8:58 AM @
Monday, December 31, 2007
haha and ive just read Zul's latest entry,
hahahaha gosh crack me up la,
Zuuul, i wont kill you both la for not wearing the watches :D
but must wear la anw (:
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha alright, so let's do a review/recap of the year :D
and disclaimer, it's gonna be a longg and well, a long entry,
honestly, really, serious, frankly, im not lying to you,
so if you dont wanna get bored,
uh you can just skip this entry, or well, haha just be patient (:
phrase of the year (:
anw, yes it's in Malay and abit the jiwang,
but haha it's meaningful, so bear with it, haha:
yang pertama belum tentu yang terbaik,
yang terbaik biasanya yang terakhir.
tetapi yang sukar dilupakan adalah yang pertama.
sedangkan yang terakhir masih menjadi tanda-tanya.yes, dad said 'if someone breaks your heart, dont cry' (:
haha okay, so im still running this public blog,
uh haha yes, months after i decided t well, privatise my previous blog,
which is well, sorry t say, but exclusive to only a few people nods,
cuz of certain reasons like, well, feelings and haha,
andd yes tis blog is mainly for my rants and views and normal words in short,
buuut somehow, if you do get access to it, and somehow, able t crack my password,
haha i'll say, you know me well enough (:
haha alright,
some important self discoveries made this year,
uhm haha wait, i gotta think.
alright, people say i should smile always,
or else ill look as if im sad,
so yes haha i'll try smiling all the time la aite!
Insya-Allah (:
haha yup,
and when i'm pretty quiet or i dont really talk t you,
it's either:
1. i really have nothing t say or 2. i really enjoy your company,
orr i really dont know what t say orr im tired/stone,
orr there's something really bothering me and im thinking,
or actually, i just prefer and like t listen t the conversation, haha
uhhuh (:
other than that,
i realised that having a strong willpower is very vital and thus,
if i am aiming for something, it's mind over body and yes strong willpower,
i know it's like well, duh Wani, but i guess as you grow older,
things like this seems to really hit you,
and that, that has played a part, alot, this year,
and i love my space, i mean i dont need it always,
but i guess there are times when i just lapse into uh my own world,
and im really gonna emphasise that it's really not emo-ing,
nor am i antisocial, haha far from that,
i dont really mind being surrounded by ppl when im in that mood,
just as long as ppl dont mind and dont think that there's something wrong with me,
it's just well, some time when i like t spend some quiet time,haha,
and just, space out or look at the skies, read a book,
and ive learnt that, no i shouldnt do that when there're ppl ard,
cuz well, it gives the wrong impression,
i guess it's just appreciating the wonders that God has created,
especially the skies, it makes me feel, carefree yes (:
the dark night sky too, stargazing :D
ive found a favourite place in school and i can tell u no, it's not the library,
haha but well, i guess i wont say where it is anyway though,
haha WANIII!
but yes, it's a very very nice and good place, Alhamdullilah (:
andd my birthday this year, haha yup 234 :D
well, basically 23rd April, haha yeap,
i got a really nice and sweet gift from my Melayu ppl,
haha ohh, they pretended as if they didnt get me anything till lunch,
haha and in the morn, the first gift i got in nj was from Aloysius,
haha yeap, and thanks, it's still hanging in my room (:
but yes, haha getting back on that,
we finished eating already and Syaf/Ain passed me a box and haha,
well, cut story short, they got me like a book for me t fill with my sajak and puisi,
andd cards! hahaha yes, love them bits n pieces, really sweet,
and haha, ill look at Ain and Syaf as i rmb one of them,
hahaha gosh, that was like well, months ago, but thanks!
yes yes, rmb mj? (:
andd oh there's such a thing as Singles' Day and it falls on the 25th of April,
so hahaha i'll like celebrate it next year, haha!
but Zul, being a good and nice friend as he is,
told me i'll find another single and be a double,
haha but well, im not fussed, andd im just kidding (:
but hey, there's such a thing really as singles' day,
haha yup and yes it falls on the 25th,
and unless i get off from this point, im just gonna be repeating myself,
but anw,
let's see,
i got into NJC, well yes obviously,
haha yes it was a last minute decision, nods.
was at Arfah's house for sleepover on the day before the submission for PAE was due,
when i received my mam's msg telling me it's up t me t decide,
cuz she read my testimonials which well, made her positively proud,
andd haha yeah when i reached home the next day,
put NJ first choice when for some time,
i was so decided on AC cuz well, it was near and i didnt expect my results t be good,
but yup Alhamdullilah (:
and so my jc journey started,
andd well my first three months in NJC was super awesome,
Alhamdullilah, i really love my stay here,
orientation was super fun haha like uh 8 days of it,
yes first 3 days were like talks and admin stuff,
but the next week of whole 5 days were games and fun,
and yes i admit, at that time, i wanted normal lessons t start soon,
alright :D
but hey, haha im no mugger,
and okay tis is the part that im gonna stand up for nj,
that it's not a mugger school,
haha i think partly the reason why ppl think we are,
is because we are seen studying buuut,
it's only when exams are coming or there are tests,
and most of the year are spent on activities,
that when you have that spare time, you just gotta catch up on work,
but well, it doesnt really matter what we are branded,
cuz afterall, you study t get good grades,
and somehow, no matter how you argue that grades are not everything,
well, they are something in this globalised world and Singapore,
if you wanna be somebody in the future.
and well haha this year,
made the big switch from band to angklung (:
haha alright, some were in disbelief when i told them i quit band,
and yes disappointments and all but i cant blame them,
but i dont regret the switch either.
i mean, yes, ive been in band since primary 2 so that sums up t uh, 8 years?
it's not a waste quitting band, i get t try something new.
and yup, partly the reason why i quit was because,
it wasnt like Crescent's band, and well im really attached t CGGSB,
and the style is well, different so yup,
and also cuz, alright i can be blamed for this,
but i was frustrated with myself cuz i couldnt get my sound back,
yup my polished trumpet sound which i had worked on for years.
i guess if i had been patient i would have gotten it back,
but well, i guess it's just that i didnt really wanna be in band anymore,
and no there's really nothing wrong with nj band,
they sound really good (:
but anyway!
i love angklung ensemble :D
i wont deny there was a kinda uh, culture shock,
but it's not a negative thing, haha yup, good thing,
i guess through this, i've begun t appreciate ethnic music,
and haha alright, have picked up rebana and bamboo flute,
yupyup, grow more synapses!
thenn competitions!
haha first 3 months, pesta pantun with Asyikeen, Hafidh, me and yes Syamil,
haha it was fun and well, we stayed behind in school till malam usually for practices,
and that was how i got t know Khairiana,
haha yup andd well, we didnt get thru the prelims,
but getting more exposure was really good and it was well, enjoyable (:
an experience!
and of course,
bahas bahas and bahas :D
i love my bahas team mates :D
haha alright so i was interested in joining bahas,
so got the go from cikgu and put together our bahas team,
got Faris in, and yup there were probs of forming a team,
but managed t get Zul, haha yeah and he insisted on being a reserve if he was t join,
so i had t abandon my wish of being a reserve instead,
then got Hafidh in and then yes, Daniel was interested,
so yup the 5 of us :D
haha yeap if you've noticed, i was the only girl on the team,
but haha no issue really.
prelims, quarters, semis andd yes FINAL (:
Alhamdullilah, guess we didnt really expect t get all the way there,
the aim was t get t the next stage after each stage,
and yes step by step, we got there, and we were a team,
and yes Zul, i still insist that you are on the team,
like team manager like that, haha yup!
practices, practices and yup,
we bonded aite all, and they were really good memories, nods,
and we came out on tv! hahaha, yes the post-final interview,
and Faris represented Singapore for Titian Minda,
and we got $1000 cheque for being runner up,
yup i mean we lost t Madrasah Al-Maarif during the final,
but really, really felt like we were winners,
and that's what that matters right? haha yup!
it was the whole process really, the thrill, the bahas,
and i seriously think we did awesome,
and i thought that my best performance was during the final,
but when i watched the video again, haha i could've done better la,
but anw, haha yes it's still on arenabahas website (:
andd of course, drama!
haha alright, it wasnt always a smooth ride but well,
we did get rave reviews, Alhamdullilah,
especially for our merisik scene kann! hahaha :D
me, Ain, Syamil and Zul were on the scene andd haha we love our scene,
Zul was my 'husband' aka Wak Lan andd i was Mak Bedah haha,
andd Ain was awesome being Kak Ros with Syamil as her 'husband' aka Khamis Bin Jumaat,
and yes Zul had t dangdut hahaha!
and drama overall was good but let's make next year's one better aite!
