup, aite aite,
hadnt started, so talked t Haslina over the phone,
to help them out with their debate stuff, nodnod,
thenn we had uhh singing session, haha nahh, choir stuff, i'm an alto,
i dont think it's even accurate, haha im a musician, i cant sing,
i play instruments, hahaha, aite aite, thenn left halfway cuz angklung!
gee been so long since i've went for prac, but anw,
elections today, haha yup, hope the best ppl get into the exco, nodnod.
reached there late but yup, i missed the surprise they've been talking abt,
haha oh hmmm but anw, i think it was a pic, right?
haha thenn after that, left after i voted for the nominees,
was gonna go back for my meeting, reached the bus stop,
msged, turned out they were ending, soo i made a decision,
alright, im gonna go down for my jrs' bahas, and i made my way there,
it was pretty, well, haha i was afraid i was gonna miss parts,
but Alhamdullilah really, managed t talk t them before,
encouraged, clarified, prep them up for the bahas which was the 2nd one,
the first one was btwn mj and madrasah Wak Tanjong,
i sincerely believe, and it is my personal opinion, that they shldnt have changed the reg,
cuz even though it's sposed t be more mencabar,
but it doesnt really produce a quality bahas see, and that's what ppl wanna see,
ppl wanna see and listen to pembahas yang lancar and ada gaya,
and i think what's impt is also the hujahan-hujahan yang diberikan,
some hours to discuss and prep for your case is not enough,
but oh wells, that's my honest opinion.
anw yup, familiar faces, Alhamdullilah (:
anww my dearest juniors, dont worry it's okay really,
it was most of your first time, you really had not much time to prep,
it was pretty much you can say a last minute thing, but hey,
haha it's the experience okay? andd, yup, dont compare us with your present team,
cuz although we got top 2 last year, we had much much more time t prep aite,
and considering the situation you all were in, it's okay,
good job and no worries, next time can try again (:
although i wish i could have just make celahan during the bahas itself,
haha alright alright, the mauduk was:
artis Melayu tidak boleh cari makan di Sg,
okay firstly, you can cuz cari makan just basically means mencari pendapatan,
utk menyara kehidupan, so it doesnt have to be lumayan,
and the mauduk specifically pointed out, artis Melayu dan bukan artis-artis Melayu,
so kita tak boleh katakan artis Melayu secara menyeluruh,
alright, we had our weaknesses, we'll do a review of that aite,
but anw, i still think the mauduk's quite sempit la, hmm,
okay, i hope i dont sound bitter but seriously, it's pretty subjective la,
you just have to present the facts and that's it, your case is won,
hmm, and nono jrs, haha it's okay, the case side with us but it's okay,
i can understand your situation, relax relax, Insya-Allah the future will be better (:
after that, goodness, i took the shuttle bus twice cuz i didnt drop off at the right stop,
the first time, hahaha, selengerr kann, but oh wells,
look on the bright side, i had a tour of NUS, hahaha, but i hope i dont see it often in the future,
cuz i wanna get to the campus at Bukit Timah there, nodnod, Insya-Allah (:
thenn i was well, it put me pretty much in a lousy mood cz it's been,
well pretty non-stop since morning, then i realised i havent eaten anything since morn,
haha well, maybe that explains it, but then,
reached home bus stop, i just had t spend the remaining pocket money,
on chips and i just had to buy kit kat, it well, haha Alhamdullilah,
it puts me in a better mood after munching it off, it always, usually does (:
anww, let's talk about yesterday!
haha i love yesterday, it was fun, except for the part where we had t wait for Zul,
but okok i wont blame you, you had your camp, nodnod.
morning! uhh, i was gonna do gp before i go out,
but i stayed in bed longer, haha so just did essay outline,
realised nahh, no more, so i uhh, decided t just go gosok my baju,
thenn lipat kain, thenn i was very hungry, so nuggets! Alhamdullilah :D
anww yup, left home ard 12plus, so yup, reached early,
haha then i told Ain, let me know when you're reaching, cuz i wanted t sit down,
so sat at the platform area there, haha okok i was lazy, sorry,
haha thenn went off when she reaching, Lido! popcorns and drink,
thenn haha oh the theatre wasnt so bad, i thought it was that small theatre,
but yaa anww! NARNIA :D
i really love the show, hahaha the characters were so cute, esp. the rat, the bear,
okok i havent gone into that particular character yet, haha but anwww,
ohh there was this scene where the troops were there,
but act not sposed t be used cuz he already won the fight,
thenn i kinda thought, the troops are there for a reason,
hahaha so anww, well, war! andd oh, it was merepek anticlimax la,
but didnt mean it was not good, it was just, anticlimax laa,
hahaha but anww, yeap, after the movie, we started arguing :D
hahahaha klakar laa, i told Ain, you can have prince Caspian, Peter's mine,
but nono, thenn we started arguing and making cases why each shld get Peter,
soo i rationalised, that you know, i'm older than you,
hence you'll have more time to look for your guy, therefore i shld get Peter,
hahahaha oh my goodness, so merepek i know, but it's been sucha long time,
since i've done this for a guy in a movie, haha, thenn i told her that,
then she agreed, and noted that, ya in reality also cant get him,
so, i told her that ya Ain, just let him go, Peter's mine (:
Ain was so into getting me t let go of Peter, but hahaha nono.
haha so anw, okay fine, immature, but still, i still like Peter (:
thenn i told her i was going off for the camp, meaning she wont see me for a week plus,
hahaha i know i know, mesti rindu kan kan kan,
haha but anw, so i tried to point out who can accompany her for lessons,
and did try t matchmake her with hmmmmm, hahaha,
but yeah, i decided, okay Ain, you can have anyone, except Peter, haha,
thenn kfc-ed, andd oh haha, we were like talking there,
and pointed out the girl, Suzy, had very nice eyes, (and so does Peter),
and she rmb! haha that for me, it's always abt the eyes or the classic Malay look,
haha yeah, and oh Haslina was like, some time ago, asking the definition of,
'classic Malay look', cuz we were talking abt it somehow,
andd Ain was like, ask Wani, hahaha, alright, it's just the, ah well, nehmine,
you just know la, haha aite aite, alright, haha it was funny,
and klakar and fun, haha aite aite.
then turned out Zul was gonna be late, soo me and Ain dropped off at Dhoby Ghaut,
went ps, and walked ard, haha your citizens Ain, we found lotsa penguins (:
and Tigger! haha alright, and i got Ain t drag me out of a shop,
no la, that was an exaggeration, but anw, they were having a sale,
i can tell you, it was really worth the money, but i restrained, Alhamdullilah (:
thenn went t that shop, haha been a long while since i've been t the shop,
so yup, haha tigger! andd the things are still cute,
andd i couldnt find a music box though, ive always wanted one for years, haha,
i dunno, it always gives a sense of nostalgia, dont you think? haha hmmm.
thenn went off heading for ucc! we werent that late really,
met Haslina there, oh i was like kinda wearing white, Ain went black,
thenn i had an urge t call Haslina t ask her t wear grey,
haha and it turned out she really did, ahh nono i didnt call her t do so,
haha school uniform laaa (:
waited for Zul, we were still arguing about Peter,
haha, thenn Zul came, met some ppl, got into the concert hall,
the seats were good, thanks Syaf! haha ohh anww!
the concert was awesome, esp Malay dance, haha ok no biasness la,
but in terms of the abstract art, Malay dance was POWER!
esp. that dance before intermission,
honestly, that was one of the best dances that i've ever seen in my whole life,
it was so abstract and thought provoking that it makes you think,
the meaning behind the dance and the msg they wanna give,
and of course, the dancers were awesome, haha go Syaf!
honestly awesome, andd haha yay Syamil, i saw Kai Lun and Dinah!
andd oh western dance was really good too, tapi uhh tak minat sangat la,
but anw, they were very floweyyy, such word? haha but ya!
Timothy and his partner were awesome, super nice t watch :D
thenn yup, reached home, etc, checked email, realised camp's extended t 8july,
meaning i have more lessons/lectures gonna be missed,
put me in a momentary state of panic, soo haha it was good,
cuz i did up my gp essay and got off ard 1plus am,
realised i shld get some sleep, haha yeap, slept ard 2+am there, nodnod.
soo yup, sampai sini sajerlahh, dah nak Maghrib (:
take care and happy hols!
