11:03 PM @
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
i've finally managed t finish up my hist sbq assgmt (:
and well, i still have gp compre to do,
im gonna leave the essay for next week, since well, sposed t hand up next wed,
yup, there's still time, Insya-Allah (:
yesterday was pretty jampacked,
it left me honestly exhausted at the end of the day.
woke up ard 4+am to study cuz i fell asleep pretty early the day before,
left for school ard 6-6plus there, and reached school ard 7,
studied at the oasis, realised couldnt take it anymore,
napped for 5 mins, haha and yup,
and Alhamdullilah, heard the session went pretty good,
so yup, we'll discuss bout this in the coming future aite, nodnod.
hist sea lect was first period, it was interesting, nation building and multiculturalism,
thenn econs tutorial left me feeling confused, hahaha,
ahh then free period studied, pe just went t take attendance and then we went t makan,
cuz perut dah lapar, after that cont t be at the library,
thenn yup, econs lecture, i managed t stay unrestless, haha nodnod,
i just scribbled on Ain's notes and i doodled ahha, but well, thanks Junyang for the mentos,
after that, was gonna go for the US ambassador talk,
so yup, apparently, only me and Theodore were from our cohort,
the rest were potential sapphire scholars, ahh ip3/j1 either one,
aite nodnod.
the talk was okay, it wasnt in depth but well, shrugs,
but well, did learn somethings, i just wished that it was more thought provoking,
and oh, i did ask a question, hahahaha, so much for not daring to,
but it wasnt really answered comprehensively, as in it wasnt really answering the question,
oh my question was:
"In your opinion, do you think that the increasingly acrimonious fight for the presidential nomination for the Democrats is going to reinforce the racial divide between the African-Americans and the wealthy liberals in the Democrat party and even to the society?"
ahh yupyup, but well, ahh okay.
ride back was well, okay, realised some things,
and Ms Oon talked t both me and Theodore about it,
thank you ms Oon (:
well, came back t school, had t catch up with some studying,
ahh dang Wani, nahh, haha it sounds like my life's boring, hahaha,
but anw, it's not, im enjoying my jc life, honestly, nodnod, Alhamdullilah (:
anw yup, read up un lecture on the case studies,
realised i got really confused reading the Kosovo crisis,
haha so i called up Ms Lim t ask her if she was free,
and met her, clarified some things, haha nodnod Alhamdullilah,
anw yes Yugoslavia no longer exists, and the Albanians were against the Serbs and Yugoslavs,
then realised couldnt take in much more, plus time didnt really permit,
ended up reading some articles,
headed off for angklung prac, it was good it was good, Alhamdullilah,
and Mr Dzul was telling cerita hantu, jadi Wani lari la,
haha nah i just left the room during break time,
considering that i was gonna be home malam and he was telling something about the lift,
haha tak sanggupla nak naik tangga malam-malam, penat (:
hahahaha klakar la, but anw yup, left prac ard 630+ cuz i wanted t play reverie,
so yup, was late, self restraint really, told myself nono, dont cab down,
cab fares expensive during this time, hahaha, aite,
but anw, i gave up halfway and took mrt cuz traffic wasnt moving as fast,
reached scape ard 730+ there, late late but it was okay, Alhamdullilah.
meeting meeting, i got into logs comm, Alhamdullilah,
ahh yup, then all the things, meeting ended ard 10+pm,
went home, penat penat, fell asleep in the bus, and panicked for a few times,
cuz i was trying to figure out where i was, hahaha,
got home, do my things, slept.
and tday, sposed t wake up early in the morn,
but anw, yup, started my work at ard 10plus after etc,
started on hist sbq, and yup, nodnod, Alhamdullilah (:
and im determined to watch ayat-ayat cinta this weekend, haha, yup,
i hope there's still tix and yup, Insya-Allah :D
alright, that's all for now, take care and happy labour day :D
5:24 AM @
Monday, April 28, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
tday's a pretty good day!
okok i was gonna wake up at 4am t studyy okay,
i mean i did la, haha thanks for the call,
then uhmm, hahaha i fell back to sleep after that,
alamak, merepek la Wani, danggg, slaps forehead, Astaghfirullah,
haha then when i woke up next, it was wayy past my own alarm at 5am,
woke up ard 530+am, rushed rushed, school!
i managed t reach school before 7am, Alhamdullilah,
coffee and notes at the oasis, study study, nodnod,
decided against pe, so just went t take attendance,
haha no i didnt pon okay, it's the pe policy, either you play or free period,
just go take attendance, haha so yup, ended up in library for abt 2 periods,
since my next period was free period,
gp gp gp, oh Alhamdullilah :D my that essay test wasnt so bad,
it was just 2 marks less than my last, and my language marks was lousy,
but yup, Insya-Allah, im gonna work on that,
and hahaha i was trying t uh marah Ain cuz she wanted someone t push that button,
so that she can like panic and start studying intently and well, you get what i mean,
haha so i tried, then i was like, alamak, why am i laughing, hahaha,
so i tried on another tone, then cmi, and she was like,
'macam nak auditions pulak', hahaha klakar laa, marah tak menjadi, shakes head.
hist lecture was funny, all thanks t the guys behind us,
haha namely Theodore, Junyang and Aloysius, hahaha.
uhhh then, quick survey for contact, then we got off,
then dari tadi tahan lapar, and esp. since sunday i only ate for lunch,
cuz dah malam macam dah malas nak makan, haha nodnod,
so me and Ain went down t canteen cuz we were plannin t study after that,
then i told her, i felt like eating long johns, and she gave me that face which tells me,
okay we've reached a consensus, hahaha so on the way out,
i felt like eating burger king, so we decided, alright,
if 174 comes, we'll go bk and if it's 171, we'll go long johns,
haha and i was half hoping it'll be 174, and Alhamdullilah it was (:
andd in the bus, i was like telling her something about,
i wanna live in the east area or the punggol area,
and i like the hdb flats, the ones which gives a sense of nostalgia,
and i was like 'mendapat kedamaian' and she said i had this expression of bliss,
hahahhaa, and it was the same for bk bk bk, Alhamdullilah (:
bk was funny, it was merepek, and when i was at the cashier,
i ordered my food and yay with hershey's sundae pie,
then when i was gonna pay, i just tugged at Ain and told her,
oh no i feel so guilty, haha cz im spending so much for just a day's lunch,
but we decided yes, it's only sesekali dalam suatu bulan biru (:
ahh she laughed at that expression, and i ended up eating her fries,
cuz i was eating fast, haha yup Alhamdullilah, and by the time dah kenyang (:
all the way back t school, managed t Alhamdullilah, reach school by 3pm,
started studying, realised i was super exhausted, took a nap till ard 330pm,
continued studying, and we stayed in library till ard 550pm,
then went down, realised the match was still on, so we decided t watch the match,
then pointed out, wanted t sit at the other side of the grandstand, which wasnt so packed,
and ms Oon was there! haha veh funny la,
she was like saying, she's gonna scold me and Theodore for being soft,
hahaha okay la it's in a good stride, about the US ambassador talk,
cuz act we werent planning t go, but she talked t us about it,
so in the end yes we are going, so haha yes, that's what she means,
it's for our own good, and ms Oon's nice, haha, nodnod,
and so, i have t catch up with the elections' news, and i have tnight and tmr, hahaha,
i still want Obama t win, Insya-Allah (:
andd oh anw the match!