Insya-Allah (:
and yes, haha the iftar session (:
hahaha it was so super fun, especially the post iftar :D
alright, so i managed t bargain for the food t be paid with MLDDS fund,
so we invited school teachers and yup, Mrs Cheng came,
and ordered food from cikgu Mazalan's kakak, so costs wasnt bad, Alhamdullilah (:
haha food food thenn after iftar,
we jemaah Isyak tgt outside the Melayu room,
thenn haha we played takraw andd i was so cmi, and it was so hilarious,
cuz the ball flew out of the level and down and down t the ground floor,
and they tried t throw it back to the place, haha nehmine,
words cant really describe it haha yup,
but we stayed in school pretty late andd raced to the side gate cuz it was closing,
haha thanks Uncle! :D
andd yes, Melayu room, haha okay la technically it's all the 4 LDs room,
but since we use it most, it just got called Melayu room,
and haha it's been a good place, Alhamdullilah, t take a rest,
and yes, take a nap, haha (:
but aside from that,
ive made and met many good people and friends (:
haha alright,
let's see, besides my a01 mates, pae and jae, angklung,
of course, the Melayu ppl (:
haha alright, Alhamdullilah, good t know,
aite! haha the first time i met Zul, Faris and Azrin were like,
first 3 months, haha,
outside the LD room cuz we wanted t solat,
then i couldnt open the door and tried opening,
but it couldnt open,
then the 3 of them came down also and haha we still couldnt open it,
so decided t go for lesson first and we intro ourselves,
then yes Faris got my number so that he can call me when the room's open,
and haha that was how the 4 of us met first.
andd then, Syaf too! haha remembered the times we hanged out in Malay room,
cuz Faris and Syaf were trying out for talent time,
so yup haha practices there and it was fun and yes carefree (:
and that was the time when i havent taken sastera Melayu,
and i was still on English lit. nod nod.
thenn yup came jae, Ain joined us and i wasnt the only Malay in arts anymore, haha,
Alhamdullilah (:
and yes, haha Melayu ppl started hanging out tgt,
and yup, it's lasted till noww and haha it's always that table or that table or that table,
and yes it got branded the Malay table, haha (:
andd our first movie tgt was uh, the simpsons at Lido!
haha yes i wanted t watch Harry Potter but it wasnt showing anymore,
so yup had t settle for another andd me, Ain, Azrin andd Syamil watched the movie,
while Syaf and Zul, haha, yes they spent quality time tgt (:
and yup, ive found the few people i could really confide in, in nj,
Ain, Syaf, Zai, Zul (: Alhamdullilah.
haha yes so well, they gotta stick with all my rants, and no, no gossips,
haha aite!
Syaf and Ain, uh takyah cakap la, haha,
and Zai's like my guy best friend haha,
and well, Zul got t know bout it first after bahas final,
so yup, the 4 of them are mostly updated bout well, anything, haha (:
andd oh, of course, Syaf and Zul got tgt around June there,
haha yes during our bahas compt, around that time,
and it was pretty hilarious la now that you think of it,
aite sorry ahh both of you,
but anw when we have meetings/pracs,
i'll be like arriving, well usually on time or earlier,
then they'll be like there already or something like that,
andd haha i had t resort t stuffing my ears with music on pretty much loud volume,
so that i dont have t overhear them talking about whatver stuff they have t say,
but well, haha found out about it after our quarters,
and yup theyve gone thru ups and downs and yes sweet sweet,
hahaha alright, reason why im so sentimental bout this is cuz!
hahaha yes im their future planner :D
haha alright alright, and im gonna get front row seats when they u know what in ten years t come,
andd if i still cant find someone by that time, and i mean by a man,
i'll find one during their majlis and theyll help me out,
ahaha cuz i wanna get married by 26/27 so ten years down, oh no, ill be 28,
hahahahaha okay, but as Syaf pointed out t me,
when i do find someone there, the process of getting t know each other and all and all,
it'll take time so haha, but still,
it makes good for joking, nods.
and maybe we can be neighbours too! haha (:
Punggol 21+ is very interesting yup!
haha alright, so enough of their love life,
sorry aite (:
haha alright, nods.
so well, he came along around that time too,
yup around the half of the year and well nods.
i mean, nothing happened, it was neither here nor there,
but well, there were good memories,
and no, im not gonna blame him for anything really, haha,
it was a well, difficult situation, with the end product kinda expected,
but i've learnt certain things though, Alhamdullilah,
like well, not t expect more than what you can expect,
and appreciate the beauty of life (:
and the principle that love is not a compromise,
i fully appreciated that,
and yup, im really good and honestly, i got over him well enough,
haha yup trust me, i dont lie, really i dont (:
and so for now, haha i guess i'll wait for that someone,
but if by the time im 26 andd he doesnt appear,
uhh haha ill start looking for him, hahahahaha, alright Wani (:
i'll still stick with responsible, pleasant, nice, religious, humorous and yes, family man for my ideal guy (:
but again, Ain, Syaf and Zul being good friends,Alhamdullilah (:
well u can expect what they said la,
andd Zul well, he pointed out that the end product wont be the same again,
cuz of the situation, yup, but yup, im good,
and Insya-Allah ill be good (:
well, and enuff of that, andd haha those are for the other blog,
but well anw, this is a really long entry,
so if you've read till here, i'll say, THANK YOU (:
oh well, let's go t studies and studies,
common test and promos results were satisfactory,
managed t get and keep my h3 history, Alhamdullilah really (:
andd haha i decided t drop English lit so that i can take Malay lit,
and reason was partly because, i didnt wanna not do any mother tongue subject,cuz i didnt have t take Malay anymore,
so made that decision t switch within the given time,
and yup, my sastera journey started,
so yup, had t familiarise myself with sastera terms,
andd here, im really gonna thank cikgu Fuad,
for menahan-ing all my kerenah haha like too much laughter,
andd all the selenger things that ive done,
terima kasih banyak-banyak cikgu, dan semoga berjaya with your new career (:
andd haha i failed my karangan for promos sebab salah makna (:
tapi, Insya-Allah tidaklah lagi, yup!
and the result of o level results, haha,
i was so well, i was yes la scared and i didnt really wanna go school early,
cuz i didnt want t really bump into any teachers,
so i made my way there kinda just in time case?
and yes, i rmb looking at my slip, i saw a b3,
shocked t see it was Eng. lit, yes disappointed of course,
cuz well, ill admit, i expected an a1, esp. after prelims results,
but well, that's okay, others were good, Alhamdullilah (:
andd haha posting results, i was afraid i wouldnt get posted t nj,
despite the many assurances that i get, so i decided t stay home,
and check my results online, haha yes,
andd when the system opened, i checked and haha yes, overjoyed,
Alhamdullilah, i stayed (:
and no, i didnt go t school on that day, haha.
and it was in jc when i became more Melayu and really really,
increasingly involved in Melayu stuff,
and at first i thought i was gonna take a step back in jc and just be a member,
but haha ended up running for MLDDS exco andd haha aite!
ill admit that secretary wasnt what that i ran for,
but after the interview, i was hoping that ill get that post,
despite saying at the interview that "personally i dont like that post",
somewhere along that line, but haha, hearts change (:
Alhamdullilah (:
and of course, PW (:
me and my insistence that we shouldnt have meetings on Sunday, haha,
"no, dont have meeting on Sunday.
Sunday is family day"
haha alright, i really did say it, andd so we dont really have meetings on Sunday,
haha and i love Ms Vignesh, she's so hilarious and nice, Alhamdullilah,
trademark la she.
'i think...'
and she'd go like 'what, you think, you mean you dont think before this?'
haha dangg, you gotta get her for your teacher (:
and of course, my pw mates, awesome la,
kudos kudos: Aloysius, Qi Qi, Cecilia and Phoon Yu :D
i really gotta thank you all for being so understanding,
yes cuz i was having bahas competition so pw got pretty taxing,
andd i couldnt really go for stuff but yes, they are so nice and understanding,
and yup, we did on online gaming, haha nice nice,
a good experience, but one which i wouldnt wanna go through again,
hahahaha okayy!
andd of course, SMYC (:
i really, honestly, frankly do love the camp so much that im missing it,
well you can say it's not the normal camps that you go to,
the bond is really there andd i miss smyc-ers (:
thanks for all the really, really good memories :D
i can go on and on about this, but haha well.
and napha, 15.6 mins, fastest ever, haha
okay im lousy at 2.4 so yup (:
andd took it quite late in the year,
cuz of the freak accident yes,
okay it's no laughing matter but haha,
i twisted my kneecap when i sat on the bus,
yes it's a wonder, i dont know how it went like,
buut yes, i had t wear the kneeguard for weeks andd,
postponed napha, but well, haha i did good i think,
and yes napha brings me to Mr.Loh, he'll be missed.
the 5 late dragon boaters are already placed next t each other,
and well, ill miss Mr. Loh, he was super nice and caring,
and well, i kinda rmb the time when i started laughing during his pe lesson,
cuz well, it was basketball module and i just thought that,
they should wear helmets t be safe cuz the balls will bounce in the air,
andd well, Mr. Loh was puzzled by me andd haha it was funny,
good memories, and his passing is well, unexpected,
but yup, yang pergi takkan kembali.
my family, good (:
haha aite, and Insya-Allah all will be good :D
i guess that's it yup,
it's been panjang berlebar,
haha thank you if youve read all the way.
and before i end of course, i'd like t say all my thank yous.
firstly, thank God, Alhamdullilah,
to have let me see till this day, and im still alive on this earth,
to be able t wake up every morning and see the day and night,
Insya-Allah, umur panjang and kami diredhai selalu (:
and thank you t everyone, yes, im sorry i wont really go into details,
there are too many ppl out there t be thanked and i dont wanna miss out on anyone,
thank you for all that youve done,
and those who have made the year 2007 a really good one for me,
thanks so very much (:
yup and of course,
im really sorry if ive intentionally or unintentionally done wrong t you,
yup, sorry (:
happy new year, or rather,
happy new beginnings (:
and God willing, may 2008 be a great year for all,
world peace (:
take care!