31st May 2008
12:54 AM @
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah (:
meeting later, nodnod.
uhh tday's been well, so far, Alhamdullilah, but im kinda tired, haha,
see, todayy, haha i had lecture starting at 9am,
buuut well, i ahh, got thru my alarm at 6plus,
andd hmm, haha Ain called me at ard 850+am t ask where i was,
hmm, home.
haha, i panicked la, i just woke up to her call,
rush rush, got out ard 915++am,
anddd well, i had t cab t school, goodness, 12bucks plus burnt,
haha but well, ahh wani wani,
Alhamdullilah, reached school ard 940am there.
lecture, more to going thru ecosoc sbq for ih,
thenn sea was well, hmm, haha from 1030++ all the way to 12++pm,
there were breaks in btwn i spose, but yup, haha aite,
i was gonna switch off, i was really starting to feel the drain,
soo while ms Oon was waiting for the ans to her qn, i just filled in the box cuz yeap,
thenn she called my name, buuut it was okay,
ahh the qn was abt the rationale behind the names for Indonesian,
why, well something like that, andd:
uh, cuz it gives them a unique identity of being Indonesian,
haha passed, andd for the revision lect, resorted t closing eyes, but nahh didnt sleep,
it's history laa, haha, aite.
called up cjc's teacher ic for the compt, ahh yeap,
for nj team for wau design compt, yeap, my fault la,
forgot abt the compt, so yup, thank you for still letting us in, nodnod,
anw ms Oon thank you, she borrowed some books for me,
andd she's gonna bring me t NUS t learn how t return and borrow books,
haha oh wells, i have 4 books t go thru, and well, i still gotta go nat'l library,
yeappp, nodnod, andd Mackie's Konfrontasi, yeap, gotta go thru that in library,
i spose they dont loan out, the book's very comprehensive, haha yeap,.
thenn after that, waited for sidegate t open, so Malay room with Ain,
talked talked, andd oh got the tix from Syaf (:
home home, rested awhile, started on tut'l outlines,
ahh well, my brain's drained, soo yeap, gosok baju soon la,
gotta go for meeting laterrr, aite,
think i'll pay a visit to j.e. library t return book, and i wanna borrow some books.
and i wanna go get a1's alist, hahaha (:
aite, short entry, take care!
8:36 AM @
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah (:
haha alright, i'm very happy Alhamdullilah,
cuz i've finally managed to finish up my karangan, aite aite,
soo yup, hwk list, still have uhh wait, 8 more kinds of hwk waiting t be done,
including cheong-ing teens of articles for gp, ahha oh wells,
Insya-Allah i can finish it all up by this week, so that i can start my revision,
the next 3 weeks, yupyup, Insya-Allah (:
andddd, hahaha old school buuut i've been listening much to old songs,
as in haha a1 andd westlife!
andd i realised westlife had a new album last year and i didnt knoww,
ahh so basically, spells out, i wanna buy, okok but i love their music la,
very easy going andd good t do maths with, haha im serious,
andd i wanna get a1's old album, listening to the songs,
kinda reminiscence of those past years, haha macam dah tua gitu,
but then, yeah, haha okayy it was primary school time,
but well, i still love their songs, haha, it's soothing la,
and i was like wondering which of the a1 bandmate i like,
haha i think it was Ben Adams, but anw, nehmine, i like Mark now, hahaha,
alright alright, Wani, that's primary school, hahaha.
Alhamdullilah (:
aite aite, tday was well, pretty tiring, in a way or so,
hmm smalam/tadi pagi gatal, i slept ard 3plus am,
did some work, played game, then read Harry Potter until i realised i was sleepy,
soo yup, today, i get t wake up late, got out of bed late late,
my ibu did wake me up t tell me t clean the house and cook the rice before i go school,
and yup some other stuff, and i got a call from my dad,
that he's still in hospital cuz my gran was admitted there this morning,
but she's home already yup, Alhamdullilah, i hope Insya-Allah she's better soon,
yup, my dad just left some pesanan, yup.
so when i got out of bed, had t start on the works soon before i can go school,
soo yup, swept the front, my abang asked me t go masak the hotdogs, thenn,
i realised when i was taking the dustpan there were 2 cockroaches in the kitchen,
okay la they were kinda dead, but anww, i was like telling my adik,
i pay you two bucks, please get rid of them, as in throw them away,
buut well, the carrots didnt work out for him, haha,
thenn i think realising upon that i wasnt gonna start preparing them food soon,
until the cockroaches were gone, my abang was like,
okay pay me 2 dollars, i'll clear them up, well something along that line,
and i quickly agreed, haha soo yup, then he was so klakar,
he was like, the cockroaches were squishy andd all, haha aite,
thenn anw, microwaved the sausages, thenn i was hungry,
wanted t eat before i go school, and i was thinking,
kan bagus kalau Iqbal ade kat rumah, dia yang selalu masak-memasak ni,
cuzz pikirkan, i cook maggi also diluted, soo hahaha, but thenn,
i was like asking my brothers, you all want Indo mee?
andd my adik was like, tau masak ke? andd i was like,
ala rebus je kan, and he was like, tau gaul tak?
thenn i was like, takkan teruk sangat kann, hahaha,
and my abang was telling him that takyah la jangan,
nanti sakit perut macam maner, hahaha but anww, i did masak la,
thenn cut story short, i was like gosokking uniform while waiting for it,
so when i served the mee, it was like, it looks good you know, not bad,
so cut story shorter, when i finally settled down t eat after cleaning/cooking rice,
my adik was like, why's the mee like sticky?
then i was like, makan je la, haha so i started t eat, hmmmm,
hahahaha it was like sticky la, i realised i rendam it too long,
and i started apologising t my adik, then he was like what for,
for the mee, thenn he was like dah ah jangan nangis ah, haha,
soo yeap, i didnt finish it up, but he did! hahahaha (:
soo lipat kain after that, prep for school, coffee, reached school,
met in Malay room t pay money for aristal tix, andd Ain! i checked timing already,
haha okok i cant wait, soo anww, yes we were talking abt Alexandria,
but anw, i still am satisfied with the ending, haha cuz the new guy's still good,
and he's more responsible, calmer andd he's more mature (:
and he's got shorter hair! hahaha, and he's got sad eyes, so yup!
but anwww, that's not really the point, went off for history lecture,
started ard 3+pm, gee the lecture was ard uhh 2 hours plus? yup, breaks in btwn,
then the revision lecture started, i counted the slides before she started, hahaha,
and i didnt wanna take down notes cuz it was last year's work,
thenn i realised it was pretty awkward just sitting there, so i just started noting things down,
hahaha, but yeap, haha ohh ms Oon asked,
what's the difference btwn territorial nationalism and anti-colonial nat'm,
and she called me out t answer, haha so i was like,
hmm, territorial nationalism is when they fight for the territories,
and need not necessarily be anti-colonial, andd hahaha, andd she gave me that face,
so i added on, something like, it's more nation state, physical boundaries,
hahaha ahh anww, the answer's not right la, act there's not much difference,
it's more like anti-colonial nat'm is a subset of territorial, yupyup, nodnod.
uhhh, thenn home home, i was exhausted somehow, haha,
but Alhamdullilah i managed t get awake and finish up my works i set out t finish up,
realised my knowledge on UN's econ and social dvpt is meagre, hmmm,
Insya-Allah i'll stay up tday and read up the notes,
there's IH later and going thru that sbq on ECOSOC, soo yeap,
i gotta prep some content, haha yup, nodnod.
i watched anugerah band cuz my whole family kinda watched,
andd i think it's like, hmm, music's not really there la,
i dunno, it's like there's more weight given to their image and portrayal,
and i really have t agree with the judge, who says something like,
prioritise your music, which is true, cuz if your music's lousy,
and only pentingkan image and portrayal, there's no point,
and i just have t shake my head at the things i see, hmmm.
gambaran masyarakat Melayu sekarang, hmm,
belia-belia yang akan menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin pada masa hadapan,
mungkin ini hanya merupakan segelintir daripada masyarakat kita kini,
namun, perkara ini semakin menonjol terutama sekali dalam golongan muda kita,
jangan nanti perkara ini menjadi semakin ketara sehinggakan terkikis nilai-nilai murni ,
tapi Insya-Allah tidaklah sehingga begitu.
oh anw, Malaysia ban foreign cars from filling their petrol in Malaysia,
well, the ones near the checkpoint areas and all,
for Singaporeans who are about to complain, don't, seriously don't,
as harsh as it may appear to be, it's only fair la,
the cheaper petrol price in Malaysia is for their own people, Malaysians,
andd the gvt heavily subsides the petrol prices for their own people,
and i think it's only fair to just buy petrol locally rather than take advantage of the cheaper petrol price in Malaysia,
because no. 1, everyone knows the world's petrol prices are soaring,
and no. 2, if this persists, it's gonna cause a leak in Malaysia's subsidies,
which can be better utilise for their own people's welfare,
so yup, i think it's a good step for the Malaysian gvt,
and for Singaporeans, we can give businesses to our own petrol stations.
andd though you cannot deny that the prices here are high, that's well, your choice,
but you can always join the public transport takers,
although i must say, they really have to up their services, nodnod,
i've been tempted to write in, haha, esp. when the lousy service is threatening to give me detention for latecoming, hahaha, oh wells, that's my own fault laa partly,
haha aite aite, but Insya-Allah,
i'll keep my record clean next term (:
aite okayy, soo noww, i wanna play game, haha but at the same time,
im gonna go read up on lect 5 UN, haha aite,
and ive finally decided, Alhamdullilah, it's just a matter of letting them know now,
yupyup (:
Insya-Allah :D
i can't wait for friday, andd i'm losing my counts of the day, hahaha.
take care!
