6:57 AM @
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha alright, yes sudah lama menyepi daripada blog ini,
kembalilah aku untuk men-blogging.
haha alright, it's been awhile, and it's been busy,
im just gonna type a quick entry cuz i still have things t do,
haha yup.
Alhamdullilah, i'm better now,
haha but well, coughs coming but no more flu (:
alright, just finished a sajak for the drama,
Alhamdullilah, but i hope it's good enuff (:
anw tday's my cousin's birthday, and i just just wished him happy birthday,
dangg i'm lousy but anww,
happy birthday abang Wan,
dan semoga diberkati dan diredhai-Nya selalu (:
anddd tmr's my parents' 23rd ANNIVERSARY :D
Alhamdullilah (:
i think it's really beautiful when it's a long long time marriage,
cuz yes, i believe marriage is not all about love,
love can come after marriage,
t me, well, marriage is for dunia akhirat, so hmm basically that sums it all up,
soo im gonna, can la, haha maybe try hard, Insya-Allah,
t get them something,
since i've already forgo my dad's bday present,
but yes, Alhamdullilah (:
tday tday tday,
Alhamdullilah, aite,
woke up pretty early cuz slept early yesterday,
unplanned la, haha cuz i asked my brother wake me up,
then this morn i asked him why he didnt wake me up,
but he told me he did, then i said okok but i was still sleeping, hahaha,
alright so i started work early tday ard 8plus i think,
started with h3 hwks t do, then went on t maths,
realised i didnt really know how t do (cuz i got the ans wrong) haha,
so shrugs, hmm, had breakfast, Alhamdullilah, nasi lemak!
then considering it was Sunday,
couldnt runaway from certain obligations,
so vacuumed the house tday, was planning t study after like Zohor there,
then mam asked t help her with the begedel,
haha so helped her, then went down t shop t buy stuff,
and ended studying ard uhh 3plus pm,
andd hahaha i fell asleep from 4plus to 6plus,
soo hmm, hahaha then continued.
alright, then my abang came home, so i finally had my second meal of the day,
cuz i ate with him while watching Chelsea,
but Chelsea scored ard the 4th minute plus plus,
thenn he decided t not watch it, hmm,
haha aite but anww he decided t watch Bon Jovi's live concert,
he bought the disc, so watched awhile with him, haha cool!
andd my mam and dad came t watch it also, haha aite aite,
so yes, Sunday is family day (:
yesterday, angklung angklung then drama drama,
had lunch, the penutup, haha the finale for saturday's lunch outside before drama (:
so we ate at BK, and after some time, finally did eat double turkey bacon (:
then i had a call, went down t pa for drama prac,
scene blockings and sorry my dear cast mates,
haha i was sposed t collapse and faint on the floor,
but i couldnt help but laugh anddd it made the rest laugh too,
haha alright so i decided on a form of falling,
haha aite, andd it ended ard 7plus pm,
went home, reached pretty early, did my stuff andd hmm.
oh oh, i finally decided t go t doctor on Thursday,
went t poly and missed first few hours of the day,
reached school ard ten plus, and i had t eat cuz i wanted t eat my medicine,
then oh the doctor asked me t go vegetarian for 2 weeks, haha,
but well, it's for my own good, but Wani being Wani,
hmmm, haha aite.
andd i was sposed t eat lozenges 3 times a day,
but well on Thursday, it got so busy i didnt really eat the other 2, haha.
andd on Friday, on the way t school,
it was a pretty horrible experience,
ate my morn medicine, thenn ate another one,
then somehow i felt so nauseous, i felt like puking,
but i was on the bus, couldnt possibly let it come out,
it was pretty crowded, hahaha yeahh, so i was like thinking,
mann worse come t worse, i just gotta get off the bus,
buut then the vomit kinda wanted t come out already,
and i had t tahan it inside, it felt so, uhm sick,
haha yeahh then when that moment passed by, it was over,
but hmmm, hmm, Alhamdullilah though (:
it's gonna be third week of school, haha dangg, it's fast.
aite aite aite,
i guess i'll be pretty relieved when all's over,
though i'm gonna miss it in a way (:
and i just realised that Bon Jovi's it's my life line:
'like Frankie said i did it my way'
refers to Frank Sinatra's song 'my way',
hahaha :D
alright alright, give me that face, haha.
andd Haslina, thanks for helping me buy the shirt okay!
sorry i didnt pick up your calls earlier,
sorry for the trouble but thanks!