9:04 AM @
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
Liverpool's playing and it's still 0-0,
second half (:
alright haha im just in,
and Bhutto's son is gonna succeed her as chairman,
Insya-Allah he'll do well and he'll survive any assasination attempts,
which is yes, likely.
yes so much for going out tmr,
haha i have meetinggg,
alright im not gonna complain,
and im not gonna use the word but,
SO anw, haha yeap gotta meet up with the officer t discuss bout ds,
finalise things see if it's good and all okay,
am not sure still if im gonna get my team t come down,
cuz most probably only Aloysius will be able t come along,
cuz Shima gotta collect articles too from another officer,
so yup, meeting meeting,
andd yup, takpelahh,
ill find time next time, maybe after the meeting,
ill just go well, around with my alter ego (:
ahh haha andd the score is still 0-0,
andd Gerrard missed a freekick, but good one,
haha :D
it's 31st of december!
haha cool!
one more day it's year 2008,
and im gonna post my end of year entry tday Insya-Allah (:
gnights and take care all,
111am (haha
COOL, it's
one-one-one. okay Wani, stop :D )
31 december 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
aite Man U lost 2-1 t West Ham andd,
yes Newcastle lost 2-1 t Chelsea too,
but well nods.
uhm Spurs' match was real cool, haha 10 goals,
awesome awesome,
and so was Arsenal's, was a real comeback after trailing 1nil,
and yes Howard was on Everton but not his fault ok, haha (:
well nods,
top 5 stories of the year for me,
haha yes year 2007:
Myanmar's politics-yup, the one which started with the Buddhist monks going against the military regime, big big news for SEA.
Bhutto's assasination3.
CPF changes-haha hey, it's gonna affect my future too know (:
Iran, Ahmadinejad and nuclear issues-i still think that well, every country should be allowed their own nuclear nukes. theory of MAD, but well, there are pros and cons.
Iraq-yupyup, and the Blackwater issues.
and yup, that's it from me, nods.
well nothing much that's interesting from me,
been staying home (:
haha yup, Alhamdullilah,
and well, been reading up on the papers, which takes me hours t finish,
haha and well, yup notes and notes before school starts,
house chores, not much really,
and stuffing myself with FOOD, aha,
and im gonna go out tmr, Alhamdullilah :D
collect the articles for ds, and go makan, Insya-Allah,
but yup, belum confirm lagi,
but i guess if not, it's really okay,
ill just date my alter ego, and stuff myself in Borders, hahahaha(:
and well, i wanna watch a movie tmr, haha,
anyone up for one tmr, as in really?
haha cuz if you are, let me know (:
it's Sunday tday, Alhamdullilah (:
and my family's out t Vivo but yup, i chose t stay at home,
and my abang will be having some wedding dinner at night,
and haha that reminds me,
cuz we were eating, well, brunch, andd i told my mam,
'lagi brape tahun abang dah nak kahwin' somewhere along that line,
and haha it was funny cuz my abang went like,
having a girlfriend now is pretty well, yup,
and he wants to stabilise everything first before settling down,
and yup he said he'll get married at 30, haha,
that'll be 9 years down the road, aite!
andd haha yup, what i can guess is, my future kakak ipar will be a Chinese girl (:
haha nods,
as long as they bahagia, Insya-Allah (:
aite alright,
im gonna go makan,
haha well, im a big eater at times like this (:
take care all,
10:26 PM @
Friday, December 28, 2007
Ungu - Kekasih Gelapku http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/u/ungu/kekasih_gelapku.html
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku
Ku tahu ku takkan selalu ada untukmu
Disaat engkau merindukan diriku
Ku tahu ku takkan bisa memberikanmu waktu
Yang panjang dalam hidupku
Yakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintaku
Yang ku cari selama ini dalam hidupku
Dan hanya padamu ku berikan sisa cintaku
Yang panjang dalam hidupku
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapkui love the song.
10:29 PM @
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
aite, top of the news,
Pakistan's Bhutto was assasinated,
shot in the neck and chest,
and a suicide bomber blew himself up at the rally,
killing at least 20 ppl.
when i saw the news yesterday,
i was so shocked,
didn't expect it really,
but yup, issues issues,
Pakistan's a volatile state and it's gonna get more chaotic now,
and yup, the dilemma on whether to continue on with Jan 8 elections,
guess we'll see how it goes,
but yup, Al-Fatihah for her.
my morning went good tday, Alhamdullilah,
ate nasi lemak for breakfast (:
yes, haha my appetite has returned,
and ive been eating alot,
like yesterday, i ate 3 burgers,
uh haha big eater, but i think it was in the afternoon,
and i ate again, the third one, when my mam was cooking for my abang,
cuz he was back from work, yup.
uh nods.
thenn watched the morning news with my dad,
yup one of the few times that i do that,
but yup most of the news was on Bhutto and discussions about Pakistan,
so yup, interesting and thought provoking,
a good stimulus for the morning, Alhamdullilah (:
i did read the papers tday (:
issues issues, and backtracked t past few days' papers,
gotta catch up on world's news,
but anw i came across tis puisi kat Berita Minggu,
page 12 by Suratman Markasan,
about Melayu, and it was yeah, good!
haha aite, andd,
oh tday's papers, something interesting,
about Christmas gifts in economics language,
haha yup but anw, the end result was that,
there're no dead weight loss in giving Christmas gifts,
because of the sentiments that are attached,
and people would double the price of the gift,
if they were to put it on sale cuz of yup,
it's a gift, in short (:
and oh something bout the UN not gonna favour Taiwan over China,
just because they have a nicer political system,
which in short, is equal to democracy,
andd yup, okay, haha im pointing out the interesting stuff i read tday,
uhm haha yup.
alright, so anw drama prac's cancelled,
cuz most couldnt make it,
so i guess it makes sense t cancel it (:
so casts, familiariase yourselves with the scripts okay!
haha yup,
andd well i cant spent too much time on my activities next year,
which somehow seems to be uh, quite a few coming up,
but well, gotta try manage things somehow so that i wont be home so late.
yesterday, went t school t do up ds admin stuff,
reached school ard 9am andd proceeded with work,
finished it up ard 10plus am then went down t NYC,
couldnt find the kompangs though, but Insya-Allah they'll be found,
and oh haha when Rena and I saw each other,
we went like "did u cut your hair?"
haha yeah, around the same time, but mine was delayed,
haha hilarious la, but anw yup we did (:
thenn after that, went off and uh,
haha yes i bought a mini eclair from Delifrance, Alhamdullilah (:
and then proceeded home,
the long bus ride was really, really nice,
home home,
took an afternoon nap cuz i was tired somehow,
then the day went by, and yup,
did revise my studies, Alhamdullilah (:
school, come quick (:
and CGSSB having a gathering this evening,
but yup wont be going but it's okay,
can do other stuff at home (:
and well, hoping to find someone/ppl to go out with next week,
haha i wanna watch a movie before school starts,
4 days more! excluding tday :D
haha aite, alright,
take care all,
6:25 AM @
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha so tday went back t school for drama,
gee i was happy, Alhamdullilah (:
the morning started,
and met up with Tze Wei first t pass his super belated birthday gift,
haha yes and it was at the polyclinic bus stop,
so i went into the poly andd haha was looking for eclairs,
but well dah takde, so takpela,
waited for him and passed his bday gift,
anw hope u like it la aite, nothing much,
and thanks for being sucha really good friend for nearly a decade (:
then went J.E library t return my books,
thenn walked all the way t interchange,
took 66 and realised that i could've just taken it from the bus stop,
which was near t Jurong entertainment centre,
but well, nahh i guess it's okay,
lessons learnt,
and let's just grow more synapses and be smarter (:
haha aite!