28th may 2008
2:25 AM @
Monday, May 26, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah (:
the past days, hmm, i've been watching alot of vcds and gaming, haha,
but well, i did manage t settle myself t do up minorities notes,
cuz there's lecture tmr, so yup, gotta prepare, and uhhuh, sbq hwk for wed,
but i gotta set aside a day t do up filing, i realise my things are in a mess,
andd i need t settle them all by this week, haha aite.
it's been lazing ard days thing.
haha alright, anw i've finally managed t watch all the 3 vcds, and on top of that, another cd,
haha alright, i'll just blog about it,
but so far, it's been lovey dovey stories, hahaha, it's been awhile since i've watched them,
soo, i've watched Lake House, twice, yes, haha twice, yesterday and today (:
and i wanna watch some more, aite aite.
alright okok, i love that movie alot, so yes, haha overall, 3 times watched,
buut yes, haha only 3 times right, hmm, haha okok, it's very sweet,
and the plot's different from any other movies,
and it's Keanu Reeves with Sandra Bullock, soo yup, added bonus,
but but, i really love the movie, haha aite, it's really beautiful,
the guy waited so long for her, andd just to think that if she didn't get the letter sent in time,
he'll be dead, but there are so many interconnectedness, i love the plot,
andd yes, i love the movie to tons, haha alright, and the ost,
it's very, well, it touches the heart, and yes, it's very beautiful,
it's all about waiting, patience, and, yup, it's beautiful, nodnod.
what has time gotta do with it? (:
thenn tday, i watched Just Like Heaven, haha Mark Ruffalo!
i like him since i watched him on 13 going on 30, haha but anw,
that's not really the point, the point is, the movie's super sweet (:
uhhuh, to know that someone's gonna go so far for her, haha aite,
alright, but i was doing my ecosoc sbq somewhere there also,
but haha, i love the movie too :D
thenn, yesterday, i watched Alexandria, it's an Indonesian movie,
about this girl who's caught between two guys, or more like, two guys are after her,
one is her childhood friend whom she used to love, and she had to keep waiting for him,
t just tell her those three words, but he never did cuz he was well, shrugs, guys,
haha so anw the other was his like buddy, who during the friend's overseas study,
was kinda saved by the girl, fell in love, both of them were gonna get married,
but the childhood friend upon returning, devised a plot with the ex of his buddy,
but anw cut story short, im super satisfied, Alhamdullilah, with the ending,
cuz she went off with the new guy instead of the childhood love,
haha yeap, okok number one, it's not cliche, i mean,
movies/books always tend to show thatthey'll get back tgt with their old flames,
buuut i dont like that, haha alright, i guess it's just my stand,
uhhuh, forget the old one, it's not worth the time, esp when you're in a new rshp,
cuz no.1, when you enter something new, it means you're over the old one,
and no. 2, aiyaa, go watch Oprah's show, don't go back t ppl who reject you already,
hahahaha, or oh, you can read that book, wait, what's it called,
oh ya, 'he's so not into you', ahh or something like that, hahaha,
and anw, the new guy was a really good guy too, so yup, move on,
soo yeap, it's one of the few endings that i really like,
because the character decides not to succumb to old old sweet memories (:
ahh haha okayy la, andd i kinda got reminded of the time when we were talking,
last year or so, as in me, Ain, Fas, Arfah about this, like, put yourself in the situation,
where your first love came back, but you're with someone new,
who's equally or much better, so which one will you choose,
haha aite, soo yeap, it always happen in the books that you read,
and it's always so cliche that they will go back to their first love,
so boring, so frustrating, haha but nahh,
i dont think that's the reason why i wont choose the first one,
it's just a matter of, well, yeap, haha alright, let's get off this topic,
but anwww, the movie had a happy ending, so yup, i like (:
haha alright, i watched
Zombi Kampung Pisang!i watched that with my brothers and my ibu!
hahaha super merepek and kelakarr la really,
the script was pretty good, and it was selamba, so there wasnt really any exaggerations,
for their jokes and all, so it was good,
haha and it was i dunno, it was like a satire,
underlying meaning's there,
and the movie's really a good medium to pass on some social msges,
hahaha the one on vandalism was funny, haha cuz the phone line was cut off,
andd about mat rempit and all, but i think in a way,
you can look at it as saying that that's how humans are,
that the zombis are representing the society itself,
andd yup, persoalan tentang pendidikan, hahaha,
kite kan takde spm,
lagi lagi line tu, klakar sehh, haha, aite aite :D
alrigght, you know what, i havent really eaten proper solid food since yesterday,
yesterday, oh wait, i did eat some mi putih with keropok in the afternoon,
thenn i ate some keropok some more,
andd i didnt even eat my ibu's sambal goreng and lauk kurma,
entah, macam tak lapar gitu,
haha and tday, so far, i at koko krunch for breakfast,
so yup, im gonna go eat my ibu's sambal goreng yang masih ade dan blum basi,
kalau tak, kempunan pulak jadinyer, haha :D
and oh oh, my dad was klakar yesterday,
cuz i let my hair down kan, and it was kinda covering my face,
andd he was like, something like, ni ape fesyen ni,
hahaha and he asked me to go get a haircut, but nahh, haha i told him i didnt want to,
soo yup, anw that was that, haha nodnod.
alright okay!
Alhamdullilah :D
how long are you prepared to wait for someone you've never even met?take care!
10:15 AM @
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah, nodnod.
anww, i must be kacang mann,
i know i said i was gonna go hardcore gaming,
and i really really did, hahaha, so tday when i reached home ard 3plus,
started the game, and i just quit the game, well there were breaks in btwn la,
haha yup, i finally finally really got out of it ard 10-10++ mins ago,
which would be ard 1+am, hmmmm.
anw tdayy!
Alhamdullilah :D
went for the talk by mendaki club at smu cuz it was on law,
the career path on law and studies etc, it was an insight and all,
they invited distinguised panelists, hahaha and they were soo funny and very engaging,
haha aite, anw i was sposed t meet Zul at 930am, ended up being late,
haha sorry sorry, but anw we made it there in time, met Sarah! haha,
and my classmates (: haha and yup Andre went for it too,
thenn it was very funny cuz nj ppl were sitting on one side,
and apparently, the rest of the ppl were from ijc, soo it was like nj vs ij,
hahaha jkjk, it was very funny, but anww the session was honestly good,
nodnod, i guess now, im really clear of what i wanna achieve and what's my goal,
Alhamdullilah really really, esp. since i was, for the past weeks or so,
i've been hovering on what t do, and whether i still wanna do this, but haha yeap,
after the session, we talked t the panelists, more to Mr Faizal,
cuz he said those who wanna enquire abt scholarships all can ask him,
soo haha kite makan and talked, thenn we moved on t the next,
cuz Zul wanted t talk t the guy about police career, which sounded hmm,
haha interesting la, thenn we went t listen t Mr Adam talking, and then etc,
hahaha andd yes, it's really cool, haha we all got excited (:
after that, wanna go get lunch! cuz i skipped breakfast,
so me and Zul went off for lunch at ps, met the 3 ijc guys on the way there,
started talking t them abt the stuff, realised that we didnt intro ourselves,
hahaha, soo yeap, thenn they were going for lunch too,
realised after we were in bk that we could have just asked if wanna go for lunch tgt,
uhhuh, it's called making friends and networking, hahaha yup.