haha i think nj soccer played well, so yay for you all,
Alhamdullilah also, cuz yes i think nj soccer went pretty far this season (:
andd oh Benjamin made a very good save just now,
we were like oh man oh man cuz rj seemed as if they were gonna score,
but Benjamin saved! Alhamdullilah, haha cool!
the attack wasnt so bad, and Ain was like saying,
i just realised you're like this, haha referring t me watching soccer,
hahaha alamak sorry la, it's uhh passion for the game (:
we had fun just now, and ms Oon was funny, andd yup,
score stayed at 0-0, but it's ok, i hope they are still top2,
Insya-Allah (:
alright alright,
home home, andd im gonna start studying soon,
Insya-Allah im gonna be able t stay up again (:
anw all the best for your exams and common tests everyone!
take care and gnights :D
28 april 2008
11:40 PM @
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
a quick update.
alright, tday, so far has been normal,
was sposed t wake up at 11plus yesterday t cont. studying but cmi,
woke up ard 6plus, started with hist, took a break, fell asleep, woke up later,
contd with hist, thenn house chores, breakfast,
did hist assgmt, revamped study schedule cuz i realised it was too ambitious, haha,
then my mam asked me t eat so i just had t eat, Alhamdullilah dah kenyang (:
so im gonna cont again later with my work.
yesterday was saturday,
i slept early again on friday, well, argh but well shrugs,
haha Astaghfirullah, slaps forehead,
angklung prac which was pretty relaxing, haha, it's good la,
i wasnt late okay, haha andd oh came t school, realised my abang was at amphi,
yup they having rock night audition and Alhamdullilah his band is in!
haha yup, i was like shuttling from angklung prac room t see the amphi,
cuz wanted t watch them perform, but anw Alhamdullilah they played during our break,
and his band's drummer is really really good,
and ive never seen him before and reason was because he wasnt from my abang's sec school,
haha the rest were like his friends from sec school,
but anw enuff of that, in short, his band was awesome,
but vocal wasnt there on saturday, i think Sadiqin is most prob their vocal,
and anw, yup looking forward to rock night (:
i met Azrin's bandmates too and my abang thinks they/he is bagus,
haha aite but Azrin says there're some things with his vocal which cikgu is giving them a choice,
but anw, haha good job ya'all (:
thenn oh angklung prac, the juniors played the percs for most of the time,
it's a good thing Alhamdullilah the seniors came back, Azhar and Ahmad,
i think they can teach and obviously play better than me haha nodnod, aite aite.
then the guys came back from their napha and spa,
then angklung prac ended ard uh 12plus.
headed home, and Mr Dzul thanks for the ride out, nodnod,
and sorry bout the door if i slammed too hard, haha.
then Azhar was going the other way and Ahmad and me went the other way,
i nearly missed my bus cuz i didnt realise it was 157, but anw yup,
Alhamdullilah managed t catch it, home home,
fell asleep, woke up t realise my abang's friends were over,
haha yup, they were prac/playing guitars, in short, kinda jamming la,
so basically, had t stuff myself in my room, or rather, ya, haha malas la nak kluar,
so i asked my brother t tolong gosokkan my baju-baju cuz the ironboard was outside,
haha i did upah him 2 bucks okay, haha nodnod,
cuz dad going imm with brother and ibu,
so i decided t follow, haha (:
and reached there, i realised should have just gone g2000 to buy the clothes, haha,
cuz i realised imm was pretty revamped, sorry la,
i wanted t go check the place ard cuz i was looking for the perfect sweater,
then i came across a pair of shoes, and yup bought it,
so Alhamdullilah, finally, i got a pair of shoes cuz my old shoes were pretty rabak already,
had been planning t get one, so aite, good opportunity (:
then joined them at Giant, and my dad was super funny at the cashier,
cuz the shopping this time costs only ard nearly 70bucks, so he was like 'selamat',
cuz usually it costs more,
and he started singing some song on the way out,
and we finally attributed it to the fact that i wasnt there to pick the food stuff,
hahaha oh wells, hmmm, ahh i just like t buy food stuff la, haha.
then man u lost t chelsea, dampened my mood for the night,
nehmine, i still like Hargreaves, haha nodnod.
hmm other than that, that's all, i gotta start on UN, haha,
Insya-Allah i'll get good grades this time,
at least get above D for econs, nodnod (:
and it's already sunday, hmm.
tapi, still, Alhamdullilah jugaklah (:
take care happy weekends,
27 April 2008
9:03 AM @
Friday, April 25, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah (:
alright, it's been exhausting, im not lying,
haha and tday, i started to feel the panic sinking in, finally finally finally,
well, it's good in a way, Alhamdullilah (:
i wanna buy James Blunt's album, haha ive been listening to bits and pieces of his songs,
coming from tv mobile and i realise they sound nice, haha
anw, tday tday,
didnt wake up as planned, hmm,
so i rushed to school hoping t Insya-Allah be in school by 7am,
reached ard that time, studied at the oasis,
coffee coffee, nodnod (:
i've been drinking 2 cans of coffee for some of the days,
i know it's not good but it keeps me awake, haha.
alright so tdayy, econs drq test was well, okay,
i forgot the economic theory though, haha and i was like,
hmm cant be liquidity preference nor loanable funds theory,
so in the end, i just ahh, wrote the answer without any reference to any theory, haha,
and oh oh, i finally passed my econs essay! Alhamdullilah :D
hahahaha i was so, wow (:
Alhamdullilah really really.
free period, i spent it in the library and yes Wani skipped break t finish up studying,
haha i was hungry but i well yeahh, nodnod,
ate after sastera and Syaf teman, andd after that,
went t study in the library, returned blazer, continued to stuff myself there,
4pm ard there, went for mldds meeting for the next juniors in coming (:
Insya-Allah they'll do awesome for mldds, nodnod,
meeting went good, Zul was the one mostly talking t them, haha.