anw reached school ard 12plus,
waited for Ain and played seruling,
thenn she arrived and by the time dah nak masuk Zuhur,
so yup solat then walked t Oasis,
and haha Syaf, Shima and Syamil were there already,
and haha coolios, 3 'S',
aha okay, self-amusement,
but anw yup the turnout wasnt big so yup,
discussed bout logs and costumes,
went thru some lines,
then Zul arrived andd we could start it proper,
haha cuz yes needed the 4 of us t go thru some of the lines proper,
and updated Syaf bout stuff,
andd haha i have Kekasih Gelapku in my phone, Alhamdullilah (:
alright so drama was funny!
hahaha andd there were digressions but anww,
it went good haha and laughed alot,
and Syaf was hilarious la cuz ade part that was yes,
but yes klakar in a good way ok?
yupyup (:
andd haha alright,
was walking into school just now,
thenn it kinda came over me like,
im gonna be j2 next year and it's A levels,
and it's gonna be so fast,
and im gonna leave NJ soon,
and haha yes it was quite exhilarating and sad at the same time,
haha yup! but anw, yup
im gonna be a senior next yearr hahaha,
well again (:
yup so anw,
went home with Shima,
got my hair thin/layer for a price which was 2 bucks less,
cuz i decided that since i only wanted t thin it, i'd just go t the normal shop,
so yup thought it makes sense,
got home, kewajipan, then took a nap,
woke up, Maghrib, and then makann!
haha yes i was laparr,
and i ate rice with 4 chickens and egg,
and then while watching Cars,
ate 4 toasts spread with margarine,
hahaha yes i couldve filled my stomach with more food,
but nahh, nanti ikut nafsu plak makan (:
school again tmr,
do up stuff for ds,
andd haha Zul was mrepek in a good wayy in his email for the task tmr,
haha Instructional guide to instructions:
Muhammad Zulhafni B Haji Z
RaDmaTist Productions 2007
Regional Headquarters Office
Zonal Road 161
Singapore 541191
26th December 2007
Nursyazwani Jamaludin
Integrational Soccer Industry
Rapid Fire Road 42
Singapura rocks42just to make the task less boring,
hahaha thanks aite, seriously :D
yeap well that's for today,
andd tmr is another day, Insya-Allah (:
and nahh,
stagnant is just the way it is,
and yup Chelsea's match with Villa,
awesome really, lotsa goals,
and yay for Villa (:
Man U's leading 2-0,
Liverpool's leading 1-0,
and Newcastle is drawing,
but Insya-Allah they'll win.
and Nurul, if you're reading this,
anything that happens ada hikmah di sebaliknya,
and im sure things will turn out good Insya-Allah,
so yup :D
take care and gnights,
9:48 PM @
Monday, December 24, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
happy birthday Nurul!semoga diberkati dan diredhai-Nya selalu,
and have lotsa fun on your birthdayy,
stay happy always aite, Insya-Allah (:
so tday has been normal and good Alhamdullilah,
uhm nothing much but yup,
house chores and flute (:
haha yes i can play already aite,
making progress Alhamdullilah,
and i know i should be revising my work,
but yes enjoying my last days of school hols,
and im looking forward t school,
and well, i miss angklung pracs (:
haha yes rebana rebana!
and when i look at the dark night sky,
i got reminded of Ubin haha yes,
it's a very nice place t stargaze :D
and drama drama tmr,
Alhamdullilah :D
alright haha ill do the recap of this year Insya-Allah soon,
and a very happy, merry Xmas t all celebrating ok!
take care,
11:27 PM @
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
haha aite,
Alhamdullilah ive bought the flutes,
and haha at first, there were like no sounds,
but yeah haha it's not sposed t be easy anw,
andd haha when i blew, i kinda buzzed,
as in yes brass player playing a wind instrument,
it takes time soo haha yeap,
but yaa ade sound skrg,
and Alhamdullilah yay, it kinda cheered me up,
cuz well cant deny i havent been feeling that up these few days,
andd haha ive got my appetite back, well sorta,
haha cuz just now go makan kat Banquet,
and started eating, andd then i realised,
haha yes i was hungry,
and i could feel the food spreading in my body (:
Alhamdullilah :D
haha and im keen on learning how t play it yes,
and not halfway like uh my guitarr orr drums,
haha yes the drumsticks are still there but yup,
havent really been using it but i really love them,
cuz it was a birthday gift from Ashikin, thanks :D
alright, so anw went down with my parents and my adik,
the plan was actually for me t go alone,
but yup my dad was nice and offered t teman me,
so haha yup went with them,
bought stuff for my penpal too,
andd then yeap,
andd anyone going down t Bugis?
as in haha yes, there's tis another flute which i didnt realise yang ade,
and i didnt buy it, but yes i wanna buy it,
so if youre going down,
please let me know haha so that i can kirim,
haha yup thx thx (:
anw, happy Xmas t all celebrating aite!
tis week is the last week of hols,
time's passing fast,
andd yup next year next year (:
then Insya-Allah uni years :D
andd at this rate,
i doubt im gonna be able t watch Enchanted,
haha wait for the V/DVD?
well, haha spose so, but yup, Insya-Allah (:
uhmm haha aite!
take care all,
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
aite so tday is gonna be tmr soon, Alhamdullilah (:
uhm well so tday,
felt pretty accomplished haha yeah,
did the normal house chores,
and mopped the house.
yes something i dont do often,
but couldnt possibly let my mam do it cuz she's not well,
so yup had lunch andd then off to JP.
andd yup, Alhamdullilah,
got myself a handphone pouch,
yes there were the normal Wani's moments of indecisiveness,
but managed t settle on one haha yes,
thenn my adik bought his school bag and shoes,
andd my mam shopped :D
haha yay yup, Alhamdullilah,
and i ended carrying her stuff which was really okay with me,
cuz i didnt want her t carry anything also haha,
soo she bought a bag and 2 pairs of shoes,
which were really placed at reasonable prices yup,
Alhamdullilah (:
and Man U won Everton just noww,
Ronaldo scored two, one of them a penalty,
haha okay la when they were drawing,
i kinda wanted the draw t stay a draww,
cuz yes Tim Howard was on Everton (:
but well, the ball is round and anything can happen,
nods nods,
haha im stuck t Kekasih Gelapku,
andd im paying a visit t Kg. Java tmr t find the flute,
haha yeahh,
Insya-Allah i'll find and buy one tmr (:
and Insya-Allah Hafidh can buy all the 4 albums i kirim from Indonesia :D
haha yeah alright that's that for now,
notice t any MLDDS members if you're reading,
drama pracs are on
Wed(26/12): 130pm
and Friday(28/12 : 2pm (after your sembahyang Jumaat t be precise),
so yup seek your full cooperation,
be punctual and for the cast,
try t start memorising the script aite,
thanks and looking forward t a successful 2008 drama :D
and somehow, i want school t start soon,
gnights all and take care,
8:02 PM @
Friday, December 21, 2007
Peace be upon you :D
hello world!
haha aite (:
oh oh oh,
my penpal gave me Xmas gifts,
like an England necklace and an England wristband,
andd oh she gave me tis super cool Juventus banner!
haha yes yes awesome, love them bits n pieces,
like super wow, Juve's stuff :D
Alhamdullilah, i gotta get her something Insya-Allah :D
ive watched National Treasure, Book of secrets in the cinemas,
andd it's pretty good and hilarious,
haha yes the script is good really (:
yup Insya-Allah (:
andd haha i realised that im losing my appetite,
i couldnt finish a zinger burger,
like haha that's kinda well, unlike me,
but maybe the explanation is because,
uhh i ate like popcorns and nachos before that?
but well, haha yeap,
Alhamdullilah (:
and script for drama has been approved,
Alhamdullilah, GREEN LIGHT,
so yes we'll start drama pracs next week aite!
afternoon afternoon, Insya-Allah (:
and my adik went t Pioneer sec and bought his stuff,
yes time's passing, and wow he's like sec1, and im j2,
haha yeah no more pri school goers in my family anymore,
Alhamdullilah (:
thenn uh yesterday,
went down t buy food for my family,
and yes the queu was pretty long for the nasi ayam,
cuz apparently q. a few stalls were closed,
andd so i couldnt get my nasi lemak,
but it was okay, Alhamdullilah ade makan (:
andd yeap bought like 2 1litre soy milk,
yes haha one for me myself,
and i have been chocolating,
haha yeahh.
thenn haha got msg from Khairi yesterday,
who apparently had an extra ticket for teater by Ekamatra,
so yup after some time of indecision,
made up my mind and decided t go,
haha yup so met up with her and her NUS mate, Gad, at Raffles.
andd we went t eat then masjid,
yup i met Fas' mam and her sis there (:
and then! haha went down t substation for the teater,
and yup we were treated t some music before that,
and haha yes the seruling sound.
i wanna buy a bamboo flute, as in seriously,
and learn how t play cuz yes i really love the sound (:
Insya-Allah i'll be buying soon, yup!