soo yup, me and Zul went for lunch at bk,
and ye la ye la, congrats cuz you eat faster than me,
haha but still, it was because i was talking alot, so i didnt get t eat quickly,
hahaha but anww, yup, terima kasih skali lagi kerana mendengar my stuff,
and for giving good advice, haha but well, wani's still wani, haha,
talked talked, realised i couldnt finish up my food cuz i was so full,
and Zul couldnt believe it, cuz wani usually eats alot,
but i think i'm still recovering from the food spree at madjack the other day,
hahahaha nodnod, so asked him t help me finish up my food,
terima kasih yee, nodnod, haha, aite.
and yup, options open, haha aite, thank you again, i know sometimes im very merepek,
or maybe actually alot of time, hahaha but well,
you know you're one of the few that i really trust, so nodnod,
better feel honoured ahh, hahaha.
soo after that, home home, i felt sleepy, hahaha.
haha ohh, yesterday, which was uhh fridayyy, nono wait, not yesterday, friday!
school per normal, but it was a good day, Alhamdullilah (:
not much lesson, mr Song played some games with us,
haha i won a lollipop and a sweet cuz i guessed correctly :D
it was the hang man game, and there was this city, and i thought,
hmmm, i think it must be something we studied in history,
cuz it was my fellow classmate, and when it was the last chance before game over,
i guessed correctly! hahaha, Alhamdullilah (:
anw, it was Reykjavik, uhhuh the city they had the Reykjavik summit at,
the one where Gorbachev proposed for disarmament and Reagan rejected,
and the one where Reagan was chastised for rejecting a Soviet initiative,
andd yup, lays the basis for the next INF treaty (:
andd talking about history, arghh mann, kacang kacang,
i honestly totally danggg my history paper, was counting on the ih part,
thenn when ms Lim went thru with us the essay question,
realised that there was a misconceptualisation of the "ending of the cold war",
anddd the word "engineered" which is equal to
deliberate intention,
ahh so yup, totally didnt include the deliberate part in, soo yeap,
and my definition of the ending of the cw wasnt accurate, hmm ahh, oh wells,
but haha the lesson was funn in a wayy, very interactive,
haha we were debating and arguing for our points to stand,
cuz with the collapse of communism=loss of the major actor of the cold war,
leading to the existence of the USA alone as the world's major superpower,
so deduction: end of the cold war.
but the argument doesnt really stand in a way cuz yup, cold war-period of hostily,
end of cold war-cessation of hostility,
andd collapse of ussr/communism is the effect of Gorbachev's radical policies,
ahh well, something along the line of causation and effect, but hmm.
the guys were funny, they were like, can buy popcorns already, hahaha.
no sastera, so i went t bb polyclinic t collect my blood grouping results,
which left me really blahh cuz ahh nehmine nehmine,
sabar je la, but yaa, patience was tested, but i cant possibly let out my kebingitan kann,
i mean it's possible la, but well, i spose it's a mistake, so yeap,
shrugs, but ANW, i'm a B PLUS :D
ahh, i had a mad rush of impulse t go catch 'made of honour',
haha yeah, shrugs, i was thinking of how t fill my time while waiting for meeting,
soo i took the bus from poly t jurong east, went down t the cinema t check the timing,
it was at 5plus, i gave up, haha, and i went prima deli for food,
ended up buying waffles, and i didnt finish it up, ahh waniiii,
soo yup, after that, headed t my gran's house, thought i'd just singgah her house,
since it was near t toa payoh, andd haha yup, can see her also (:
Alhamdullilah, she's good, they were kinda surprised t see me,
so i told them: tak, ade meeting nanti kul 7, jadi ingat singgah sini dulu aje,
haha yup, they were watching the live telecast of Pedra Branca,
which Singapore won buuut Malaysia won the middlerocks, hmm aite,
had my long awaited lunch there, haha, talked/joked ard with my nenek/makciks/kak Sum,
very funn, thenn i borrowed some cds from them, haha yes,
LAKEHOUSE (:, Alexandria (Indonesian movie!) haha andd oh oh,
Zuuul! i borrowed Zombi kampung pisang cd, soo im gonna watch!
hahaha, you know when i saw the cd, i was like thinking:
haha, this is the one Zul was talking about, the funny one, so i wanna watch,
i got excited when i saw they had that cd, hahaha (:
left ard 615 there and headed for toa payoh,
i was running late, miscalculated time, so i was rushing for the train, i ran la,
thenn i bumped into this man's shoulder, and mannn my jaw really hurts,
and yup, i can still feel the effects till now, soo haha yeahh,
moral of the lesson: even if you're gonna be early, it's better t be early than rush like mad,
nodnod, haha.
meeting! ohh we had basic Malay lesson.
went into the room, saw the guy was really familiar, andd yup,
and i was like: Hakim right?, and i was right, haha,
from BRMY, and he was our teacher for the day, haha,
soo yup, it was quite kecoh, not in a bad sense, but haha yup,
i was tired cuz i was still reeling from the lack of sleeep,
and why was that, hmmm hahaha cuz i played game (:
ohh cuz cz on thursday, i came home, super tired, knocked out,
my ibu woke me up at 1+am t ask me if i want t makan,
and i was like groggy, looked at the time, shocked, cuz it was like, shocking la,
hahaha, i was tryna make out the time, biar betul sehh, haha,
so yup, then i realised, ok, i dont wanna go back sleep,
i switched on my com, game until late 5am there, prepared for school,
did some admin stuff, andd yup, haha i was sleepy la, haha, kacangg la,
soo yeap, meeting ended late 9plus, cleared up, alot of extra food, took home 2,
cuz or else very wasted, soo yeap, home home ard 11+am there,
i switched on com, on the game, took a break while the game was loading,
andd i fell asleep, woke up the next day at 6+am, realised i've left my com on,
andd thenn hahaha i got it back on started again, played some more,
stopped ard 720+am there, tried t get some rest before i had t go off for the talk,
ended up falling asleep, late and im sorry Zul for making you wait, nodnod,
i know i know, haha, sorry my fault.
hmm i kinda ran out of things of what t say somehow,
i wanna watch lakehouse later, hmm,
hahaha okok my sleeping pattern's really gone kacang noww,
but yup, a few more days then after that, they gotta fall back in place,
cuz im gonna start studying soon, soo yeap, haha aiite.
soo yeap, i know i wanna get that scholarship and get into that course,
usaha dan tawakal, Insya-Allah boleh tercapai (:
Subhanallah :D
take care, and happy happy HOLIDAYS (:
1:54 AM @
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Peace be upon you :D
haha HELLO world!
Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah :D
okay, many good things happened to me today,
simple pleasures of life (:
yay yay yay yay yay :D
Alhamdullilah :D
i love
Hargreaves :D
me and my abang and my adik were watching,
me and my abang supported man u so it was 2 on 1,
hahaha but anwww! when they scored/won!
me and my abang were like celebrating like kacang (nuts),
we were slapping high fives/tens and running around the house,
but my abang super kelakarrr laa, hahaha.
anww oh somewhere during the match i fell asleep and i had a dream,
that they did go into penalty shootouts but chelsea wonnn,
so when i woke up (it was during extra time), i didnt tell my brotherrr,
and soo when Terry was taking the 5th penalty for Chelsea, the deciding one,
i was like saying: okayy, he's gonna score and they're gonna celebrate.
okok! haha yay yay yay (:
Hargreaves, Hargreaves, Hargreaves (:
soo after match end and celebrations and prize trophy and celebrations,
went inside my room, online, studied sastera, etc, headed for schooool!
thenn i was like hungry and i dont like going for an exam feeling hungry,
so i decided t go t cheers opp the road,
and whenn i went in, i was thinking of just getting a pau,
but guess what guess what!
hahahaha, i was so happyyyy! it was THE kinda chocolate doughnut that i wanted,
soo cut story short la, i bought two doughnuts, one sugar the other choc,
Alhamdullilah :D
ohh wait, before i forget t blog about this again,
haha ohh Daniel- Indonesian scholar/bahas teammate last year,
got an offer from Princeton, that's like so coool right,
buut he's smart, haha, and i think most prob he's going there,
haha all the best for your future aite!
alriggght, sastera paper was Alhamdullilah,
honestly, the questions were pretty okay except for some,
uhh the one on bujur lalu melintang patah,
it was asking about the relevance of adat perpatih pada masa kini,
soo yup, was banking on blmp and waktu sesudah itu,
but didnt like the questions so ended up doing on one drama, 2 cerpen and 2 sajak,
i was like well, i didnt study enough la for sastera so haha what to do,
buut okay la, i couldnt really get much things in, hahaha,
andd i was so super blahh during the paper, i honestly felt like giving up doing,
cuz i felt the drain andd haha it made me feel so malas to do the paper,
buut yaa, haha i was thinking of the consequences, so yup,
self motivation and finished up the paper, Alhamdullilah (:
andd hahaha Ain and Syaf were pointing out that i was so restless,
i was like shifting my positions sana sini, sekejap sana sekejap sini,
hahaha sorry la kalau mendistract (:
ohh anww history paper, ahh i think i blahh-ed for that one,
honestly screwed up my ASEAN sbq, but the SEA essay was pretty okay,
andd ih part was better but well, shrugs, i think econs this time was better, hahaha.
soo after paper, banked on going t bb poly t collect my blood test results,
but side gate not open, Ain and Syaf wanted t wait for it t open,
ended up in the Malay room, Shabana joined us, hahaha was soo klakar and merepek (:
thenn actually we were gonna postpone mad jack cuz Ain sakit, thenn kalau gi,
dia tak dapat enjoy sangat, tapii just now she was like,
kita gi madjack ahh nari, haha something like that,
soo ajak Syaf, andd kita gi makan, hahaha so yes, collect blood result another day.