after that, was planning t go back t library, but nahh,
took my bag from there though, ended up talking t Zul bout something,
cuz i wanted/had t talk t him about it,
andd yes thanks for listening andd for the advice, really really appreciate it, nodnod,
and we stayed on till ard 7 cuz he was waiting for Syaf also,
and oh during the time, we played worms again andd i argh, lost again,
hahahaha im gonna win you in that game someday you know, haha,
Insya-Allah Wani will :D
boleh boleh boleh, nodnodnod
reached home, my whole family was home, Alhamdullilah (:
haha then i just sat ard with them first, and oh it was super klakar,
my dad was like telling us the philosopher, Lao Tse's nyer philosophy,
wait, ahh, hmm, 'by not doing anything, you've done everything',
ala something along that line, and my abang was super funny,
and oh my adik was studying also, so he went like:
sebab dia taknak ikut Lao Tse's philosophy,
and he went t do his own saying, haha something t do with food.
and oh i was just sitting on the sofa, then my mam asked me t urut her kaki,
and she said kat the ankle area there, so i did, or i thought i did,
then ahh Wani got mixed it all up,
i was like 'buku lali tu kneecap kan' ahahhaa, selengerr laa,
ok sssshh.
and alright, im gonna force myself t study till late late late tday,
and i think the worse is i just go take a nap on my table la,
it's uncomfortable so i wont fall into deep sleep,
Insya-Allah i can (:
oh Thursday was a miracle, really Alhamdullilah,
the bus i was in was taking a longer time andd i was gonna be late,
i walked into the school gate after 830am,
but there were still lotsa ppl and while rushing to parade sq, got stopped,
but then there were many others, so Mr Menon let us all join our classes,
and to think that if i was late, it'll be my 3rd time this term,
meaning detention la, haha but yes really Alhamdullilah (:
monday tuesday were good, Alhamdullilah,
and im overwhelmed by the pile of work, haha well okla not exactly,
but hmm nodnod, hope t clear them up by this weekend.
tuesday had msyc meeting till ard 9plus am,
before that, i reached there ard 5+, ahh ard there, went t macs,
bought food for myself and started studying there alone,
i've rarely eaten so slowly before hahaha, nodnod, left ard 7 there,
cuz i wanted t Maghrib first, yup.
oh met the new ppl and the old ppl, haha it was good but i was tired,
took a straight bus back home (:
andd i didnt see the moon, it was covered up by the clouds i think, haha aite.
going home just now, realised that,
i miss looking down from the overhead bridge, down the road at the passing cars at night,
cuz yes, wani likes the way the cars and the headlights shine as it drives down the road,
it's very very pretty, and ive always wanted t snap a picture of it,
it's motion, ahh well, difficult to explain, but in short, it looks pretty.
aite alright, Alhamdullilah, im pretty awake now,
so aite, im gonna go start on my notes now, haha, nodnod,
Insya-Allah i wont be tempted by the bed, hahahaha.
and yes, haha mr bunny and mr penguin are getting along just fine, nodnodnod.
take care and gnights!
6:28 AM @
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
Alhamdullilah :D
alright, i'll just have to blog about tday, haha aite aite,
whilst it's all still fresh in memory (:
Alhamdullilah, i really really wanna thank you all for making my birthday sucha beatiful day (:
honestly, frankly, really really, i'm touched (:
thank you for the presents, uh in chronological order, i, Insya-Allah wont miss out anyone, haha:
Aizat for the bunny!
Michell for the penguins!
Ain for penguin!
Syaf and Zul for the card, poster and trumpet!
Haslina for the super sweet card and blue notebook!
Aerius for the card!
IMH clique for the cake and the box of notes!
my dearest abang for the watch (:
and to everyone else that wishes me happy birthday (:
and yes, Alhamdullilah, i've reached my 19th birthday,
syukur Alhamdullilah, Insya-Allah panjang umur dan bahagia dunia akhirat, amin (:
alright, so my day started as early as uhm late 2+ to 3+am,
haha thank you so much for waking me up and sorry for wasting your phone bill.
haha i was like after the first call, i thought, ahh blum kul tiga, baring jap,
hahaha and thanks for the 2nd call, it really got me out of bed and to my study table,
andd for the 3rd, sorry and makasih yaa!
and no worry worry, liverpool'll win the next match!
soo i did study until 5plus am, prep t go t school, i was awake awake,
reached school ard 7-702am there, ingatkan nak cont kat malay room,
haha mentang-mentang bekalan elektrik dah balik, Alhamdullilah :D
best laa, haha then i went thru first 2 pages, couldnt take it,
so took a nap, haha.
met Syaf and Zul, then they went like sorry didnt get you anything yet,
hahahaha, then Syaf went into Malay room for something.
thenn, Michell and Ain gave me the presents, haha,
oh mann it's soo funny, both of them got me penguin things!
hahahaha, they're royalty, but it's okayy, i'm a noble, commoner GENIUS penguin (:
and Michell's morning msg was super hilarious la, her polar bear-ness
andd oh wait, chronological order,
Michell got me the presents from Science centre, haha
a uh, walking penguin and a penguin which can grow feathers! haha!

andd AIN! got me penguin plush toy and im gonna call it mr penguin!
yes, it's gonna be good friends with mr bunny, hahaha.

then, me and Ain went ml room for free period,
i was gonna put my bag down on the tikar,
then i looked up, terkejut, hahaha, sebab nampak the birthday poster on the wall!
haha super sweet, i'm touched laa really (:
thanks Syaf :D it's super blue, soo nice!

haha, so thenn, oh PE was awesomely fun tday!
my pe mates were sweet, they sang me a birthday song, haha, anddd!
we played SOCCER (:
it's been so long since i played soccer, ingatkan dah karat,
but i managed t shoot in pretty much no of goals, haha,
and it was so super hilarious,
and Andre thanks for keeping the goal for us, andd sorry cz you ran ard for the ball,
thenn lunch!
ohh hahaha Syaf and Zul came t join us for lunch,
and apparently they've already bought me present :D
haha it's adorable, andd thanks for the card! it's very sweet and klakar,
like, "you've joined the ranks of the kakaks", hahaha!