Alhamdullilah, or else i dunno when im gonna buy it,
haha yes, my schedule's pretty packed for the next 2 weeks.
and i'm soo into this song, it's really nice,
i love the lyrics :D
'Doa perpisahan' by Brothers :D
alright la, i'll get off now and continue with econs (:
take care and GNIGHTS (:
8:49 AM @
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
Title: Illusi... Pahit manisnya realiti (Illusion... the Bittersweet realities)
Date: 5th April 2008, Saturday
Time: 5-7PM
Venue: NJC LT1
Ticket Price: 6 bucks
NOTE: if you want tickets, please notify any MLDDS ppl,
or you can just contact me, Wani, at 90179487
thank you and we hope to seeya there (:
National Junior College Perbayu,
in collaboration with
Tanglin Secondary School
“Illusi… Pahit Manisnya Realiti”
(Illusion... the bittersweet realities)
(With English subtitles)
In this tumultuous society where knowledge and culture intertwine, the subject of religion often leaves us confused and unsure and sets us uneasy and uncertain. So often we have heard arguments over what is ‘Halal’ and what is 'Haram' in view of western ideas and culture. This conflict between religion and secularism has set many youth astray. 'Illusion... The Bittersweet Realities', explores this issue in the context of the Malay Muslim Youth of Singapore from the perspective of an upper class Malay family.
This life is not as beautiful as we imagined it to be. The challenges that each individual faces and experiences are different. This production tells a story of a rich family that is experiencing a beautiful, contented life. However, wealth is just an illusion that has not made them understand and see the meaning of real bliss. In going through their everyday lives, each of the family members is struck with their own dilemmas. Their weaknesses are their own enemies, which creates the conflict that the family is facing. However, how can they overcome their flaws in order not to go with the flow, without principles and a strong faith? It’s only through life experiences that we can realise and understand the real meaning of life.
Kehidupan itu tidak seindah yang kita bayangkan. Pancaroba yang dihadapi setiap insan pasti berlainan. Pementasan ini mengisahkan sebuah keluarga kaya yang cukup bahagia. Namun, kekayaan itu hanyalah sebuah illusi yang mengaburi mata mereka tentang erti sebenarnya sebuah kebahagiaan. Dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian, dilema melanda setiap dari anggota keluarga mereka. Kelemahan diri menjadi musuh utama dalam setiap konflik yang dihadapi oleh keluarga mereka. Tetapi, bagaimanakah dapat mereka mengatasi kelemahan tersebut agar tidak terus hanyut dibawa arus kehidupan yang serba tidak menentu tanpa pegangan atau keimanan? Hanya melalui pengalaman sahaja dapat kita mengenali dan mengerti realiti kehidupan yang sebenar-benarnya.
4:40 PM @
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
alright it's been busy, haha,
yup but Alhamdullilah (:
still, a happy belated 50th birthday to my ayah, Alhamdullilah,
semoga dimurahkan rezeki, diberkati dan diredhai-Nya,
dan dipangjangkan umur, Insya-Allah.
and i didnt get him anything this year, yes it's rare,
and it was well, haha alright, cuz i kirim-ed him t buy foolscap on the way balik dari solat Jumaat,
then he went like ya ok, his birthday tak belikan apape tapi nak suruh belikan benda pula,
haha yeah, sorry yah,
this year, mungkin economy downturn,
Insya-Allah tahun depan ye.
a quick update before it gets hyperly busy, haha.
hmm alright!
angklung angklung!
wed and sat,
it's been good, and i forgot how t play yesterday,
ahh dangg haha but still,
yay concert concert,
on the 10th April, 8pm at the esplanade,
tickets, uhh if you're reading this and you want the tix,
let me know okay :D
drama drama,
been real busy,
practices stepped up next week till night,
yes i feel like, okayy, sabar Wani sabar,
hahaha nahh, i guess it's for the better,
and since i assume you're reading this,
haha alright, come for our drama production,
which will most prob be held on 5 april,
a matinee show, with me acting (:
hahaha but anw, yes it's gonna be good,
so come down for our drama aite,
and let me know if you want the tix,
and there's English subtitles, soo regardless of race, language or religion,
you can come and watch and understand,
Insya-Allah (:
alrighhht, school's tmr!
wow, that's rapidly fast, haha,
let's see, my hols, yeah, i only had Friday and Sunday at home,
but yup, yesterday drama,
we stayed on for Maghrib,
then shared drink with Haslina,
ate Azrin's part of old Chang Kee, makasih ye?
and drank part of Zul's apple green tea, haha, thank you,
and i wanna watch klakar rabak, it sounds funnyyy (:
andd i wanna watch the leap years!
argh, cmon Wani, find time, find time,
maybe on Good Friday hols?
aite aite,
ohh Arsenal's gonna be against Liverpool for the champs league qfinal,
im hungry, and i really feel like eating nasi lemak for breakfast, haha.
haha yeahh,
OHIO reader-san (:
take care and gnights!