MAD JACK, haha kacang la, in a good wayy!
hahaha super klakar and merepek, haha terima kasih la kerana tolerate (:
we took some time t decide what t eat, sticked with grilled chicken,
shared t buy cheese baked rice and garlic bread!
hahaha andd lunch was super klakaarr, so funn :D
ye la ye la, hahaha nanti carik yang boleh tahan keselengeranku, haha!
thenn after that, i wanted deserts, took a very very long time t decide what i wanted,
cuz everything seemed nice, haha but i settled for some choc cake with icecream,
but couldnt finish it up cuz it was big, haha aite,
but since shared with the rest, tak teruk sangat la the balance, tinggal sikit je.
all in all, it was a great great time with Ain and Syaf, haha,
and yes yes 4TH JUNE! haha it's SYAF'S AND ZUL'S ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY (:
happy happy happy sangat untuk korang berdua,
one of the things in my life that's really happy :D haha
ohh spongebob! caught it again :D
hahaha yay
and oh mysc postponed t july, soo yeap, i gotta rethink and decide if i shld go,
it's very near t prelims and i still wanna know if im gonna be able t go for amm,
cuz thenn i gotta choose only one, hmm well, Insya-Allah :D
i need t catch on some sleep, haha but well, i feel like gaming hardcore-ly later,
it's the aftereffects of exams period, hahaha yes, nodnod.
but yaa, only for a few days, after that, i gotta go back t revising my work,
takpelaa, few more months left (:
i'm still considering my options, haha but well, dont think it's uk,
if yes, applications in, in june, august i guess,
as tempting as it is, i guess haha yeap, or Ain's gonna chain me t Malay table,
hahaha it's a joke between us, but well, shrugs, wait for alevels results la,
i can always be a teacherrr, hahahaha, isy, nono, lecturer more so.
aite okay!
Hargreaves, Hargreaves, Hargreaves!
haha oh wait, here's his rating for the match :D
Surprisingly deployed by Ferguson as a right winger, the versatile England star successfully stopped Ashley Cole maurauding forward.-(Moscow)
haha yay!
it's just called, being optimistic and taking a bright side of things,
and Insya-Allah everything will all be good and well (:
Alhamdullilah :D
okok! take care and happy last day of school for term2 tmr :D
4:34 AM @
Monday, May 19, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha alright, so i'm finally here to update my blog,
really really :D
ahha, alright, today!
after Subuh, i was so on, i wanted to continue studying,
cuz i fell asleep after just finishing up 2 case studies on parliamentary democracy,
buuut thenn, ahha, i fell asleep after i cant rmb what, then i ctd, fell asleep again,
ctd and fell asleep again, and next time i woke up ard 9plus,
got out of my room, breakfast and studied at the dining table.
thenn i had second breakfast, uhhuh, haha yeah cuz my ibu cooked spaghetti,
so i ate that after eating one slice of prata, okok, i need big breakfast these days,
it helps me uhh ensure a good mood in the later part of the day, Alhamdullilah (:
soo yup, nothing much tday, sapu rumah since i'm home, my ibu's home tday,
contd studying ard 12 there, i got stuck watching drake and josh on nicklelodeon, haha,
yupyup, so just blaja and makan again and watched tv ard 5plus to nearly 6,
thenn yup, finished up lectures 12-18 for ih today already, Alhamdullilah :D
gotta cont. with pd2 later so that tmr i can pick and choose what t study for history on wed,
nodnod, Insya-Allah it'll be okay!
and i'm so proud of myself, i've been able to restrain from going onto the com frequently,
haha Alhamdullilah :D
andd oh, haha me and Zul have taken to emailing,
actually haha cuz i was replying to his email on updates for mldds,
asked if he going for the forum on some overseas stuff, andd yeap i wanna go for the forum,
anw Zul, i know you're reading, soo try to go okayy, then i got friend to go with,
but anw, i updated him on some stuff too in my email,
and anww he's gonna have a dinner with Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan okay!
that's like soo coool, so Zul, better tell him that Wani thinks he's really good,
and that he's my favourite minister, hahaha :D
anw, nahh you're not obliged to do so, buat malu diri je, ahha.
andd oh, this budak i tell you, nak cakap kurang asam tak baik kan,
but you know the other day, outside malay room, he told Ain:
i admire you for being strong (and ahh something like that)
so Ain was like: why? andd he was like something along the line of,
being able to tolerate the less fortunate, and he was signalling to me.
alamak, syukurla dia tengah ade wudhuk, kalau tak, isy, dah kena dah,
tak boleh kacau kan, nanti batalkan, aku lak yang dosa, hahaha,
but well, nahh it didnt piss me off la, actually it left me really cracked up,
i was still laughing about it as me and Ain were walking out for lunch, klakar jugaklah,
so selamba and so well, takpetakpe, klakar la klakar.
the day, planned to study whole day, well kinda, haha,
thenn Aizat msged, andd haha going for sajc play, to make up for aristal, it's ok la,
nodnod, and okok it's funny, save for later part, haha.
so anw, i was basically doing sastera for most part of the day i was home during the day,
Alhamdullilah managed to cover all of them, but yup, quite superficial la, but well, yeah,
soo anw, planned t leave ard 545, but miscalculated time, so ended up being late,
haha sorry sorry, and was sposed t meet him at the last carriage, but i got stuck somewhere,
andd Wani was like half blind cuz she wasnt wearing her specs, buut haha it's okok,
haha aite aite, thenn it turned out to be an English play, i thought it was a Malay drama,
and it was at Victoria theatre, not sajc itself, hahaha, okok,
and haha been awhile since i've been to victoria theatre, nice nice.
soo anw, we reached there before 7, andd when we walked in, i was like, hmmm,
looks like a band concert to me, cuz the instruments were all set up there,
but anw, we took our seats first, then gonna leave for Maghrib,
Maghrib somewhere there, yupyup! anw when we were getting in back,
Aizat was sposed t use his charms on the lady usher cuz there were some probs with the tix,
but it was tak menjadi, haha okok sorry la, so his tutee Aaron had t come and explain.
but anww, the concert started ard 730pm there, andd when they started, i knew it,
band concert, hahaha andd ohh mann, it was super hilarious laa,
and Aizat fell asleep somewhere during the pieces, and i couldnt help but laughed,
cuz ya of the fact that he didnt know it was gonna be a band concert,
and also, actually cuz i dont recall seeing anyone sleeping in a concert before,
so yup, that left me really amused, haha sorry sorry, but it was funny.
but anw, technicalities, sajc band was really good, they sound rich, but i dunno,
more to their dynamics, think they could have given more oomph there,
but yup, overall good good, it's been a while since i've been t a band concert,
and the last time performed at victoria was last year, haha yay Crescent!
but anww, there was a musical la, haha it was the second part of the concert,
and it was hilarious, so Singaporean, hahaha, anw yup, it was really good though,
the student conductor was really good, nodnod.
andd oh, haha there was this part, the king was gonna die,
andd so he said:
i need to go nowhis daughter went:
go where?king:
go and die.hahahaha, oh danggg, haha totally cracked us up, so crude, so funny.
haha anww, yup , after concert, went heading for home,
andd Fullerton as always looked really beautiful at night,
andd yup caught a glimpse of esplanade too, andd haha yes the tall buildings :D
andd yup, he was still on about sajc's college song which sounds really happy, hahaha,
andd raffles statue, hahaha dari tadi, but yup, yokoyoko!