anyone going down t Kampung Java anytime soon?
as in seriously?
haha (:
so anw, the teater was good, Pondok 2000,
it was abstract, cant deny that,
and haha yes Alfian Sa'at was there,
and it basically touches on the Muslim community,
and my favourite was the Genap 40,
which was very interesting, yup.
and oh there was this issue yang diketengahkan,
about having an all-female mosque,
and having a female Imam and all,
and it was very thought provoking,
especially during the post discussion,
when the issue centralised was the equality between men and women in Islam,
andd yup, we'll talk bout this later.
but anw, the teater and discussion kinda ended near 11pm,
and so i decided t take the longer route,
cuz i didnt wanna go home alone,
and i ended up like, yes, taking the last train t Lakeside,
which basically points out the time i was reaching home,
and yup it's not good and i super exceeded my curfew which wasnt even in place,
it was past midnight, and my dad had t go thru the troubles of fetching me from Lakeside mrt,
and yup he was tired, just got back from work,
and yes i could've been more considerate,
and so yup, i got imposed a curfew, yes my first ever,
1030pm yup, it's not bad though honestly,
and yeah i feel bad and guilty for being such a lousy person,
so yup lessons learnt:
1. get home by the fastest route when it's super late andd
2. just be quiet when parents are talking. it works best.
yup, i mean any rational parents would do the same,
im so worrying, it's not good,
but Alhamdullilah, im blessed t have parents like my parents (:
anw the teater,
issues like why a woman cant be an Imam, though i find it pretty well, obvious,
and there were like answers such as culture and the way man is created.
having a female Imam would also be inviting man's nafsu cuz you cannot deny that men are more easily aroused as compared t a woman,
and there was tis point that was brought up which stated that,
there are alot of distractions around and when you pray to God,
it should only be between you and Him,
and having a female Imam is the same as the other distractions that are present,
so it doesnt really count as an excuse to not have a female Imam,
and it was an argument about equality between the genders in Islam.
but i thought, and i think that this strive for gender equality is based more on ideals and the concept of feminism,
rather than religion,
because God makes us differently,
we are created with different responsibilities,
and i dont see why this issue of championing gender equality should erase the fact that the man is responsible for the women and the jemaah,
and woman being a woman, is born with higher emotional level,
and so we tend to think with our hearts than our minds.
i mean, there are so many other leadership posts that women can undertake,
i dont understand why this issue should be diperbesarkan,
because personally, i want a man to be responsible for me,
and this doesnt make women more inferior or anything honestly.
call me orthodox living in a 21st century or anything,
but well it is the right thing,
and Islam is very flexible and it champions women's equality with men,
the issues of women's opression and repression are, to me, more of a political issue rather than a religious issue.
and yup, i thought the example given wasnt very good somehow,
like women cant play badminton or have a tournament in a mosque,
and it'll cause a big hoo-ha,
BUT again, i honestly dont think there's an issue there,
to the point that they should build an all-female mosque,
cuz a mosque is where you bring the community together,
and this'll only be a breeding ground for feminism, which aint good for the society, to my opinion,
and plus, you can easily solve those problems, if there are in the first place,
by building an indoor or even a separate badminton court,
somehow, i think that there are already efforts to bring the community closer together,
it's whether we want t accept them or not,
and it's not the issue of being a woman or a man,
i think it's the issue of being a 21st century Muslim.
okayy that's that for now i spose,
yup (:
take care,
11:30 PM @
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world (:
alrightt so my brother got his posting tday,
haha yeap he's going t Pioneer sec,
Alhamdullilah and Insya-Allah all will be good there, aite!
haha went down t the school with him,
andd haha yes cuz JPS is now on BLPS's ground,
it's well yeah and haha i tried t rmb how my pri school building looked like,
the layout, but yeah haha,
andd i met Mr Kamarudin andd Mrs Ismail there haha yeap.
alright, thenn after his posting went home,
haha yeah nothing interesting la,
went on a snacking spree (:
andd yup my mam is cooking,
so masakan best-best, tahan sikit lagi je la,
Alhamdullilah (:
andd i still wanna watch enchanted!
haha yes,
yeahh haha i honestly think that if i cant find someone t watch with me next week,
ill just go there alone haha yes,
cuz well, i should, and wanna watch it before school starts,
haha yeah, Insya-Allah (:
andd haha my mam was klakar,
haha macam mase raye that time the Malay ppl came over,
cuz i was sapu-ing rumah,
thenn i heard the song, it's an oldie but haha i like the song,
soo i took a break for awhile and sat and listen,
andd haha she was like,
'kalau gini dulu tak laku tau buat kerje separuh jalan'
haha dadada and i went like 'kalau tak jumpe nanti ibu carikkan je la'
haha and she told me a story and nehmine,
haha aite alright.
uhh haha yeah nothin much for now,
kpd umat Islam,
selamat menyambut hari raya haji,
dan semoga diberkati dan diredhai-Nya selalu,
dan kepada mereka yang menunaikan Haji,
semoga ianya Haji Mabrur,
Insya-Allah (:
Alhamdullilah (:
andd im kinda missing SMYC :)
alright that's it for now,
Peace be upon you :D
haha hello hello world :D
alright, Alhamdullilah,
im soo very happy and glad,
cuz the dialogue session tasks are done,
yeap :D
haha yeah Alhamdullilah,
soo im gonna go get my deserved break for a few days,
well yup (:
andd i wanna go watch Enchanted still,
andd yess Chipmunk haha,
so much for wanting t watch Warlords,
think ill just wait for the cd t come out cuz yes,
i feel up for something light and funny,
buut yes ill have t find ppl who want/havent watched them,
cuz apparently, my brothers have dates for movie,
soo i cant go with them, haha,
nanti jadi lamp post (:
so worse come t worse, ill just go date my alter ego,
and start talking t myself,
haha im kidding, nanti orang ingatkan tak siuman (:
Wani Wani haha (:
andd haha oh maths is nearly done,
haha only left with 3 questions, so yes im good, Alhamdullilah (:
alright alright,
uhh tday had ds meeting with Shima,
cleared up much stuff,
and it ended pretty fast, like ard an hour,
soo i thought it's sucha waste t like go home when youre alr in school,
so yes being a good girl :D haha kidding,
andd oh met Huzaifah and Mark, haha dah brape lame tak jumper,
but anww so i decided t stay in school andd do my maths,
andd yes i got stuck at probability cuz i forgot the formulas (:
tapi Alhamdullilah, only 3 soalan je,
soo i took out my hist and yes did some work.
andd haha yup, realised that i was hungry, and yes i am hungry,
havent really eaten,
but anww yes haha i bought myself chocolate t keep myself happy,
yup Alhamdullilah :D
ahh haha yeap,
thenn thought when i get home i'll just take a break for awhile,
so took a nap which tak really menjadi,
cuz yes it was less than an hour,
haha but yes (:
andd then yeah did up ds and haha alright :D
aite aite aite,
im hungry, laparr :D
and i feel so yay haha,
good good Alhamdullilah,
andd i havent been reading the papers till just now,
dangggg haha yes,
Insya-Allah will read up more,
gotta catch up on the news (:
andd yesterday, haha thanks Zul for the advice,
but of course Wani being Wani,
well, NA :(
but i guess it's okay, Insya-Allah (:
uhm nods :D
haha aite,
im gonna goo find food and yes,
haha (:
take care,
12:56 AM @
Monday, December 17, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world :D
so tday has been a well, tiring but a good day, Alhamdullilah (:
aite, my day didnt start well though,
haha but anw Man U won Liverpool 1-0 :D
uh haha yeap (:
okayy so i was sposed t meet Ain kul 9am,
but yes, i couldnt find my wallet,
andd i kept searching for it till it was near 830am,
thenn i decided nehmine i'd just go school first and find it later,
cuz yes, i was optimistic that it was at home,
soo yeap reached school by 930am,
andd haha updated her bout my life,
andd well, thanks Ain (:
and thanks Zul for yesterday also, for like listening aite,
andd haha yeah, somehow i felt better after letting it out,
so much for tryna bottle it all up again,
but yes, Alhamdullilah (:
thenn we started on dramaaa,
haha yeah it didnt end so late,
and yup finishing touches,
send the script to cikgu Insya-Allah by tday,
andd my dearest MLDDS ppl,
we'll start practice on the last week of December aite!
soo next year takyah rush rush and we dont have t stay sampai malam,
yes it's a levels year haha (:
and i wanna get 4 A's and a distinction,
Insya-Allah, but yes, econs econs.
andd well, dwelling on applying for UK,
haha yeah might just apply for it in June,
andd see how it goes,
not many factors hindering me from going,
hahaha yeahh but well i still doubt so though.
soo after drama, which was good,
went home and haha started searching for my wallet,
ransacked my cupboard,
my lacis,
my racks,
andd hahaha i found it at well, my hanging rack,
soo yeap Alhamdullilah (:
it'll be a disaster if i had lost my wallet,
so yup Alhamdullilah (:
took a nap, did up dialogue session stuff,
and tmr there's another ds meeting with my comm,
andd Aloysius is down with influenze,
so yup im short one member,
but yes we'll meet the deadline Zul, Insya-Allah (:
andd Zul and Syaf are going out tday haha yay,
soo yes Syaf is finally gonna get her bday present from me and Ain,
and yup we gave them a, uh, white watch each,
yeahh haha couple watches la,
soo next year they are sposed t wear,
andd show the world that they are together :D
haha, okay nehmine,
it makes me happy seeing you both happy (:
andd as for me,
haha im happy as i am,
he'll come when he comes,
ive learnt not t expect much from them,
and yes no offense meant to the guys out there (:
it's a cold dayy andd i gotta go do maths (:
haha the relevance.
take care,
2:30 AM @
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
Hello world!
i wanna watch Enchanted!
hahaha yes i know i know,
but they say it's a really cute and funny movie,
and ive been wanting t watch it,
but yess i gotta find ppl who wanna watch or have not watched,
soo haha yeahh.