And Zul! wrapped my present in digimon wrapper, haha veh cute,
and i was sposed t unwrap it properly cuz must open in that way,
and Wani's pretty lousy at this, it took me dunno how long,
hahaha and Azrin just added on "in 5 years time", hahaha,
anw i managed t get it open, Alhamdullilah, a black box, andd open:
a TRUMPET model (:
haha i was like 'trumpet!'
and Zul went on like he polished it, hahahaha!
thank you, really very nice nice nice (:

then Azrin's part was funny,
he came with his food and started singing happy birthday song,
then Zul stopped him and asked 'eh makan tak ajak'
hahaha then it was like Azrin 'tengah nyanyi kau stop dia halfway'
haha, and he continued with different variations of voice, opera smua kluar,
andd the end, i finished off the song and he started eating before he ended it,
and Ain was like 'blum habis nyanyi dah makan',
hahaha klakar la korang.
and Haslina! got me a BLUE notebook (:
andd oh she did me a card, and it's super super honestly very touching,
as in really really, haha Alhamdullilah,
i'm glad i have a positive impact on someone else's life (:
Alhamdullilah, and yes, terima kasih yeee!
econs lecture, i couldnt take it halfway,
closed my eyes and listened again, haha dangg.
then gp gp, oh while waiting for the class to be evacuated,
met Faris and he wished me happy birthday! andd oh, it was hilarious, haha, gurau je ye!
gp wasnt really effective tday, our own fault also la, hmm,
sorry ms Phua.
thenn caal! haha no interview tday, i was soo glad, Alhamdullilah,
it was a talk about technology singularity, something along that line, haha,
it was interesting but i was feeling a lil restless, haha.
after that, went library t studyyy, then departed for angklung prac.
oh oh, here comes interesting things too!
haha they started the prac and sang me birthday song,
i was embarassed, haha sorry, and i pulled Mark's sleeve t cover my face,
nahh it didnt help, hahaha andd anw, thank you!
oh i think i lost focus somehow, haha sorry sorry sorry.
then break time!
i took a walk t stretch my legs with Haslina, then passed by the next classroom,
saw something i think i wasnt sposed t see, hahaha so i had t well, yes,
then Amy called me out, she closed my eyes, made me walk in that into the classroom,
and then i stood in front, i was like 'oh i feel candles' cuz i could feel the heat from the flame,
so open eyes, haha it's super sweet, the imh clique bought me a cake!
and yes, haha birthday song! cake cutting (:
and apparently, the slips of papers which they told me was to write msges for juniors in the morn, (and Wani really believes it cuz she asks for them also, haha)
was actually a part of my birthday present!
hahaha the box is very pretty and the slips of papers are inside,
so everyday, i should pick one out and read what it says, haha,
very very sweet, thank you (:
oh, and surprisingly, i got a birthday card/note from my house,
hahaha for sucha inactive member like me, but yes, Aerius HATS, thank you (:
Alhamdullilah (:

after angklung, we took pics andd haha yes, with the crown that Vivi did for me,
haha very sweet, thank you (:
Alhamdullilah (:
oh and during angklung prac, my big brother gave me a call,
he was asking where was i, and he asked 'nari birthday kau kan?'
and i thought at first, he was gonna tegur me cuz i was still not home yet,
so i told him i had angklung prac, but actually, he was like asking,
tday's my birthday, so what did i want? hahaha (:
at first, i was like anything la, thenn in the end, i told him i wanted a watch,
and then he was like 'kau nak yang brape ribu punyer?'
haha so i was like, ahh kalau tak boleh, apape je la, hahaha.
then i had a msg from him afterwards, "better thank me later"
hahaha :D
then while on the way out of school, saw Ain and Haslina dah nak solat,
so i rushed into the room, bowed Japanese style while saying 'arigato hait!'
and told them i was super touched and yes,
haha you know how hard it is for me to verbalise my feelings,
i pen them down better, haha,
but yes, it all came out just now (:
then so when i got home, i went t my abang, then he was like telling me takdela, main2 je,
haha so i was like, oh ok, then i went to my parents' room t talk t my mam,
haha then she was like asking me 'blum check kat atas katil?'
soo haha i went and apparently my abang did buy me a present,
super awesome, Alhamdullilah, thank you thank you very much (:
he got me a very very very pretty Swatch watch which i dunno costs how much,
and it's BLUE (: so i asked him, did you know my fave colour is blue or you just think it's nice?so he was like 'ahh, intuition', hahaha,
but anw terima kasih abang (:

thank you all for making my birthday sucha wonderful one, in one way or another (:
i frankly, honestly, sincerely, really really really appreciate it, and am very touched (: it's really one of the best ever, nodnodnodnodnod :D

haha aite, that's for now, i hope i didnt miss out any details,
andd yes ohh i've been listening to this song so much,
it's called cinta terakhir by Ari Lasso, it's quite a happy song,
haha cuz it's one of the songs that makes me smile,
i like the bahasa:
'Berjuta kejora terangi gelap malamku
tetap tak seindah cahaya mata hatimu'
yes, let's note, it's a hiperbola, uhh i think, haha,
but anw, yes go listen t the song and the lyrics, it's very nice,
oh no, Wani's not jiwang, she just appreciates good music with good lyrics (:
but if you want to feeling feeling, go think or find someone whom this song can be for,
then you can be the jiwang-er, hahaha.
alright, i gotta get back t doing something else, hahaha,
gnights, take care and THANK YOU :D
2:07 PM @
Sunday, April 20, 2008
so i'm awake at these wee hours of the morn,
got woken up more like.
and i feel bad cuz i was like asking my mam when she turned on my room's light,
to switch on the com,
like nape bangun pagi-pagi gini?
it turned out my brother got a really bad stomach pain,
so yup, searching for 24hours clinic.
so i felt bad, dang.
decided t help her out, found some,
Insya-Allah he'll be okay,
tak pernah nampak dia cam gini.
so yup, they're on their way to a clinic,
Insya-Allah things will be fine, nodnod.
i'll utilise the time now t do something productive,
it's not often i feel so awake at these kinda time.
gmorn readers.
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
just got home, thought i'll post an entry,
cuz i told Khairi i was gonna blog abt it lest i forget, haha
alright slept ard 3+am tryna do hwk,
forced myself t sleep,
sposed t start early tday but well, only started ard 9plus.
vacuumed, gosok baju, printed out stuff and ate,
on my way t nat'l library.
got there ard 11+am, soo started on my research,
haha i got hooked on t other things, but well, it's still history,
Alhamdullilah, i cant rmb how many books i went through,
stopped ard 3+pm, thought still early,
tried looking for books on religious fundamentalism for more concrete egs,
did find two, went down t the central lending library,
wow the place is packed, it's like two worlds apart from the library section i came from, haha,
i tried searching for the book, realised the content wasnt what i wanted,
headed t masjid Sultan for Zohor.
on my way there, saw someone familiar,
but Wani wasnt wearing specs so she didnt exactly bother,
crossed the road, realised my name was called out from the other side of the road,
haha Khairi!
coincidental sehh, so we went Zohor tgt with her madrasah friends,
was planning t stay for Asar, and she was too, so stayed,
so while waiting for Asar, i decided t ask her something,
hahaha, i got it right, Alhamdullilah (:
she was like, macam mane tau? haha
so after Asar, act. i was planning t stay and study till 530pm,
but realised it's okay, went off with her,
talked about her _______ (i'm bound to secrecy and his name shall remain anonymous here)
they're like soo cute la, as in really really,
haha klakar, tapi klakar positive la (:
and it's soo cool, and she kept asking macam mane tau (:
and she was like "sukenye"
soo i replied cam saye gembira la kawan saye dah nak ade pasangan (:
haha as in really really, gembira betul :D
tapi serious la, korang berdua nye itu cute betul la, hahaha.