andd i know what's chiropractor already, nodnod. selenger la wani.
that's why i didnt get the joke, haha.
and thank you very very much aite, really enjoyed it :D
andd have fun at gunung stong!
anww reached home before 11, Alhamdullilah :D
after Isyak, wanted to study, but i didnt get far though i told myself,
okay Wani, you gotta finish these 2 lectures before you sleep, but well, wani,
yeah, haha i did woke up ard 2plus, felt pretty awake, so i just baring awhile,
next time i woke up, was to my alarm for Subuh, haha apedahh.
reached school ard 10plus cuz i was yaa, haha aite,
thenn after that found out hospitals dont have any records of my blood group,
and i checked my appt cards and health booklet too, dont have,
and oh the night before, my abang told me you'll either be b+ or o+,
cuz of my parents' blood groups, so i was like, ala kalau gitu, tak boleh choose je ke,
i think i'm b+, but anww i was like tapi nanti kalau orang donate salah camne?
and he was like, mati la, and he went on to explain, haha anw yeap,
i went to do my bloodtest, and okay, embarassing la, but i kinda cried out abit,
hahaha but i didnt move la, later the needle break inside, parah gitu.
so anw, reached back school, Zohor, ctd studying, library sejuk sangat, we went down t oasis,
saw Haslina, studied with her, went her house, haha it was funny la on the way there,
anww yup, ohh her house is near to MUIS, so cool right, haha,
and oh yeah we can be neighbours, hahaha :D
anww yup, the other days were okay, yup Alhamdullilah (:
anw, coming thursday end paper, so either thursday or friday,
me and Ain are gonna go on a food spree :D
haha yup, Insya-Allah :D
and yes, Narnia's coming out, i wanna go catch it, haha, Insya-Allah :D
anww take care and all the best for the rest of your papers :D
happy week ahead!
12:59 AM @
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
wont be doing much updating, next time, nodnod,
but anw maths paper was nearly a disaster.
halfway through, i was wondering, how many more questions to go,
nearly or more than half was on stats, but well, yeap,
frustrating la, i got headache doing the paper,
and after paper, went kfc with Ain for lunch,
and i ate shrooms meal, the one with cheese fries and 2 piece chicken,
and im still craving for chocolate doughnut.
forgot t bring my compass yesterday for meeting, of all things,
so yup, went home with Haslina since she could lend me hers/her dad's,
her house is veh nice, haha and yup your family too,
i think most of her family members were home, nodnod.
off for meeting,cabbed there from her house cz i was gonna be late.
anww, finally took the pictures of my favourite things in school.
this this this is my most favourite trees ever, haha, they look like a couple see,
note the contrast of colours between the two,
it's always nice to look at when you walk into the school in the morning,
coupled with the sunlight (:
uhhuh, that's what you see when you walk up the stairs, pretty (:
this is what you get to admire when you study at the oasis.
actually, it's the cranes. against the blue backdrop.i have a fascination for cranes, haha.

haha, i like the Hwa Chong tower, very nice, esp. at night.

and this, is what you get t see when you're gonna go wudhuk for Maghrib,
actually, if you're not, also can see (:
and this, is what you see while waiting for anything outside tb classroom

take care and happy Vesak day.
9:37 AM @
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
alright, i know i should be sleeping soon since it's maths paper,
but anw, haha just a quick post since i'm in the mood t blog.
Alhamdullilah, the gp and econs papers were pretty good,
better than normal anw, haha but gp's AQ was well, shakes head,
i think i was rushing for time and it kinda got all mixed up in the end,
but the essay was Alhamdullilah honestly.
there were interesting questions that i studied for, as in the topics,
like "the pursuit of happiness is in vain in today's world",
"how far dya agree that history makes ppl feel pessimistic abt the future",
some on the punishments-state control or individual, but yup,
i did the one on globalisation, uhh wait,
"We stand to gain more than lose in a globalised world. comment"
and Alhamdullilah really really, cuz i studied for globalisation in the morning,
andd it came out, and the contents were still fresh in my mind,
so yup Insya-Allah can score for the essay (:
econs, haha the case study was, shakes head, haha,
but i think i did ok Alhamdullilah for the last part question,
but there was something about pce, and i was like 'ape ni?'
hahaha so i just merepek my way through as long as it made sense.
the essays righht, i didnt really study about Singapore stuff cuz it's under annex,
and it's super heavy in content,
but todayy, first question was Singapore,
so i was like, ahh nehmine, ill do next question.
then next question, Singapore, and i was like thinking, alamak.
then section b, i look at the questions, Singapore for both,
slaps forehead, but Alhamdullilah, i did manage t answer the questions la,
haha though i forgot what material aspect under sol,
buuut anw, i realised that with less than 5 mins to time,
i read the essay qn kinda wrongly,
cuz they asked t examine critically the policies available to the gvt,
and i happily interpreted it as policies the gvt has adopted,
hahaha so in the end, i just added "the gvt
should adopt..."
Wani Wani.
thenn Tuesday!
ohh i finally did catch ayat-ayat cinta, went t watch with Aizat,
left school after Zohor and reached there ard 2, 2plus Alhamdullilah,
got the tix, and go study gp ditemani air teh c, haha salah beli dahh.
anww ohh the movie's pretty good, but i think Fahri's watak should dikupas more in the movie,
cuz it seems like he's fickle, buut yeah, good guy, hahaha.
anww i didnt really cry, nodnod, partly cuz there were ppl around,
andd Aizat go crack jokes bila part-part yang tengah serious,
hahaha break la tension dia.
but anw, i like the way they use river nile and Mesir, puitis betul,
cantik la nodnod, andd oh when she said something like:
'aku akan ikut kau, kerana kau Imamku'
haha nodnod, jarang dengar benda gitu.
soo after movie, headed for my nenek's house,
thanks for teman-ing aiite, andd love is cinta is still good,
andd thenn i reached her house ard 6plus, rindu terubat,
i havent seen her for months and my makcik was pretty surprised to see me,
haha but Alhamdullilah (:
my abang came later in the evening and my ibu came after her work,
soo all before Maghrib, and dorang tak habis habis kenakan orang,
ala aderla pasal benda tu, andd it was all so klakar and fun,
we kinda had a gathering at the living room though i moved from the living room to the dapur,
talked t my abang, talk t my makciks and nenek,
talked t my nenek, actually more like i listen t her,
Wani prefers to listen in most situations haha, nodnod.
andd i told them that i like nenek's ayam goreng, thenn my makcik go pack the ayam for me,
asks me t go goreng when i reach home,
so i told her, haha, kalau goreng nanti terbakar dapur,
(but anw, no la, it was just an exaggeration, i dont think im that bad at cooking la)
so she went like, tak boleh, kena blaja masak, nanti dah kahwin macam mane,
orang perempuan kena pandai masak, so i told her that yup, i'm gonna learn after A's,
hahaha klakar la, then my cousin came over too, so it was kecoh with lotsa laughter,
but yaa, it's more enjoyable to listen, makes you feel happy that ppl ard are happy :D
Alhamdullilah (:
so we left after Isyak, cabbed home,
had alot of talk in the cab, abang, ibu and me,
mostly them, and the sky at night was pretty, aite,
've always like looking out of the car window at night.
home home, i was gonna do gp okay,
i did, haha after reading through culture notes, i took a break, baring atas katil,
bangun esok pagi, slaps forehead, classic Wani.
soo i should turn in nowww, maths paper starts at 905am tmr,
i'm very sure it is starting at that time, haha and i finally bought new batts for my calculator (:
Insya-Allah i can do the paper tmr,
kalau tak, sedih la, andd i think Mr Song's gonna be disappointed,
and he's been sucha great maths teacher,
but then, i havent been practising also, soo oh wells,
konflik diri, hahaha.
but yup, Insya-Allah can do (:
take care, gnights andd all the best!