March 16'2008
6:00 AM @
Monday, March 10, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
hahahaha it's so hilarious,
so after some time, finally talked t Tze Wei,
and dangg haha ohh 10 years of friends already, coool!
Alhamdullilah :D
andd dangg, hahaha it's soo funny!
we've decided to become power rangers (:
okayy, Tze Wei's gonna be pink ranger andd im gonna be the Asian version,
he suggested uhh baju kurong power ranger, haha but decided on!
hahaha batik power ranger!
ohh it started like, asked about each other's social life,
so implicitly, the question was whether attached or not,
soo he pointed out, maybe it's cuz i put it as lone ranger, then i'm not.
hahahahha, so he suggested i changed my nick to:
power ranger!andd it developed from there, cuz we were talking bout law, thenn i went like:
if they dont want abide by us, we become power rangers!hahaha alright alright, he's gonna be my online clown (:
to cheer me up, if im down, haha thanks!
andd ohh, i went like, im trying not t fall for anyone, be proud of me,
haha and shakes head, he went like, no can fall for ppl cuz it's normal, but still,
yes i know you're proud of me for having self restraint :D
hahaha, dangg go go power ranger!
okayy it's not merepek laa,
it's called, uhh haha back to childish moments,
amusement (:
but still, haha he's my longest friend ever, as in time period laa,
hahahaha yes since primary one (:
andd yes, we are gonna be the power rangers who'll get as for alevels okay!
haha yeah, and you can be the top quarter Malay student in your school :D
hahaha dangg, hilariously humorous,
been some time since i laughed in front of the computer (:
anww tday, Alhamdullilah :D
haha alright!
i went t school early! yay, haha okay partly cuz i wanted breakfast with my parents,
thenn yup, gotta get up early and get off early,
thus i reached school pretty early and started with work,
alright alright, i stuffed myself in the library haha,
and it was pretty quiet, it was coool!
haha thenn, did maths for few hours, walked around school,
careful not t bump into Ms Phua cuz i was wearing my super blue shoes,
thenn started on sastera,
dangg it was hours, but Alhamdullilah, i managed t get past it,
thenn ard 4 there, i was the only student left in the library,
haha it felt too weird as the time passed by that i decided,
alright, let's get on with history at the oasis,
and the weather was nice, it was cold, it was nice (:
Alhamdullilah :D
thenn get home, took a nap, ate dinner, etc, got onto com,
andd hahaha
go go power ranger!
and yes, we'll tell each other when there's anyone okay?
it's the rangers protocol (:
aite alright :D
drama tmr, talk in the evening,
ANGKLUNG on wednesday!
and yes sastera lesson on Wednesday,
thursdayy drama drama,
alright i feel soo haha haha haha :D
get the idea? (:
andd yay, Zul cheer up!
and he get to work with kids, soo adorable!
i was referring to the kids la, no offense aite!
anddd haha hmmm, i was actually planning t do work,
Insya-Allah i'll stay up later,
andd Faris! makasih for the song :D
yay, haha yes bubbly face, that's where the title comes from (:
happy hols!
haha alright, gnights and take care!
and yes gnights pink ranger!
dangg, it still sounds gay, haha, but nahh.. hmmm.
10:26 PM @
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
oh, it's been busy, busy, busy, haha,
but still, Alhamdullilah (:
aite, let's see,
hmm finally, Alhamdullilah, straightened things out,
decided to just be an adult and act like one,
so talked about it all,
aite, and im sorry on my part too for any wrongs that i've done,
and thank you all for being wonderful friends,
and being with me, aite.
so kudos here,
Ain Ain, thank you for sticking by me and im sorry for anything,
and yup, Zul,you're still like a brother to me and i really trust you,
thank you for just being there,
and everyone, thanks okay!
aite and yup, Alhamdullilah (:
soo, hmm, haha i skipped assembly 'cause of the talk,
andd i had t face the consequences, soo told Ms Masnidah the reason behind it,
andd that i will take full responsibility for my actions,
and i was kinda expecting like uhm detention cuz it was my third time not in assembly,
hey, haha the other two was for latecoming,
orr maybe some thousands words essay, haha,
but Ms Masnidah was nice, she excused me for this once,
yay Alhamdullilah (:
alright, so let's retrace my steps,
hmm, drama drama!
mon, thurs, fri, saturday!