andd dont worry worry, kalau niatnye baik, then do what you think is right,
dont have t fall to what others have got t say about it,
and jemput la ye dalam brape tahun akan datang, Insya-Allah saye datang, hahaha.
and she thinks it's not berbaloi that im spending so much time in the library,
just for a 3-3.5k essay,
haha hmm, but as she said, i can keep it for uni years (:
and i was soo super embarassed tday,
we singgah Banquet cuz she wanted t get something for her mam,
then i wasnt wearing specs, saw someone that looked like my dad,
i was prep t buy spring roll already,
then i told her i was gonna go t my dad,
thenn as i drew nearer, it wasnt my dad,
oh my, i can tell you the feeling of embarassment was sooo much,
that i refused to buy the spring roll cuz i was covering myself up,
oh my back was on him, hahaha malu malu malu betul.
oh man, so selenger la, hahaha.
i got a headache, maybe from the lack of sleep or rest,
and i dont need an added burden,
im not interested in that,
haha blahh.
but anw, on a lighter note,
Alhamdullilah really (:
you know that God's always here for you,
memberikan petunjuk dan hidayah,
my mind's clearer now, Alhamdullilah (:
so yup, trust in Allah (:
aite, common test in 3 weeks,
Wani is not panicking, and Wani is worried because she's not panicking,
i am hoping, Insya-Allah, and i hope i really really can,
stay up tonight, bersengkang mata, t study.
i bought potato chips to help me stay up, haha (:
aite, till now, take care!
9:42 AM @
Friday, April 18, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
Alhamdullilah (:
sometimes, i feel the need to stop and breathe for awhile.
and feel the oxygen fills you in.
so anw, the week has been exhausting (exclusive of the weekends at this point of time)
will save some best for the last,
oh oh ohh!
haha my birthday's in 4 days (:
i've been telling ppl that so that i can excite myself,
cuz im not exactly feeling excited about it,
haha someone told me that sounds well, kesian, hahaha.
Alhamdullilah (:
i'm gonna spend my sunday as a lone ranger, hahaha,
okay la i gotta go spend hours in the national library,
do up research and yup, think i'll just studyy there, nodnod.
tdayy, well, was a rollercoaster ride day.
started with getting up in the morn supposedly tryna study,
hahaha sorry la i think i mumbled rubbish when Aizat called t wake me up,
didnt realise i was on the phone until many many seconds later =x
sposed t get up t study, buuut i procrastinated, then hujan,
more reasons t menggeliat on the bed, ended up getting out at 5+am,
did up history tutorial (which apparently was like takyah buat, hahaha)
then i fell back asleep, hahaha
and i decided t write something more serious as my mood dampens,
was during maths tutorial,
remembered what Zul said, that life is very beautiful (:
life is beautiful.
that's when you realise that these things are just the material side of life.
all the achievements that you have, are not long lasting.
what's important is keimanan dan ketakwaan
(Ain started t laugh here cuz of the sudden switch in the language, hahaha)
the intrinsic worth of a human being,
because everyone has their own flaws and strengths.
hence, by logical deductions, no one is better than anyone (:(alright gp classmates, find this familiar? interesting (:)
oh, and we did gp compre test,
AQ was hard but it was interesting,
on building ties/rshps with anyone/ppl.
Wilson recommends being honest with oneself
and i agree (:what i value most above everything is sincerity.haha aite, so that was what i wrote on the foolscap paper, hmmm
oh lessons tday, i was soo super restless,
it started with econs lect, i didnt have my notes with me, hence, i had difficulty focusing,
soo i ended up doing this:

ps: sorry Mr. Wong :(
thenn for maths, i was well, yes: (the blue ink was mine, haha)

thenn well, blahh, but still Alhamdullilah,
sastera double period tday, was draining and intensive,
mood dipped much, thenn after Zohor, some mins passed,
had hist lecture for an hour plus from 3+ to 4+.
sposed t meet Ms Oon after that regarding my h3 schedule,
waited at the library and started on econs, then she came,
it was short and fast, haha, thenn, something was obviously bothering me,
ended up talking t her, ahahha, so much for studying,
it was funny laa, hahaha thenn she asked what i looked for in a uhh partner,
so basically told her something like that i wanted someone responsible, a gd Muslim, sincere,
andd of course, someone who wont make me think twice when im with him,
and she agrees (: hahaha, so we ctd talking until library was gonna close, hmm.
lepas skolahh, did up gp compre test,
ms Phua's really nice, and oh she was like,
why you do this question, so abstract, haha,
uhh i did the one on: it is increasingly difficult to make distinctions btwn good and evil. discuss.
interesting but well, i think i got confused, hahaha.
after, stayed in school t study with Ain until library closed.
aar, it was the fastest one ever, Alhamdullilah (:
after that, ml exco meeting for a short while,
thenn was gonna stay in school t study, and Zul asked if i was staying on also,
so we ended up going library t study tgt, haha klakar laa,
thenn he said: i just realise life is really beautiful.
and first thing, i thought he was talking about Syaf, hahaha.
stayed until library closed.
took a quick nap in the ml room in the morn before school starts,
thenn Haslina came and i got woken up, haha (:
uhh caal was good, it was funny, haha,
after school, i yes la, library's the place for me after school right now,
cuz if i go home, i'll sleep or not do anything productive,
soo oh the library was soo peaceful, i felt so glad, so conducive, Alhamdullilah (:
thursday!woke up late, panicked, but managed t Alhamdullilah, catch Subuh,
had meeting at 8am with the jrs for the project,
but it was good, and it rained, so no assembly,
decided that alright, let's just go down with them (:
them refers: Dhiya and Safar (:
soo Darul Ihsan Lilbanat experience!
seriously, i feel amat bersyukur and Alhamdullilah cuz i came along,
the girls were really so adorable and well, susah nak cakap,
in short, it was really enriching and a really good experience (:
the main objective of our project was to inculcate gratitude,
and orang yang bersyukur selalunya Insya-Allah, will feel more optimistic abt the future,
so that was what we planned t achieve.
and we went there with this aim in mind, Alhamdullilah (:
the girls, im glad t say, had alot of fun during the blindfold game (:
and i call myself kakak Wani, haha yay, it feels like having a sister (:
they're so beautiful (inside and out), andd soo adorable and soo :D
i think in a way, we managed t achieve part of our objective, Alhamdullilah,
and it touches me on how they treat us, it's really, touching,
i wish i could've stayed longer with them, Alhamdullilah :D
thenn we thought we'll end ard 6 so will go rush for a masjid nearby which is on the way home,
but we ended up ending ard 640-650plus,
soo we decided, we really wanted t be with them, so had dinner with them,
and even though the food may not be as varied as one always eat,
buut i dunno, it felt good, and on our part, we really felt bersyukur also (:
sat with some of the girls, and i tried to find a good topic i can talk abt,
andd we ended up talking abt our favourite pokemons, haha yay!