6:30 AM @
Monday, May 12, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
okok im gonna go study soon but i just have to blog about tday,
hahaha cuz Ain also talked t me about bloggin it,
haha alright.
so me and Ain went out t ljs for lunch cuz kantin dah tinggal sikit makan,
so we were sitting there having lunch,
thenn she told me like people call her mugger, and something like that.
so i tried t tell her nehmine la, dont care,
anw we're studying for our own good, it's our future,
cuz once you get your results, there's no room for regret.
so i was being serious giving her advice about all these,
and i wanted t quote a peribahasa,
andd so it went, still talking,
"ahh nanti
bubur nasi ayam"
next split second, i just realised, DANGGG,
hahahaha apedahh,
macam maner boleh cakap mixed up sampai gitu.
and Ain was like pointing out, kau masih lapar ye, sampai terpikir pasal nasi ayam,
aite, anw what i wanted t say was:
nasi jadi bubur"
uhh literal translation, rice becomes porridge.
ahh, spoil la, tengah serious serious kasi advice,
hahaha okok yup, i wanted t say jadi, come out nasi,
entah nape, hahaha okok dah dah.
Wani'll get off, bam bam.
and yes, Ain and Haslina were like, Waniiii! (ohh, it's another issue)
ahh nehmine, i'm just ahh, selenger, haha, dahhh.
haha okok.
take care!
12 May 2008
11:46 PM @
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
aite Alhamdullilah (:
quick entry.
the week's been a rollercoaster, honestly it is,
i've been thinking too much, but well, managed t shrug some of it off,
but yup, Alhamdullilah, overall generally, it's been good.
uhh tday. happy mothers' day :D
nothing much happened tday, it's a sunday, so yup.
vacuumed, makan and haha alright alright, i read a book instead of studying,
plan t study later in the evening yup.
anw the book's good, curahan cinta niagara,
ada unsur-unsur agama and it's very sweet and cute la,
haha yup, the guy waited for her for 4 years, and it was uh cinta pandang pertama la,
and she was like someone else's, but yup they got married in the end,
but that's like only pertengahan cerita, so yup, blum habis lagi,
and the content's pretty good, dapat menimba ilmu agama, nodnod,
so yup, good read, go read (:
started day early etc, managed t do up maths, econs lect and sea,
printed and highlighted sastera stuff, thenn left home after Asar,
went t je library, planned t study, read up gp materials,
then there was this Chinese lady who tegur me while i was sitting down on the floor,
near the rack, it was somewhere at the Malay section area haha yup, told myself,
no Wani, dont start reading, cuz once you start, you wont stop, so haha yeap,
i wasnt really intending t borrow any books,
but anw, she asked for help t choose some books for her maid,
soo haha yeap chose 2 cooking books and 2 novels, andd i told her it's like love story,
hahaha but she said nehmine cann, haha aite,
so after that, i started browsing through the books for myself, andd ahhh,
haha yeap, decided t just borrow one, nodnod.
left library ard 620+, went cash converter, waited for Aizat,
read the book in the meantime, then it felt weird standing outside, haha,
soo i went in and started browsing the cds, nodnod.
thenn he came and we cabbed down t rjc, haha klakar.
reached there, took a detour, alamak jauh la, the solat area was only the first floor,
haha but anw, solat then went t the drama place,
met a few ppl, Haslina! haha and ohh mann, Safar, mintak maaf banyak2,
slaps forehead, argh Wani pecah tembelang la, and it was soo alamak,
maaf maaf, but anw i trust he wont tell, nodnod.
anw the drama was well, okay, it got better towards the end,
well, shrugs, the twist was pretty interesting, the patung-patung was quite abstract,
but overall, i think the plot's pretty cetek, banyak paradox jugaklah,
andd persoalan-persoalannya tidak begitu critical, but well, nodnod.
(oh no, my brother's menyanyi-ing in my room next to me, hahahaha,
andd with actions, and he's singing to MLTR-that's why you go, hahaha)
anw after that, left rj, bus-sed t toa payoh interchange,
talked talked, andd no worries aite, Insya-Allah all will be fine,
and Insya-Allah you'll get what you want (:
so decided t singgah for a drink/meal, went bk!
ahh haha yeap, didnt get food, i was just haus, but i realised i shouldnt have gotten coke,
cuz i havent really eaten soo yeap, but anw, yes the burger was huge,
haha nodnod, talked.
home home, took mrt baack, haha klakar la,
nono my parents are not the uhh tea ppl, apela, haha
they're uhh normal malay parents, haha sederhana la, takde butler, hahaha,
yup, you shld take a big break and rest, nodnod.
yupyup, reached home late 11plus, my dad picked me up,
he was trying to hide behind this flag, hahahaha.
homehome, solat, etc, read gp, online, read the book, slept ard 2+am there.
anww yup, trace back the week.
tuesday, uhm yup, okayla, Alhamdullilah,
cant exactly rmb, but yup, stayed in school t study until 6+ there t study.
wednesday, it was i dunno why, pretty lousy, and one of the low days,
it felt blahh, but anw yup, during hist makeup lect Ain totally cracked me up,
haha cuz Ms Oon asked her a question, why was there instability in Burma?
something like that la, haha yup,
and she remained pretty quiet for some time, so i thought, ahh she's thinking of the answer,
then she answered "cuz U Nu felt from power", matter of factly,
haha and i just burst out laughing, haha sorry la, klakar laa,
and Theodore was klakar also, "U Nu ruled Uno", hahaha, slaps forehead.
anw thenn yup, sports meet, didnt change out t house tee,
lepak at the Malay room, tried studying etc, went out t watch some races,
and Malay guys, good job aite! you all ran very fast :D
hmm though disqualified, tak kisahla, really good job anw (:
thenn after that, after Asar, left school for meeting,
knew i was gonna be early, so just went Al-Falah t study for awhile,
thenn left for scape ard 630plus cuz they wanted an early meeting,
etc, meeting went pretty good, funny also ader, so yup,
reached home late late though, but had t finish up hist tutorial, malay stuff,
andd some other admin stuff, so persevered with work,
finally went t sleep ard 2 plus, woke up later the next day.
panicked, managed t catch Subuh Alhamdullilah, and wow, haha thursday,
uhh took the normal bus at 740+am there cuz thursday so masuk lambat,
andd traffic was lousyy, so yup, i was late for school,
shrugs, well, im down for detention already la,
haha most prob i think i am la, yup, baru ingatkan boleh awal-awal,
takpela, so yup thursday, macam gitu jugaklah,
planned t stay in school sampai lepas Maghrib, so when library closed,
Ain decided t stay back also, soo yup studied in the canteen,
lepas Maghrib, went home, after Isyak, did some stuff,
realised i couldnt take it anymore, slept before 11.
tired, exhausted, but Alhamdullilah i was good,
Mr Song as always being the supernice maths teacher,
he bought us dark chocolate t test the theory on us, hahaha aite,
cuz sposedly dark choc will stimulate some of the brain liquid, makes u think sharper,
something like that, so he bought for us, and haha yay!
andd for hist tut'l, it was ms Lim's last official lesson with us cz next term she goin off,
she gave us Merci, and it was funny, veh veh nice :D
Alhamdullilah, andd sastera sastera, ohh hahaha,
mt hod came in for class supervision for a period,
next period, cikgu wanted us t do some work, but we ended up talking abt org mengandung,
cuz yay! cikgu mengandung, Alhamdullilah, and Insya-Allah selamat berlahir (:
so it was very klakar and very nice also la,
haha and about dorang nye suami kan, skrg dah boleh masuk skali tengok,
then kalau suami dia yang pengsan masih tu, susah sehh hahaha,
isteri dia lak yang panic, haha, but anw yup, it seems t be a scary experience la,
but haha, i can worry about that in many many years t come, haha aite,
Insya-Allah, haha yeahh no rush.
aite aite, so friday lepas tu, studied at the oasis cuz library was packed,
very nice envt, yup, Ain left after Asar cuz she gotta do something,
andd yup, stayed behind study alone, ard 650+ there, was the only one at the oasis,
the wind was nice, Alhamdullilah, so yup, ard that time left for malay room,
lepas Maghrib, went home, headache, turned in early also,
got up ard 3++, read abit more, slept.
nodnod, but overall, Alhamdullilah i'm still good now,
andd yeap haha special thanks t Ain and Zul for sticking by me thru this week,
sorry if it was menyusahkan, nodnod.
aite, i wanted t post something i found interesting, but nehmine, later2 can,
anww all the best for ct :D
Insya-Allah, good grades (:
Ujian Allah datang dalam pelbagai bentukWani
11 May 2008
12:45 AM @
Monday, May 5, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
haha hello world!
i finally did manage t sit myself down t finish up my gp essay supposedly test,
haha yay!
dah bis dah, and i still have Melayu teks prosa, hmmm,
ahh okok Wani'll try to do, haha.
today today, stayed in bed longer cuz yesterday slept at 2+am,
was adamant t finish up my sea pd2 lecture,
Alhamdullilah managed to, yay, walaupun i was like nak tertido-tido, hahaha.
ahh anwww!
today's Syaf and Zul's 11 months anniversary :D
Alhamdullilah untuk korang, very very happy (:
one more month to one year,
and 9years and one month to your ten years, Insya-Allah (:
jangan lupa invite tau, kalau tak, uhh tak datang la, hahaha,
okok but anw, Insya-Allah berkekalan dunia akhirat aite,
very the gembira untuk korang berdua, nodnod :D
and yes. haha i still rmb june last year, hahaha klakar laa.
haha alright, im hungry actually, blum makan lagi sangat-sangat,
smalam pun same, only ate dinner at uhh malam,
haha alright ok, actually i only wanted t blog about korang berdua's anniversary la,
hahaha okok dah so i can go makan now and cont studying later, ahha (:
take care and happy week ahead!