ohh yesterday went pretty well for all of us, Alhamdullilah,
it was at Kallang from 4+ to 7plus, nearly eight,
but still, yup (:
it was pretty hilarious,
and sorry Ain for being overly excited :(
andd i was just plain happy on Saturday,
yay im back t myself, Alhamdullilah (:
hmm then angklung!
haha it's good, it's good,
gotta continue the momentum, yay, Insya-Allah :)
andd ohh the band concert was simply awesome,
good music :D
Zai was emceeing! haha cool cool,
andd oh they played doraemon and spirited away, and it really reminded me of Crescent band,
cuz we played those songs before, and i can still rmb the fingerings and notes (:
andd spirited away was beautiful, it made me miss my trumpet playing days,
i felt like picking up a trumpet and play, haha yeahh,
andd the 4 movement piece was really good too,
really nice (:
haha i think i just landed myself in econs remedial,
i kinda wrote hmm, hmmm, haha i forgot what were the solutions to cyclical unemployment,
so ended up writing uhh encourage entrepeneurship, gvt subsidies etc,
thenn i realised that my usage of the expansionary monetary policy was tunggang terbalik,
haha, danggg, but still, my own fault la, didnt study enough,
fell asleep and didnt wake up t study the night before, hmmm.
history wasnt that bad,
ih was okayyy, but i realised i shouldve talked about the
Intifada, slaps forehead,
buut sea, hmm, i think i've landed myself in that remedial class too,
haha, hmm, tapi Insya-Allah tidaklah, my schedule's packed, packed, packed.
hmm and ohh haha i have a long wayy to become a good housewife who can cook,
incident one,cuz my mam asked me t help her take the lengkuas ngan adalah lagi satu sayur,
tak ingat pulak namanya,
abihtuu, haha i happily took the veges inside the plastic bag and passed to her,
with all the chopping board and knife and plate,
thenn she pointed out like, mana lengkuas dia?
then i said something like, ni bukan lengkuas ke?
thenn hahaha she said that it was serai, jauhhnyeerrr,
haha and ohh
incident two,
she asked me to put in the garam,
then she was like tengah mash the potato inside a mangkuk,
so i happily scooped a spoonful of garam and dang it into the mangkuk of potato,
andd my mam was hilarious, in a good wayy, she went like,
garam yang kau add kat sini buat apa? masukkan kat situ la,
thenn i realised that the lauk was cooking inside the cooker,
hahaha ohh mann, slaps forehead, selengerr laa, haha.
hmm hahaha alright, it's been funny these past few days,
aite aite, Alhamdullilah (:
school school, has been good,
tired tired, but persevere persevere,
and ohh congrats to all the seniors for your results (:
and next year's gonna be our turn aite,
Insya-Allah we will do really well,
and like Zul said,
let's get our names on the board aite? Insya-Allah (:
i havent been eating lots recently,
it makes me feel really hmm, not something i like,
haha but alright, sometimes, you're tired,
it makes you lazy to eat see, haha, aite aite.
and ohh, currently my slogan is,
i'm a lone ranger and i go my own way,BANG BANG :Dhaha i cant tell you whyy,
but well, Ain and Haslina know (:
andd Huifang too, haha let's be breezes together, gosh funnyyy.
and nahh, it's not much about anyone,
im not together with anyone nor am i in love with anyone (:
haha alright, at least that's what i think :D
i gotta get off nowww,
take care all and happy hols :D
9 March 2008
3:58 AM @
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha alright,
im so excited, alright alright,
but i really hope i can go,
i mean okayy there's Alevels,
but i really really wanna goo,
haha yup, Insya-Allah!
aite, andd,
haha alright history test wasnt so bad,
hmm, nahh not an understatement,
ended ard 5plus,
home home, tido jap,
then i finally played the flute after weeks of abandoning it,
haha and yes masih ada sound la,
can still play king's mountain,
aite aite.
hmm tmr's angklung!
haha for i dunno what reason, im looking forward to practice,
i think it's the momentum from the Saturday's intensiveness (:
alright alright,
i wanna goo eat,
makan makan,
eat eat.
and i havent really been eating in school,
i get t save money :D
Alhamdullilah :D
take care!
4 March 2008
3:10 AM @
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights)007.042YUSUFALI: But those who believe and work righteousness,- no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear,- they will be Companions of the Garden, therein to dwell (for ever).
Surah Al-Mu'minun (The Believers)023.062 YUSUFALI:
On no soul do We place a burden greater than it can bear: before Us is a record which clearly shows the truth: they will never be wronged.
Surah Al-Baqarah (The cow)002.153
YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.
i seek Your guidance, ya Allah,
show me the way and give me strength,
to overcome the tests You have given me,
because i am afterall, Your creation who is weak and fallible,
and ya Allah, only to you do i seek for help,
of which no one, but You can give.