and oh we talked abt scooby doo the movie and cicakman!
hahaha cute lar, then we Maghrib, and didnt get t say bye t them,
cuz after Maghrib, they'll have Yasin,
the three of us really wanted t stay on, honestly (:
talked t the deputy supervisor and asked questions,
she's a very nice lady (:
and on our part, we wish t thank Darul Ihsan for giving us this opportunity,
and Insya-Allah, there'll be more sessions to come aite!
i really hope so too.
then 3 of us headed t Potong Pasir mrt, and we took the wrong turn, hahaha,
talked t them, told them my life story, haha,
like how i made the rapid change from the old Wani to the now Wani,
and change is never easy, so we have t persevere and Insya-Allah we can be good tgt (:
so i hoped that it could inspire them in a way,
and i think it kinda succeeded (:
well, just rmb, anything that happens selalu ade hikmah di sebaliknya,
and God wont ever test us beyond our limits, so trust in Allah (:
nodnod, well until here for now,
take care and gnights!
8:18 AM @
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
hmm, nodnod.
haha alright, it's been, Alhamdullilah (:
well, alright, i nearly fell asleep in econs lecture, well, it was first period,
haha i thought i was good, had my normal dose of coffee in the morn,
i came into the lecture hall and greeted Ain happily with "Ain, wake up!"
but then, as the lecture started, the drowsiness and sleepiness just came t sink in,
andd i uh, rarely fall asleep during lessons,
but couldnt take it anymore,
so i ended up closing my eyes and hmm, listened, haha.
but the rest of the day went good, Alhamdullilah (:
and Alhamdullilah, yay!
haha got an A for pw!
i think it's a historic significance for nj this year,
heard that 80plus % got an A for pw,
Alhamdullilah for all of us aite aite!
oh cool, i just realised man u and arsenal's playing,
hahaha alright, i'll come back later,
it's still 0-0
haha nahh, he didnt score, not yet at least,
score's still 0-0 and it's halftime.
hmm anw friday, reached home really early,
my dad was klakar, haha,
planned t wake up at 5+ for Asar,
then berkobar-kobar nak blaja after that,
but well, cmi la, haha woke up later than that.
had the talk at Anderson jc,
we i.e. me and Ain, ended up cabbing there,
cuz 1. we didnt wanna be late and 2. uhh, we dropped off at the wrong station,
haha dropped off at ang mo kio instead of yck, soo yeap.
oh, the ceramah was really good,
maybe partly cuz encik Ismail Kassan is a really interesting and engaging speaker,
haha yup,
about restu and he talked abt memahami adat perpatih,
it was interesting la, haha, and cuz it ended pretty early,
he told us a joke la about adat kat sane,
kan bila dorang nak kahwin yang ustaz tu kena tanye pasal solat,
so this ustaz kan ader derham yang dalam, ala something like that,
so he asked this mat yang nak kahwin:
"lepas J(Z)-ohor ape?"
so the mat confidently said: "Melaka"
hahahahaha, dang, klakar la, the whole lt started laughing,
hmm, hahaha.
so after that, Zohor there first, headed home,
didnt bring the hist notes, so ended up staring out of the window in the train.
went to the hairdresser t get a trim and hair layer,
one thing i dislike about getting a haircut,
is that the post-haircut feeling is always regret,
well, this haircut was no different, kinda miss my hair, hahaha,
cuz my fringe is short, but well, i always tell myself, it's gonna groww, hmmm.
reached home Asar, landing time,
i was exhausted really.
then malam, my brother's friend came and dorang main gitar,
as in abang Fadhil, soo basically i just stuffed myself in my room,
felt pretty awake from the much sleep i had,
so read up notes, got online, read econs thenn did maths,
realised i didnt know how t do, i finally decided t turn in,
it was ard 3+am, haha yeah, record breaking.
sunday sunday, tday,
after subuh, berkobar-kobar nak buat keje earlier,
so set alarm at 8plus, buuut haha well, you can guess,
so ended up doing everything after Zohor.
pretty much saturated tday, literally spent my time sleeping, studying, etc,
managed t accomplish pretty much tday, Alhamdullilah (:
bbmak's song is soo happy and joyful,
listen listen listen if you need something t hype you up :D
-out of my heart (:
yay man u just equalised :D
haha alright alright,
Alhamdullilah yay (:
haha aite aite, i'm gonna go pack my bag noww,
take care and gnights!
-oh, my birthday's in 9 days, hahaha (:
9:35 AM @
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
my hair is still wet, soo im gonna just blog first, haha
haha alrigggghtt, Alhamdullilah,
angklung concert is OVER (:
and Mr Dzul, i love your song, bahasaku!
very very semangat and meaningful (:
prep today was funny and fun,
it got draining at times, but told ourselves,
cmon we can do this, haha not tired, not tired,
it's all in the mind (:
sastera in the morn, free period: manage t read up econs,
Huzaifah was there, so me and Ain studied with him,
then released early, realised i was still full, haha i drank teh susu and coffee in the morn,
knew i had t eat cuz dinner was in the evening,
but couldnt get anything in except for hashbrown, hahaha (:
pictures pictures (:
ohh and we passed Azrin his birthday present, hahaha sorry but it was klakar la,
he went like speechless andd uhh yaa,
then Ain was like, ohh Azrin is touched, and he was like ya, hahaha,
anww happy birthday dan semoga diredhai dan diberkati-Nya selalu,
and Ashikin too aite! :D
concert went hmm, alright, i could've done much much better,
andd my rebana was slipping for Hayat, soo i decided t just roll up my sleeve,
haha aite aite, but well, it ended fast, or maybe it's just the feeling,
and it was my first time in the recital studio, cooool (:
andd fourth time performing in esplanade, haha, Alhamdullilah :D
i was kept entertained mostly throughout, by the IMH clique and the guys, haha
andd thanks for the flower aite, Qiqi, Olivia, Dyllis and all (:
and i was gonna take pics with my camera,
i did buy the batt from the school bookshop okay,
then while changing batt, Wani realised, that her batt,
was triple a instead of double, hahahaha, dangggg but anww, haha it's okayy,
andd i lost, lost, lost my jacket,
im quite sad about it cuz it's pretty recent, okay la last year,
but i bought it with my own money and it's BLUE,
buuut well, i guess it's telling me, Wani, get a new jacket, argh well.
aiiite, so after concert, had t pack up etc,
by the time i was released, gonna be ten,
thenn met Aizat and Zul, andd Syaf came along,
then parted ways and me and Aizat went t get late late dinner,
haha thanks for the blanja okayyyy!