5:59 AM @
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
Alhamdullilah, syukur (:
haha i feel very satisfied today, Alhamdullilah (:
ahh let's see,
alright tday day started early, was planning t go for hist makeup lecture at 815am,
but well, hahaha cmi i was uhh ya,
haha but well, anw planned t go school at 9am,
but my ibu cakap bersihkan rumah lipat kain baru kluar,
haha so well, ape nak buat, jadi buat tu semua dulu,
then baju belum gosok, soo after all those and breakfast,
went heading for school :D
ahh, thenn went t oasis t study,
nodnod! Alhamdullilah, i managed t cover quite alot,
and Alhamdullilah, i thought it was gonna be kecoh sebab college day kan,
but it was quiet la and very windy, so very nice (:
thenn i think ard 11plus, i saw Zul at the oasis and he came over,
he had gavel and cool! he won like the best speaker again, haha yay for you!
terror sehh budak tu, haha Alhamdullilah,
i dont want meet you in court already, mesti kalah, hahaha,
so yup, talked, and i tried to shh him cuz i was trying t study, hahaha,
but anw in the end nehmine la, it's still Zul, ape nak buat, kawan baik aku,
andd oh mann, he also knows about how msyc ppl go think we are together,
alamak haha abih he ketawakan me,
dah penat bilang dorang im not with him nor with anyone and he's got a gf,
hahaha tapi ahh biarkan je la, nanti Insya-Allah dorang get over it, nodnod,
ahh ye, thenn yaaa.
anw he went off for lunch with the guys from his class,
thenn i continued studying, and went t walk ard for awhile,
then Ain joined me, hahaha klakar.
abih then just now the budak-budak lelaki was so klakar,
i got a call from Pavan, then he was like klakar,
and i knew Zul was out with him so i was like haha Zul put u up t this is it?
hahaha but anw, ya wanted t ask if i was free t tie Azrin's tie,
so i was like mane korang in english la,
and they were just at the other left side of the oasis, hahaha,
so yup, tied Azrin's tie, and it took some tries, cuz the length tak kena,
and Pavan was like, why dont you teach him how t tie?
haha nodnod, ahh thenn yup, cont. studying.
college day!
uhh okok Alhamdullilah actually we go choose lt5, cuz it ended pretty early,
and Aloysius was soo super funnyyy, haha,
cuz he lent his tie to someone, then Ms Lim was like:
"she more important than you is it?" haha something like that,
slaps forehead, alamak klakar sehh, hahaha we broke into laughter,
thenn he tried to cover himself with his bag, hahaha, oh mann klakar laa.
then after that i dunno what got over me,
so after that i just turned to Ain, and asked
you want go get dinner?
then she was like i feel like eating chicken cutlet,
hahaha so yes we decided on going t mad jack t eat for dinner,
so cut story short la, we were released ard 5+pm, so headed off t madjack.
got the menu, haha we took some time t decide,
takde chicken cutlet but it's okay, thenn look at other food,
thenn uhh haha entah nape selera tiba-tiba terbuka, Alhamdullilah :D
haha memikirkan yang the past few days or rather weeks,
i havent been eating alot and i think i lost some weight,
cuz ive been so tired that i feel malas t makan when i reach home,
and somehow, haha oh my body's like rejecting junk food, so yes,
i dunno why also, haha so it's been one or two meals a day only,
so tday, yay Alhamdullilah jugaklah :D
ahh i suggested the garlic with cheese something, said let's share,
thenn ahh hahaha i was like nak spaghetti jugak? kite share la,
haha and those were besides the main dishes we were ordering,
uhh grilled chicken with chips each, hahaha,
so then we flipped pages, saw some fries with cheese and mayo,
haha so we decided on that instead of the spaghetti, and i really wanted deserts,
so we thought ahh takpe nanti lepas habis makan baru beli,
haha so it was yes, makan banyak, and it was so klakar,
cuz hahaha nehmine, andd it was klakar also,
cuz we started on the P.Ramlee nye movie, the pendekar bujang lapok nye script,
ala yang alkisah, taib, alkisah maka tersebutlah kisah, taib,
thenn hahaha it was the sang kancil pergi beramai-ramai menghadap....
haha and Ain was like pointing out, kat Mesir mane ada kancil,
ahahahhaha ohh mann klakar sehh and talked bout other things,
and i decided t go slow on my food so that i can stuff more things in,
ahaha then i still wanted t go for some cake/desert la,
but Alhamdullilah Ain couldnt take in anymore, hahaha,
bagus la, kalau makan lagi nanti ikut nafsu pulak, next time kita makan spaghetti dia,
Insya-Allah nodnod.
banyak la once in a blue moon makan banyak2,
haha more like twice in a blue moon,
haha it costs ard 30bucks, so divided into 2 (:
soo walked t the further bus stop cuz baru makan, thenn kenyang (:
ala macam exercise la sikit, haha, thenn got a call from my dad, klakar laa,
haha yup, so home home, bought the ubat batuk and axe oil for ibu,
andd ohh i felt guilty for indulging in food without my family,
so i decided t buy them ice cream, haha, okay la, i wanted t get them a tub of icecream,
tapi kedai bawah takde so i just bought them ice cream potong.
then oh hahaha i was going off from the kedai,
then tiba-tiba ade kucing kat depan, so i kinda ahh terpekik la,
thenn the uncle was like 'takut ah?'
haha then i was like, tak terkejut, haha then byebye uncle,
haha i think he was amused la, hahaha.
reached home, it turned out that my ibu was sick,
i thought my brother yang nak ubat batuk, but yup,
so as i was getting the sudu and the ubat batuk, haha my dad was klakar,
he was like 'you betrayed me' hahahaha alah about dinner,
and he went on like i havent eaten chicken tday, slaps forehead,
hahaha klakar laa, takpe takpe.
friday friday,
it's okok no worries aite, haha yup.
anw, haha it was tiring, but Alhamdullilah, managed t get through the day,
studied after school with Ain, and oh, it was klakar also,
cuz when we took a break for awhile ard 430+ there,
i was telling her ade lagu Melayu ni yang i listened,
it was cheesy la, haha it was the "jika cinta itu buta, butakah mataku?"
hahaha and anw she knows the song, and she told me bout her nenek,
who is soo cute, klakar la nenek dia, she went like,
orang tu yang buta sendiri, salahkan cinta pulak,
lengkali pakai cermin mata, hahahaha ya Allah,
and she was telling me bout her nenek and datuk also,
and they're so cute la as in really the kind yang marah-marah sayang,
haha Alhamdullilah (:
balik rumah, penaaat, and my dad was like haha, nehmine nehmine.
thursday was uhh oh labour day,
i was soo tired from wednesday,
i took half the day t just finish up 2 assgmts,
cuz i took naps in btwn, nodnod, but Alhamdullilah did manage t finish them before 7,
ahh yes penat betul, then wanted t study malam,
but i got ya, started watching this movie on hbo with my family,
and oh it was, stomp the yard,
and haha it was like the movie kan the dad didnt want her daughter t get tgt with this guy,
and wanted her t be like with better person something like that,
thenn my mam was so klakar, she was like,
nanti kakak ibu kasi free choice, choose, choose, haha, and she was saying that,
with like actions, alamak cute betul la ibu,
thenn my abang was like, me?
and she was like ahh choose choose, something bout free choice,
and she went like, tak kisah asal orang Islam and tanggungjawab,
then after that, my dad was soo super klakar, hahaha,
okok i wont say what he said la, but dang! hahahaha
ahh okok dah panjang berlebar dah ni,
im gonna catch ayat-ayat cinta when it's released, im determined, nodnod!
Insya-Allah :D
take care and happy weekends!