Alhamdullilah, i thank God for everything that He has given me,
i thank Him for giving me a beautiful family,
who is with me through my deepest, darkest hours,
who accepts me for who i am and my flaws,
and who stands by me for all the time i knew them to be.
i thank Allah for providing me with a friend,
Fas, thank you so much for sticking by me,
for never failing to understand me and who i am,
for being there through it all with me and witnessed how much i had gone through,
to be where and who i am right now,
and for never giving up on me, even at my darkest hours.
i thank You, Allah, for providing me with a friend as such, Alhamdullilah.
there is no God but Allah, and i trust Allah beyond anything and anyone,
for He knows, and i seek His guidance,
to give me strength to overcome the obstacles in life,
for He will not place greater burden on me than what i can take,
Insya-Allah, God will give me the strength,
and thank God, He has made me a Muslim.
and Alhamdullilah, i feel much better.
6:04 AM @
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
alright, been some time, haha
Mas Selamat,
it's big news,
Insya-Allah he'll get caught soon,
it's still a question.
but Alhamdullilah, thank God for everything.
let's recap tday,
aite, hmm
oh, i was early for angklung :D
haha yes, of the few times, yupyup.
practice was awesome tday, haha intensive!
feels really good, haha aite aite,
i love the songs.
hungry hungry,
hadnt eaten proper, real, solid food since Friday,
as in really really,
but my abang blanja-ed me like cempedak goreng and candy floss on Friday,
and bought otah2 andd kropok lekor,
and that was basically most of what i ate on Friday,
nak makan nasi sebenarnya bila balik,
abihtu tunda tunda sampaikan dah naik katil, thenn penat sangat,
tidoo, haha, tapi takpela, Alhamdullilah, i had more sleep (:
thenn, tday!
BRYMY gathering/briefing/sharing for upcoming seminar,
i was really looking forward to it, tho it was all the way at Eunos,
bought myself a microwave burger from 7eleven,
reached there! briefing/makan! (:/sharing session,
thenn haha waited for kak Marlina, Farah and Fazliah t solat,
i busied myself with other things, like playing with the really adorable kid (:
haha she's soo super adorable!
thenn somehow, they managed t get me t go makan with them tho i was insistent,
Wani's strongheadedness dilenturkan, haha,
but anw, kak Marlina blanja-ed me Delifrance icecream and she told us bout dadada,
sworn t secrecy, i cant tell, and i dont want to (:
thenn they took mrt with me t Bugis, they were going Arab street and solat too,
and i was heading home (:
Alhamdullilah, i really enjoyed their company,
being with them makes me feel inspired, t just continue being who i am,
and still, remember, while at the same time, having fun,
it's a good feeling, really Alhamdullilah (:
and yes, i know i've been down recently,
and yes, Alhamdullilah, ive managed t shrug them off, again.
aite, haha alright,
i stand firm by my principles,
and i wont let anything let me down, Insya-Allah (:
i'll try at least, aite!
haha and yes, i dont wanna fall for anyone, not currently,
so yes, try hard.
i wanna take a long long holiday.
dream Wani, dream.
but you know what i really feel like doing at this point of time?
i wanna go to the highest building, on the rooftop,
and no, God, no, not t jump down, Astaghfirullah, haha sorry la joking,
haha, or maybe on a very spacious empty green field,
and just, look up and look at the sky,
peace and silence, with the wind,
for hours, alone.
yes, that's what i wanna do.
haha, hmm.
and noo, it's not called emooo,
haha it's called, spending some quiet time with yourself,
and Subhanallah, appreciating God's greatness and creation (:
alright, i have 4 tests next week, Insya-Allah, i can do okay, esp. history.
and i want econs tuition, aite aite.
and the trick t staying awake at night t study,
is t stuff yourself with chips,
i did that for two nights, and yes, Alhamdullilah, i managed t really keep awake,
but my abang pointed out that i'll get fat,
so yes, on the health side, it's unhealthy,
soo i didnt buy chips, but there's always coffee, haha.
and my abang reminded me that A levels is coming,
and he told me that i should go get a scholarship,
Insya-Allah (:
thanks for the motivation abang (:
and no, it's not called mugger,
it's called, wanting t do well,
but well, it doesnt matter what people may think.
aite, alright, bam slam dang,
im good, Alhamdullilah.
and i love my family, i mean who doesnt,
and if there's anyone who wanna hurt my family,
you're answerable to God,
for He knows, even if we dont.
cintailah akhirat lebih daripada dunia.take care and happy weekends all,
1 March 2008