oh oh we were gonna buy roti john,
then i was soo selengerrr,
cuz i saw the uncle nak letak cheese, then i was like, sorry, taknak cheese gitu,
then he was like, mann, indescribable laa,
something like last minute change of mind,
haha then Aizat came along t check on the food,
and i realised he ordered the one with cheese, hahaha,
slaps forehead, so memalukan okay, and the guy had this expression on his face,
and haha he went like, this one dont want cheese, this one wants cheese, haha,
and it makes me feel so selenger, haha, and yes it's my fault, haha
and Aizat was being nice, he says it's okayy,
haha but well, nehmine, the uncle will just forget about it, i hope, haha
thenn dinner dinner dinner,
talked, ate,
oh the music was good, uh there was a gig next door (:
andd we left ard 11 gitu
Aizat gave me a lift home cuz he was cabbing,
Alhamdullilah, haha or else, uh think i'll reach home ard 12,
terima kasih banyak-banyak ye,
andd rest well, and have a good good lecture tmr (:
the buildings were very pretty,
i like the night look, haha, very very nice,
andd! thanks for the super early birthday present!
haha first birthday present!
it was strapped to his bag, hahaha aite,
it's very squishy and adorable, hahaha bunny bunny,
but if it starts talking or laughing, i think i'll freak out,
hahaha kidding, but anww
THANKS Aizat for tday alright?
really appreciate it (:
aite aite, yesterdayy,
oh no, wait, i mean wednesday,
hmm, i remembered i was super exhausted, drained, tired,
but anw, Alhamdullilah, i passed NAPHA, finally finally,
yay last year, Alhamdullilah, andd i did good for some,
haha aite aite, thenn we didnt have caal,
so it was free period till angklung starts,
had t meet Ms Oon for history stuff, it was fast though, haha,
tried to study, managed to do that, library was closed for use,
so went t oasis t study, managed t cover econs and history,
and oh Ivan's gonna help me out for econs cuz he's so smart (:
Alhamdullilah :D
haha alright, then got a msg from Aizat cuz he gotta go buy clothes,
for his talk on saturday and he has to look smart mamat,
hahaha so since i had t get my white top for angklung,
met up with him at jp, and i was late, haha sorry la,
i thought i was gonna be early, underestimated the time.
anww, the shopping was funny, as in klakar in a positive sense,
i still like the top, cuz it's blue and it's very nice, haha,
went around to look for his stuff, which was hmmm, funny la,
uhh it was like the whole set, plus cufflings, haha cool!
haha, and oh i said i wont tell, so =x
hahaha aite aite.
thenn i realised i was so malas t go look for my top,
cuz it means going from one place to another,
and there were some which costs like, well, brape belas,
and well, okay la, it's just Wani, i dont wanna pay so much for baju yang tak cukup kain,
haha and esp when im just gonna wear it once,
thenn thought i'll just go find it later,
took train back with him, got a call from my dad,
he was waiting for my mam so anw i was gonna join them for dinner,
then called Ain, apparently she had extra white top,
so THANKS (:
andd no Aizat, you're not a weasel, hahaha
Tuesday tuesday, ohh half day, which wasnt one la,
finished lesson at 1140am, then grabbed a quick lunch alone, haha,
went for consultation with Mr Song for maths cuz hypothesis testing and sampling theory,
are making me feel dumb and confused,
thenn finished, realised Ivan was there studying,
went t him t clarify about econs,
realised he got a B for econs last year, so yes, smart smart (:
after that, went for angklung prac!
for the few times, my finger got pretty bad cuz played too much, haha well,
but it's satisfying in a wayy, hmmm,
nahh it doesnt sound morbid, haha nono (:
aite aite, soo that's it for now,
im gonna get my pw results at 2pm tmr,
pray for me and Insya-Allah it'll be all okay!
Amin (:
slamat malam semua,
uh i mean gnights all :D
haha take care!
Friday, April 11'2008
7:40 AM @
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Alhamdullilah (:
yesterday, i got home ard 11pm cuz there was bad traffic along bukit timah,
reached home, i told myself,
alright Wani, you'll get online at 12am if you study before that,
so i did read up on econs, took a break off ard 1150+pm,
and fell asleep in a span of less than 10mins,
anww blogged t post my good news, Alhamdullilah, im really glad :D
1. i passed my 2.4km :D soo glad, had a thought of giving up but Alhamdullilah really (:
told myself, cmon few more rounds, that's all, yay Alhamdullilah :D
2. Alhamdullilah, Cambridge accepted my h3 proposal, with comments: very good choice (:
so gotta start on my research soon.
3. my nj juniors won 3rd for pidato: Safa and Dinah (:
gnights, happy studying and take care!
6:57 AM @
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha alright i spent most of my day sleeping tday, literally,
i'm not kidding, haha, but of course, it's still Sunday,
had t vacuum the house, haha aite,
replenished all those energy and accumulated fatigue,
andd my flu worsened tday but other than that,
im feeling much better noww andd i did manage t read up econs just now,
haha yup, Alhamdullilah, it's an accomplishment :D
alright, so im just gonna update bout the past few days.
oh oh, Friday was Zul and Syaf's 10months anniversary :D
Alhamdullilah, yay for both of you (:
semoga berkekalan dan bahagia selalu okay!
and in 10 years time, i still want first row seat okay? haha!
i'm really happy for you both :D
haha aite, everyone deserves their own happiness,
and i feel happy seeing others happy :D
leadership symposium:
i like the talks (:
it was pretty cool, my group leaders were Andre and Junyang,
haha andd my grp mates were funny and nice,
Bryan, Mehul, Shu Jen, Shanty, Wan Ting and a council candidate, sorry i cant rmb her name,
so mock boardroom meetings were well, haha okay,
it was gonna build up t the presentation for the case that we were given,
haha the presentation was pretty good and the process wasnt really bad,
me and Bryan ended up taking food for the rest,
and we realised that we took too much, haha, but it wasnt wasted away though (:
and oh, our group got into top 5, hahaha it was pretty surprising in a way,
cuz we didnt slug it out for all the hours that were given to us,
haha but still, it was fun, Alhamdullilah (:
oh and Zul's grp got into top5 too, and anw they got 3rd yesterday,
and i didnt watch him present, haha they said he was funny, dangg,
ahh partly my fault la, haha i went out of the lt t check on drama,
so missed his presentation, but anw, good job Zul!