Well so today is the normal Sunday,
Did up my maths hwk andd yup,
Was planning t revise econs after 5pm,
But yes I fell asleep and took a nap,
Haha most prob, Insya-Allah, I’ll do it tonight.
yes yes im filling my time with work,
so that i can get my head off other stuff,
i know it's not a good way of escapism,
but hahaha i get things done, Alhamdullilah (:
Anw Syaf, this is specially for you,Enjoy! Haha (:
And t others, theyre out of bounds,
So don’t get near them haha,
Orr you’ll get Wani’s uhh, ya haha (:

Andd this is my hundredth post!
Awesome, Alhamdullilah (:
Im reliving the memories,
And im not gonna discard them away,
Theyre too beautiful,
So thank you, you (:andd haha Syaf, Ain and Zul,
no haha im not referring to him,
im honestly, seriously over him, Alhamdullilah (:
im good, im good haha :D
take care!
7:30 AM @
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world :D
aite, so i did went shopping with my parents and adik,
and Alhamdullilah i bought some stuff,
haha like yeah a makeup set for God knows what im gonna use it for,
it's just for display mostly and yes,
concerts and performances,
but yup dont think ill use much of it,
more for my mam though (:
andd i bought a pair of shoes and a bag,
and yes i know it's sposed t be my mam shopping,
but me being me, yup but Alhamdullilah im done with my shopping for this year,
and yup should be no more,
maybe not in months t come also la,
bought quite a few stuff already this year,
Alhamdullilah :D
andd drama script draft 2 is nearly done,
am done with my part,
meeting on Monday soo just touch up and editing,
send t cikgu and Insya-Allah all will be good.
andd dialogue session, yes,
tasks are in,
busy busy,
and yes meeting on Tuesday with my facis comm,
Insya-Allah we'll meet the deadline.
andd yup, gonna keep myself busy,
haha so that i wont think of things i shouldnt think about,
cuz i dont wanna go through that cycle anymore,
not when the end product is most likely gonna be the same,
it makes me feel jaded,
but yup i feel blessed by everything that's happening in my life,
Thank God :D
andd was listening again t Merindu Kepastian, yup Art Fazil,
i still love the lyrics,
haha (:
beautiful poetry,
and yes that part is still my favourite.
Andai ku menjadi rembulan
sudikah kau menjadi kejora hingga pagi nantibeautiful beautiful (:
the year's ending soon and it's gonna be 2008,
Alhamdullilah :D
gnights and backk t work,
haha (:
take care!
7:23 PM @
Friday, December 14, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
aite, so h1 maths revision package has been uploaded,
soo yup good thing i've done the rest of my hwks.
andd oh Syaf, Zul didnt misbehave during the camp, haha,
so no worries, which i know you dont,
haha cuz both of you are so sweet tgt :D
and Insya-Allah dalam years t come,
i'll be at the front rowww, or let me choose my own seat la okay!
haha :D
my family is going out shopping tday,
and im still at half a mind t follow or not,
and my clothes still in the washing,
haha aite
it's a mass cleaning of room time tday,
andd yup,
it's kinda messy la yeah.
take care,
Peace be upon you (:
hello world (:
heyheyy im back, haha,
Alhamdullilah yes, safe and sound,
andd haha i totally knocked-out just now,
slept ard 2+pm after lunch andd woke up at uhh 940+pm,
andd wouldnt have woken up if my brother didnt wake me up.
but yes, haha it's rare that i sleep this long,
but anwww yup :D
alright, before i move onn to the camp stuff,
uhh haha some updates.
like, one, my block is under renovation (:
Alhamdullilah, andd
im seriously, honestly, frankly, truly over him :D
haha yes yes trust me i am really,
i know it felt pretty horrible at first deleting all the msges,
but yes, i feel accomplished,
andd yes haha i feel good, Alhamdullilah (:
soo my dearest friends Ain, Syaf, Zul, Zai, yay for me,
and thanks alot okay?
so yes, im 18 and never been in a relationship,
haha and i feel like a good girl :D
haha (: but well, im not really la,
but Insya-Allah i'll be better (:
thennn drama drama! maaf Ain for my lack of help,
but yes, i'll read thru the draft and will get back t you asap Insya-Allah (:
andd my mam and brother dapat hp baru, foc,
and so im getting my abang's phone,
cuz my mam kasi the phone t my abang, haha yup,
Alhamdullilah (:
aite! alright, so now we talk about the camp,
which went really good and awesome, Alhamdullilah (:
though i cant rmb the whole thing, and it's pretty impossible t note down everything that had happened.
alright! so after homestay,
which is the 9 December, cabbed back t NACLI,
cuz yes banyak benda2, and Alhamdullilah juga,
cuz it rained while i was on my way there.
then for the day we had bbq, andd yup rehearsal at night.
10 10 10, haha yes performance day!
i think we did really good, so yay for us,
Singapore and M'sia contingents! Alhamdullilah :D
oh, we went MINDS in the morning, and it was really an eye-opener,
well, i nearly did teared la,
but held it back andd yup, it was refreshing, enriching and yes,
im hoping that i can find time t do voluntary work there,
it makes me feel blessed,
and sometimes, including myself,
we tend to forget that God has given us so many good things,
that we take things for granted,
so Alhamdullilah really, Thank God (:
yup, then we had dinner at the restaurant,
and haha it was good good, Alhamdullilah,
andd i ate 4 eclairs, haha (:
andd dreading for OBS the next day (:
waited for the bus andd haha Adzlan asked for my number,
soo exchanged numbers, andd yup, the bus came!
but, haha OBS was awesome laa, Alhamdullilah,
i survived, safe and sound andd it was enjoyable,
was in Nehru watch, and i love my watch,
andd our buddy watch was Elizabeth Choy (:
aite, so first day, haha we did uh rafting,
it didnt went good at first,
cz our raft wasnt able t pass the kick test,
but yes, Alhamdullilah, with perseverance,
we did manage t pass the kick test.
worked under the rain, dirtied ourselves,
but haha reflecting on it, it was really fun (:
haha thenn our raft managed t take off,
and it was good good,
though we didnt manage t touch the target,
but it's okay (:
thenn at night, we filled up the bottles with Alpheus water at Vinson room,
abehtu we solat Isyak tgt, as in me, Aizat, Ridhwan,
thenn walked back t our bunks,
the stars were pretty (:
2nd day!
haha alright, Aizat and Ridhwan tried waking me up,
cuz i was sleeping at the side, top deck,
but no, i didnt wake up, sorry but thanks aite!
haha yes sea expedition,
my first time going tri-yaking,
andd haha i had two very reliable ppl on board with me,
Aizat and Qi Han, so thank you(:
haha gosh, im lousy at this but yes, haha,
managed t stay calm and not be paranoid, Alhamdullilah (:
oh the sceneries were pretty pretty,
andd we were sposed t capsize in the waters,
like near the middle of the sea,
andd i was having a hard time getting back on the triyak,
andd so, i got us capsized again,
but yes 2nd time went good, thanks Aizat,
i had t step on his thigh t get on the triyak,
dangg it must've hurt, so sorry but thanks!
well, thenn it was ard 5 hours of triyaking,
and we reached our campsite!
haha yup, and set up tent, went t the quarry t clean ourselves,
okay la i'll admit it, like 30 metres deep,
andd being sucha lousy swimmer, though with life jacket on,
had t force myself t get into the water,
haha but Alhamdullilah, i didnt drown or my life jacket tak buat hal (:
the water was good, yup!
well, so after that, went back t campsite,
prep for dinner,
but yup didnt really do much 'cept for looking at the fire,
which was really pretty,
andd taking care of the curry.
thenn yes dinner under the dark sky,
it was beautiful, yup (:
aite, i love looking at them,
andd haha oh while waiting for lunch,
was looking into the river water,
where the ripples were forming, andd it was pretty,
but yup i wasnt emo-ing laa, haha i just like looking at them (:
you shouldnt emo, it's not good for health (:
soo after dinner, we sat around,
andd talked, joked, it was a good time,
thenn briefing, andd was sposed t be doing duty at 12-1230,
but the guys were good, haha they didnt wake us up,
but anw, the night was really cold,
coupled with the damp ground,
so i basically went chattering, menggigil tengah malam,
it was a hard time falling asleep,
but yup, it makes me appreciate the goodness of life,
cuz it gave me an insight somehow on the refugees/detainees' lives,
and they have t stick with it mostly everynight,
coupled with the shining torchlight around,
that's pretty well, menginsafkan, Alhamdullilah.
yup, was woken up ard 530am, packed my stuff,
Subuh, cleared our campsite,
and we started our trekking after breakfast back t our camp base,
it was good good,
haha yup wasnt that tiring,
and we went t the highest point in Ubin, and it was a good view,
really enjoyed myself,
andd we got back t camp base at 1202pm after kms of trekking, Alhamdullilah,
thenn after all the stuff, we did high elements,
haha yes i nearly gave up at the tyres, yes fear of heights didnt really set in, but it was hard,
but yup heard Aizat shouting left kaki, soo followed,
andd haha i did manage t climb higher and manage t reach the top,
Alhamdullilah :D
thenn campfire and food!
practically ran for dinner,
hahaha hungry hungry (:
and yes my big appetite sank in and yup i ate alot,
thenn had angel-mortal stuff,
then Aizat and Yusuf were going t Isyak,
followed them t Vinson room andd took a rest there,
ngantuk ngantuk (:
went back t parade sq, but yup it kinda ended alr,
thenn went back t bunks, took water bottles,
andd Kelda, me, Shabana and Viknesh talked outside,
andd oh haha it was hilarious,
cuz spotted Andy coming,
so i was like 'Andy, Andy', and we ran t our rooms,
hahaha i couldnt stop laughing la though,
yes it was past our bedtime,
it was funn though, and when coast was cleared,
we met up again, and talked till ard 2+am?
talked abt, well basically, men, women andd relationships,
haha yeahh, then slept!
4th and last last day of camp, which is today,
went for breakfast, dadada,
met back in the hall andd yup went t souvenier shop,
and naturally bought a blue polo shirt,
andd it'll match with my blue shoes,
haha if u cant guess it already, blue's my fave colour (:
thenn we went back t Punggol jetty,
final goodbyes, and thanks for everything aite ppl (:
Singapore and M'sia contingents :D
then took a bus back t Toa Payoh,
they wanted t eat at KFC,
but i decided no, though i was hungry,
haha yup so went heading for home with Aizat and Viknesh,
and yup thanks Aizat for being really nice and penyabar with me,
andd Viknesh for amusing us,
and of course t the rest of the Singapore contingent,
for the memories and all,
really appreciate it (:
i'll miss ya all, andd yup,
i'll miss the meetings somehow (:
home home!
haha i went t sleep without much food in my tummy,
and when my ayah came home, was woken up for lunch, mi kuah!
but didnt really eat alot, went back t sleep.
and i havent unpacked my stuff,
and i wanna watch Warlords, Stardust and haha Chipmunk :D
something light :D
Insya-Allah (:
aite slamat malam,
take care!
8:37 AM @
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
well tday is a good day, Alhamdullilah (:
but no doubt yes im tired,
and i shld get some sleep,
but well, there are matters t attend to.
haha well anw tday,
went back school t get the kompangs,
thenn rushed back home,
and yes! resisted all temptations t cab home,
Alhamdullilah (:
thenn rushed rushed, didnt eat the food my mam prepared,
and yes i feel bad,
and yup singgah solat dulu,
cabbed t scapepark,
and realised that it hadnt really started proper,
but it's okay yeap,
cuz i guess well, im still late (:
meeting meeting,
ended pretty early,
andd was gonna meet them only at like 5pm,
soo planned t walk ard alone at first,
like maybe stuff myself in the library haha,
orr go Borders look for books,
but yes Shabana decided t accompany me, Alhamdullilah (:
andd Yusuf came along also cuz he was going home,
but Shabana wanted Turkish icecream,
so asked Yusuf t get also, haha fun funn :D
and yes watch Warlords as post-camp,
haha so cool t have ppl wanting t watch those kinda movies,
cuzz yes haha my kinda movie,
but i guess it's not so easy t find fans of war/hist movies,
but well, they have their own preferences and tastes (:
but well, anw walked t Orchard mrt with them,
then walked t Royal Scotts t singgah utk penuhkan kewajipan,
walked back t Orchard mrt, and haha realised it was sposed t be at Somerset mrt,
soo haha yess i took a train and dropped off at Somerset.
soo it was me, Zul and his buddy, Syamil and the two M'sians :D
haha aite, brought them aroundd,
and dadada the lights very pretty at night :D
Alhamdullilah (:
and Zul very nice blanja all 6 of us, including himself, ICECREAM :D
haha yayy! makasih!
andd uhh,
oh we went Beach rd t makann,
cuz Syamil's dad was gonna blanja us,
terima kasih cik!
was a super hilarious dinner la, haha his dad is soo funny,
and yess haha pecah-pecah perut,
i mean in the uhh haha figurative sense,
literal would be gee, uhh sadistic.
but anw,
gosh i tell u i did few things wrong tday,
hahaha cuz we were gonna take the lift at the mrt station,
soo i happily press the button,
even though Zul dah warning warning dont press the wrong button,
and the-not-wearing-specs-Wani thought they were up and down buttons,
soo uhh haha i go and press the sposedly down button,
andd realised that it was the uhh, haha the key thing laa.
sungguh memalukann :D
haha but it's okay (:
soo after dinner, went home,
and the food is good! haha
kinda one of the rare times that i eat sup tulang,
cuz tak pandai makan punyer kes,
tapi since dah dekat depan mate,
makan je la (:
but i didnt makan the somsom cuz yaa,
haha tak pandai makan la in short.
but anww haha alright,
pics for the day,
before i go back in camp tmr,
andd haha ill be home on the 14 Insya-Allah (:

gnights, take care!
7:08 AM @
Friday, December 7, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
alright so im home for now,
while the Malaysians are away for their homestay :D
anww updates bout the camp,
haha in short, it's simply awesome,
very fun really and you get t meet new ppl,
so it's nice, Alhamdullilah (:
it's pretty hard t really go into specific details,
but anw yes i love my Singapore contingent mates,
andd the Malaysians are really nice and pleasant ppl (:
Alhamdullilah (:
it's been hilarious yes,
andd yup somethings on my mind,
but im okay im good, haha yes Alhamdullilah :D
andd yes didnt really get much sleep at NACLI,
cuz Khai decided t jokingly scare me with hantu,
andd well, having wild imaginations,
uhh ya, haha night time, u can guess la,
but yes im really glad, Alhamdullilah, im at home act,
kinda miss sleeping on my own bed,
with my seasoned pillows :D
so anw,
think might just upload some photos,
cuz YES :D
pictures speak a thousand words :D
haha (:
i didnt check my mail for like uh, well round up, 2 days,
andd yes there are many mails t check,
haha (:
3 M'Sians and Shabana
me and one of the Malaysians
Jason, Tina, Qi Han, me!
me and Shariman!
mix mix :Dgnights,
take care!
7:28 AM @
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
alright tis will be a quick update before im off,
t go and sleep and yes,
for the SMYC camp (:
firstly it's my adik's birthday tday,
and i bought him a tabung (:
and Insya-Allah boleh berjimat,
but i guess it's more for me, haha,
tapi takpe la.
then tday ds meeting kat rumah cikgu,
and yes it was intensive but it went good,
and naturally, i was the only girl,
excluding cikgu and her mam o'cos, haha
andd Zul, Syamil, Khidhir and Azrin were there,
we took a break and watched Love is Cinta,
and it seemed t be a good movie honestly,
sweet and sad yes but anww,
only watched first disc cuz gotta get back t meeting.
so left cikgu's house lepas Maghrib,
and yes the guys cracked me up,
and yes Zul aku kenakan kau balik ahh nanti,
haha tapi takpelaa klakar jugaklah korang.
and oh Syamil told a very funny joke,
i wanna blog bout it but haha time constraint,
maybe next time if i rmb, Insya-Allah.
thenn go home, eat brownie,
andd yes packing stuff andd ds stuff,
sory Shima i have t leave u with much stuff,
the email i sent her was soo panjang berlebar,
but yup good job so far aite Shima (:
Alhamdullilah :D
well then replied a mail,
andd yup aite.
okay so rewind,
on 4 december,
haha yeah i was not well,
as in yaa haha makanlah panadol,
bagus jugaklah cuz sposed t go out with Tze Wei t pass his bday gift and just go makan,
but yup he's sick so yeah postpone,
after my camp we can meet up la aite,
so well anw, returned my library books,
and yes i got stuck inside also cuz haha i was looking for Inside Israel,
cuz if not, if i wanna read it, ill have t reneww,
soo yup borred other books on Israel-Palestine cuz coulnt find it.
bought my bro's bday gift,
andd meeting.
and yup, my body heated up,
fever laa, haha yes,
and my mood dipped cuz i was just unwell,
soo went well yeah, went off after the meeting ends,
didnt really wait for anyone,
but yup good thing Yusuf was walking back also,
kalau tak yeahh nanti ill be walking alone t mrt,
yup Alhamdullilah.
went home,
cant really rmb exactly but haha yeahh.
gnights (:
7:10 PM @
Monday, December 3, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello and gmorning world :D
yes im early here but i've finally found the song title, and the singer for this song :D
Alhamdullilah (:
i love the lyrics, but anw,
here they are,
very sweet :D
Cobbie Caillat
Will you count me in?