and it was pretty cool too,
it's like you finally talk to ppl whom you only see ard in school but well, that's just it,
like Mehul, see him ard school and well, a scholar and councillor,
and Bryan was like, oh Zai's friend and house capt,
haha but yup, it's nice t widen your social circle, nodnod,
they're funny ppl, haha, as in positive funny (:
then drama rehearsal on friday,
hmm it ended late 10pm,
there were problems here and there, but it's a team's effort,
no blame apportioned to anyone specifically aite (:
Alhamdullilah, Ain's parents sent me out,
was still waiting for the bus at 1052pm,
and i desperately wanted t get home,
tried hailing down cabs but it was to no avail, it was tough,
it worsened my mood, what with all the tiredness,
then 157 did finally come ard 1055-11pm there, Alhamdullilah,
reached home, home, home late late late,
i was still in a lousy mood because i was honestly tired and tired,
forced myself to eat because i had t take my medicine,
andd Alhamdullilah, terima kasih ibu cuz she stayed up waiting for me,
and cooked up some food for me, then she teman me eat while watching Aladdin,
haha aite :D
next day, angklung prac was delayed, starting at 910am,
but hmm haha apparently reached the bus stop at 9plus,
but on the way walking t school, Mr Dzul stopped and tumpang me t school,
haha thanks Mr Dzul (:
soo i ended up not being late, Alhamdullilah :D
andd haha during practise,
gonna play gunung payung, so rebana starts first,
buuut haha i was melamun-ing away and i guess the tiredness was like making me lose focus,
soo when i was sposed t start playing, i didnt play,
then i realised, dang Wani, you should've started the song,
hahahaha! embarassing la, so started apologising,
haha, thenn Mr Dzul joked and went like have you come back t earth,
then my fellow drummers joked about it like,
haha where you go? venus, jupiter, how was it? did you take NASA?
hahaha! well, but at least it's understandable (:
and i finally brought the guys the Korean biscuits, haha.
hahaha, thenn had t go off for drama,
listened t Rasyiqah deklamasikan the sajak, helped improvise the way she deklamasi,
so that it will be as what i wanted it to be, thanks aite (:
oh and lunch was good, Alhamdullilah :D
spaghetti and chicken chop, haha aite!
hmm aite aite,
and Man U drew 2-2 with Middlesbrough, dangggg,
but at least Newcastle won 3-0 yesterday, Alhamdullilah :D
tmr's NAPHA 2.4km,
i think im gonna fail, as in really, even though it's soo pessimistic,
but i havent fully recovered and most imptly, unfit,
haha yeahh, but Insya-Allah, can at least clock the max time,
dont think i'll excuse myself from pe tmr,
soo gambate Wani!
hahahaha, yup!
Insya-Allah (:
take care and gnights!
8:28 AM @
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Peace be upon you :D
hello world!
Alhamdullilah, drama was :D
Alhamdullilah, the scenes went pretty smoothly,
and Alhamdullilah, we did good (:
haha alright!
drama down, concert t go!
syukur Alhamdullilah :D
aiiite, alright, thanks t all those who supported us,
implicitly or explicitly (:
andd t all the cast/crew members and the cikgus,
i love ya all and sorry on my part for any kesalahan/silap kata zahir dan batin,
and t the cikgus, thanks for everything andd for the food yang sedap dan percuma (:
kami amat amat menghargainya (:
Alhamdullilah :D
alright, so as a well, t drama, i'll just publish the sajak i wrote for the drama,
thanks Rasyiqah for deklamasikannya,
and let's hope all for hidayah and petunjuk dari-Nya (:
Insya-Allah :D
andd it's hak milik tercipta oleh Waniiii (:
DetikKelam dan gelap
Suatu jiwa tanpa sinar-Nya;
Berjinak dengan maksiat
Nafsu menjadi sahabat
Dunia, dunia- engkau terus alpa
Kembali engkau, melalaikan diri
Lemah: lemah sungguh hamba ini,
Dengan bangganya membentangkan bendera putih
Mencatatkan zaman kegemilangan;
Kemenangan nafsu ke atas Iman
Tanpa segan silu
Bertakhta mahluk durjana berupa insan
Sebagai sandaran hati, cinta sejati
Menjadi selimut tebal,
Yang kemudiannya dimamah luapan api neraka
Tidakkah kau sedar manusia,
Cinta suci datang hanya dari Tuhanmu?
Seorang insan yang,
Tidak sedar akan noktah hitamnya
Asyik mengejar fatamorgana di tanah datar
Dibuai mimpi, dihiasi bebunga maksiat
Adanya kehidupan selepas ini
Menghadap Allah yang Maha Esa
Wahai Manusia,
Sudahkah kau persiapkan diri menghadapi-Nya?
Tanpa adanya singgahsana Iman;
Hanya berteman jasa hitammu, tertera oleh dakwat-Nya
Atau kau masih sibuk dibelai asmara dunia?
Sebelum masa habis berputar
Sebelum matahari timbul di Barat
Sebelum engkau diseru kembali
Bangunlah manusia, bangkit dari mimpi gelapmu!happy weekends, take care!
slamat malam/gnights!
8:36 AM @
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
haha hello world,
alright, i realised i wont be studying at home till drama ends,
reached home ard 11pm tday, andd im tired,
soo let's just blog for awhile.
i've been coughing and coughing,
Insya-Allah by Saturday it'll be gone,
i want Fishermens' friend.
alright so radio show went pretty good,
i met Mariam and Abishek, haha cool cool,
andd Aizat listened to Ria instead of Warna,
slaps forehead, hahaha sorry la tapi klakarr.
andd oh we were in the lift and i saw the sign:
"In case of a lift breakdown
1. Stay calm. Do not panic"
andd my response:
Wani, FAIL.
haha alright alright.
thenn after that, back t school for angklung,
awesome, Alhamdullilah, loved the session,
intensive andd nods!
momentum was there, Alhamdullilah, and didnt make much mistakes.
tday, leadership symposium,
i was late laa haha Waniii!
alright but blum start so wasnt so bad,
sposed t reach at 745am but i reached ard 8+,
but that was partly cuz i wasnt feeling well in the morn haha aite,
hmm it went pretty okayy, my group's good,
made new friends, aite aite, ended ard 6pm there,
andd the talks were pretty interesting, the food was good,
Alhamdullilah (:
andd i was writing down a list of things i wanna do after dramaaa/in the future,
i dunno if i was bored, but anwww, here goes:
1. take the Singapore flyer-alright i know i know, but hey, it can be my first ferris wheel ride (:
2. watch Vantage Point-after the apparent failures of wanting t watch ps i love you and leap years, haha
3. send my watch for repair and change the battery-but i dont mind a new watch, haha
4. stop and stare at the sky for as long as i want
5. stone on top of a mountain-hahaha, random?
6. spend some quiet time
7. take a picture of the
sunrise and the
sunset (:
anddd yes, haha, go science centre (:
been years since my last visit, haha.
anww drama tdayy was well, drama,
aite, let's keep on goingggg.
alriiight, well at least i hope drama Insya-Allah will berjaya on saturday (:
gnights and take care!