I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feeling like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tinglies in a silly place
It starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes I always know
That you make me smile
Pease stay for a while now
Just take your time where ever you go
The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under cover staying SAFE and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
They start in my toes make me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for awhile now
Just take your time wherever you go
But what am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just .. mmm
It starts in my toes makes me crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for awhile now
Just take your time
Where ever you go
I've been asleep for awhile now
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
It starts in my soul and I lose all control
When you kiss my nose the feeling shows
'Cause you make me smile
Baby just take your time
now holding me tight
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Oh wherever you go I always know
You make me smile just for a while-taken from:
http://creyzyred.blogspot.com/2007/11/bubbly-lyrics-mp3-colbie-caillat.htmltake care!
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
so it's another day at home,
and it's not often that i like being at home,
and im very thankful, Alhamdullilah (:
oh i tell u i was asking Zul what bag he'll be bringing for the camp,
and i told him i was thinking of bringing a luggage bag,
then he was thinking i was gonna bring those yang pull kinda luggage bag,
like those tourists, go airport kinda luggage bag,
hahaha i couldnt help but laugh laa,
merepek la hahaha really cracked me up,
hilarious, but yes it's okay, it's really funny,
haha like imagine going Ubin also carrying those kinda bag,
gee buat malu aje, hahaha
but yes,
a short disclaimer (:nono im not gonna bring those kinda bag,
well so anw tday!
haha yes i did use the vacuum cuz tak sanggup nak sapu,
i dont want my flu t get worse,
thenn i rested and rested,
andd uhh my dad upah me ten bucks t buy mi goreng,
cuz im going out tmr with my friend,
and yes haha i gotta have some cash with me,
soo yup, Alhamdullilah (:
yes it's alot, i dont deny,
but haha at least i did some work t get some money,
rather than just asking for some cash (:
and yes dangg, i dont deny,
ive been spending alot,
soo i really gotta have t jimat when school reopens,
cuz i asked Hafidh t help me buy some albums from Indonesia :D
and Insya-Allah, the albums will be mine next year (:
and my library books are due tmr,
andd ive not finished them all,
well nearly half,
cuz there's a book where ive read until uh, page 7?
hahaha (:
and SMYC is like this Thursday,
and it's reallyyy cepattt.
haha lepas ni, no more meetings,
gee im gonna miss them.
haha yeaahhh.
ive finished watching Crescent Love,
it's an anime,
and yes i did cry la cuz it was really sad when ____ died,
but well, _____ kinda got revived,
so happy ending, but haha yes it's good,
but it's kinda surreal, but haha it's an anime (:
but it's really good, and it's sweet and it's hilarious,
haha yeap.
aite okay,
im gonna end here for now,
soon i mean,
when i finish typing the words for this entry (:
gosh, yes merepek dahh.
take care,
12:56 AM @
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world,
tday is, Alhamdullilah, a normal Sunday,
with the exception that well, im kinda sick and really tired,
well yup so im still recovering,
haha yeah burnout,
and when you succumb t your fatigue which has been building up,
and yes i feel lethargic,
and haha yes i had t take panadol,
which is not really a preferance cuz,
well, panadols make you sorta weaker,
cuz youll depend on it,
and it aint good for your body,
so basically it's equal to the concept of addiction.
haha yup.
but Alhamdullilah, my nose aint blocked anymore,
well not really (:
spent my day resting in bed,
and yes i was excused from doing the normal Sunday house chores (:
thank God, Alhamdullilah,
cuz i was like thinking also,
the dust will go into my nose kalau sapu,
and yes im not a fan of the vacuum cuz i prefer t sweep,
soo haha yeah that sums it up.
but anw,
i feel like reading up on John Sloman,
haha (:
and it's already coming into December,
and i havent really started on my revision,
well i mean, a one-page-a-day revision will do (:
and you'll cease to be a history,
a past memory.
and i will start a new day,
gladly so, Alhamdullilah,
and Insya-Allah (:beams.
and haha nahh,
my heart's not closed,
it's just, well, not exactly open (:
and and heart is jantung, not hati.
the traditional misconception,
but it's interesting, nods.
i need more rest,
and Ain mintak maaf aite,
i just gotta stay home tmr for more rest,
we'll discuss the script soon?
just let me know which character first aite (:
sorry and thanks!
and next year is gonnaa be such a busy year,
anddd i need t start reading the hist. notes/books,
cuz or else, im gonna find a hard time next year,
tryna decide my topic or doing my paper,
but Insya-Allah all will be good.
Asian civilisation sounds interesting,
but i dunno what kinda issue i can ketengahkan,
haha yes there's ASEAN yes, but it's kinda cliche.
i wanna do something out of the ordinary,
but well, Insya-Allah i'll think of something before next year sets in,
take care,
drink lotsa water,
byebye (:
5:13 AM @
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Peace be upon you :D
hello world!
haha tday is a superb day, Alhamdullilah (:
soo let's see,
haha we had the full dress at Toa Payoh tday,
and it went pretty good.
met with Qi Han early tday t do the script,
and haha it was funny and good.
anddd i love the dance, think we did good (:
yay Alhamdullilah,
and the Sang Nila Utama went good too, so applauds :D
soo all the way ppl! haha
next week is the camp!
soo yay for us, and Insya-Allah all will be good,
and the Malaysians will leave with awesome memories :D
then after that, we had briefing for homestay,
haha yes i just sibuk-sibuk there,
and wanted t know about it,
so stayed on, and went with Zul to pick Syamil,
cuz yup! his family is hosting, haha yay.
well, and there were good food, Alhamdullilah :D
i really ate lotsa eclairs, haha and cream puffs were good,
but well im just plain clumsy today. haha
well, so after that!
stayed on t help the Logs team cuz didnt wanna go home so early,
and haha helped them out,
then me, Syamil, Zul and Shabana played tis game,
which is similar to Uno Stacko!
hahaha soo really fun!
Alhamdullilah :D
thenn after that i suggested we go out, town,
cuz i just felt like going out,
so asked Syamil and Zul if they wanna go out,
and haha yup we did go out, andd we went town!
got Shabana and Samuel to come along with us,
and we went to eat at Sakura, Alhamdullilah yay!
haha cuz i havent eaten there for quite some time.
soo hahaha it was super hilarious la,
cuz we were waiting for a table,
and gosh Samuel cracked us up real good,
haha sorry but it's really hilarious, aite Uncle Sam!
haha and the waitress was funny in a good wayy too,
andd yes it was a really funny dinner time (:
haha yes, seafood fried rice without seafood,
andd icewater without ice.
haha, andd i spilled my water, soo haha gosh,
im honestly just plain clumsy tday (:
well then after that,
we went t have Turkish ice cream,
and yes Syamil :D
thanks for buying me one,
cuz i was like i'll-go-have-one-if-you-belanja-me,
well somewhere along that line,
and it was a really funny and cool experience,
haha but i was uh slow on the uptake,
and haha abit paiseyy la but hilarious mann,
go get a Turkish ice cream at Far East (:
andd Syamil, you knoww!
i realised that i shared with u my icecream,
and im sick, haha sorry!
dont fall sick, so take care!
haha so after that,
us, as in me, Zul and Syamil,
went t surau t Maghrib,
yup (:
thenn we went home!
BEAMS, Alhamdullilah :D
andd the lights at night were really beautiful,
yup :D
Alhamdullilah :D
haha yup!
soo take care,
andd haha yes tmr is a normal Sunday!
yay Alhamdullilah, thank God,
im soo glad, can rest!
haha aite, yes a lesson,
dont sleep at 2+am when u have t wake up at 6+am,
and when it's gonna be a day with activities,
cuz yes, im uh sick,
haha yes, but Insya-Allah, ill be good soon (: