5:23 AM @
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
yes 2nd time blogging tday,
and i could have done something more beneficial,
like reading up on my econs or hist,
haha but yes,
im here,
and yes i know i shld really start revising my work,
if i wanna be an A student next year, Insya-Allah (:
so i went t shop with my parents and my adik!
ended at Plaza Singapura.
haha, Alhamdullilah, i bought clothes from Chomel,
uh yup my dad paid for me,
so haha yeah and it didnt cost that much,
and i actually wanted t buy another at John Little,
but uh the kain abit jarang la,
andd yang another one lengannya pendek sikit,
haha thenn i thought of buying pants,
but yaa time t go home,
it's okay, save money (:
Alhamdullilah :D
my tekak dahh sakit,
and my dad rented HARRY POTTER :D
ya the no.5, haha the one i missed out on,
and ended watching the Simpsons as a replacement with the Melayu ppl,
haha yeahh (:
and yup it's pretty good,
just watched it just now, yay!
well, im kinda reading this book,
titled 'What is moral?' written by Neil Levy.
soo it touches on Darwinism,
and i find this paragraph very interesting.
it's still under preface, pg. xi:
"Moreover, many philosophers and scientists have claimed that ethics itself can be fully understood within the evolutionary context. If we are moral animals, then this must be the result of our revolutinary history. But evolution equates to the "survival of the fittest": it systematically rewards selfishness. If ethics evolved, then ethics must be a form of disguised selfishness, perhaps so well-disguised that ethical people are not, and cannot be aware of this. Of course, we believe, pretheoretically, that ethics is the opposite of selfishness. If this line of reasoning is correct, we must abandon our naive views of ethics, and reconcile ourselves to a world in which there is no true morality."
nods, take some time t ponder and yup, think (:
aite, gnights,
and oh Ginban Kaledoiscope is a good anime,
so watch it (:
haha gnights take care!
9:06 PM @
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
well so yes im at home tday,
Alhamdullilah yay!
im really glad, so really tired.
and SMYC is next week,
wow that's fast, and Insya-Allah all will go well (:
yup concert's over,
did lotsa side-reading for the songs,
hahaha yeahh cuz it's been some pracs that ive missed,
and ya played a different part for 'The Eighties',
andd haha for Noah's Ark,
gosh i dont think ive played the song with the whole band,
andd haha i ended doing side-reading.
well, it didnt go too badly, Alhamdullilah (:
anw, yesterday meetings.
first in the morn for dialogue session,
with Ms Masnidah and some others.
was fruitful and was really interesting, Alhamdullilah :D
thenn went home, etc took a nap and did up ds stuff,
so yup i ended being slightly late for SMYC meeting,
andd the meeting at night went well,
though i was tired la,
but yup, Alhamdullilah, i managed t stay on :D
haha was pretty funny too,
but anw it ended really late,
ard 1040++ pm,
so yup didnt really wait for the rest,
and Qihan was going off also,
so ended going off with him,
andd Zul came later, and we met him at the MRT,
haha yup.
well thats that,
im going out with my family tday!
haha yay very glad, Alhamdullilah :D
andd yup!
i wonder how its gonna be next year,
cuz you wont be here.take care,
7:51 AM @
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
a tribute to Mr Stephen Loh,
a great teacher who had passed on,
you will be missed,
and i wont forget the times when you keep encouraging me,
and thank you for being such a nice and caring teacher.
it's pretty unbelievable that you are actually gone,
when we were hoping t get you as our PE teacher next year.
thank you for everything.
it's sad, really sad.
thought they were kidding me at first,
cuz yup it's hard t believe,
but well, yang pergi takkan kembali,
and we'll never know when's our turn,
so yup,
walau dunia ini melalikan,
janganlah lupa pada hari akhirat,
or in English,
dont forget that there's afterlife.
well anw,
concert tday was a blast.
since pics speak a thousand words (:
i'll just upload the pics,
and maybe blog bout it next time.
but yup shld be full house (:
hard at work (:
trumpet partners!
haha (:
trumpet solo, yay!
dearest Dot, Pris and me!
me and Wan Teng!
me and Nurul :D
during concert, from the backstage!
me and Cindy!gnights,
take care!
4:41 AM @
Monday, November 26, 2007
Peace be upon you :D
hello world!
concert's tmr,
and Insya-Allah it'll be a blast (:
haha yup, and im emcee-ing for the first part of the concert,
with Shermin,
haha yup,
was funny during our kinda prac.
but anw,
i havent been playing my trumpet,
so Insya-Allah i can play something tmr.
well anw!
im stuck t this song,
haha yes!
Anyir dan Jakarta (:
went back Crescent just now after my hist lesson,
which was pretty good, Alhamdullilah (:
oh we had t do this tutorial,
'communism was not a viable option in independent SEA',
and dada t what extent dya agree.
haha soo i well, haha go answer in the three aspects,
like political, social and economic aspects.
and happily, i said my answer like,
in economic aspect, communism wasnt a viable option,
cuz it practices like command/planned economy,
and independent SEA shld like open up its markets t foreign investments,
so that they can experience economic growth,
something along that line.
haha and it was like uhh haha wrong,
cuz like Theodore pointed out, i think that's how his name is spelt,
that is like current affairs and well,
haha but i still think it could be the answer,
but haha anw,
enuff of history,
but yes (:
oh next year, ade juga hikmah di sebalik the postpone-ment,
if there's such word, haha but anw,
of the Angklung compt,
cuz on 4th Jan, there's like a compulsory talk at NUS,
for those who're like doing the research paper,
so yup Alhamdullilah it'll mean i'll be able t attend,
cuz or else, ya, it'll really be a waste.
and yup,
as Ms Oon told me,
i'll be able t ask the person about my choice of topic,
which is already on my mind,
andd yup, but well the choice is a complicated issue,
but haha it'll be interesting,
soo yup.
as said,
uh oh!
haha went back Crescent,
helped out with the ppt for tmr,
andd haha yup went off with Ms Azilah,
and teman her till her guy comes.
andd haha funny funny,
cuz haha she was still tryna matchmake me with her cousin,
but anw told her bout dadada,
and yup there's nothing nothing.
haha but well,
im happy as i am :D
Alhamdullilah (:
i wanna buy albums (:
aite okay,
take care!
8:11 AM @
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
anw firstly,
Mr Dzul's concert was AWESOME :Dhahaha really really,
Alhamdullilah yay and i think we did good too.
haha yup,
wanted to stay on for the rest of the concert,
and yes haha stayed on after our performance,
and yup Alhamdullilah ade orang yang boleh teman me,
cuz Syamil was there with his family,
so yup he ended teman-ing me,
soo thanks aite!
and yup still have 2 other angklung mates there too :D
andd i soo really love the flute,
haha yes menusuk kalbu,
haha cool cool :D
the music was superb la Mr Dzul!
all the wayy :D
but anw,
yesterday Malam Kebudayaan Islam was good also,
as in really really,
Alhamdullilah (:
both days were super enjoyable despite the long day,
but no im not gonna complain,
cuz it was awesome,
the music and the stage and the wow,
haha (:
Alhamdullilah :D
andd haha had lotsa fun with Ain, Vivi, Michell and yes Xiu Wen :D
haha funny funny and hilarious :D
and tdayy we took lotsa pics,
and haha really enjoyed these 2 days with my dearest angklung mates!
and haha they were funny la,
and Mich tried t matchmake me with someone,
but when ya, told her dadada,
nono anymore.
haha and i found out that i made a lot of noise,
cuz i was like super tryin t like,
noo kinda thing.
haha sampai kat luar boleh dengar,
sungguh memalukan.
and yes reached home earlier tday,
cuz Cikgu tumpangkan us all the way t JE,
haha thx thx cikgu,
and we still belum dapatkan your gift,
Insya-Allah kita belikan la ye?
haha anww,
uhh haha yeah.
haha let's seee.
oh band concert is on Tuesday,
so next 2 days will be busy!
and if u want tix,
must let me know asap or any Crescent band ppl,
yes it's nearly a full house, uh i think the last was 92% sold.
Alhamdullilah yes, the stall seats are all sold out (:
and yes, haha think i'll be emcee-ing with Shermin,
soo all the best t us,
Insya-Allah it'll be good,
and i havent been playing trumpet,
so yup, Insya-Allah i'll be okay for the concert :D
and it's been a busy and kinda hectic time for me,
soo haha yes,
the few hours i had at home just now,
was able t complete stuff, Alhamdullilah :D
and yes, i still have my SEA t do,
and yes later ade lecture/tutorials,
and haha im still awake,
andd i wanna start on my research for my hist,
but well,
hmms Insya-Allah i'll be able t read up some stuff,
and yes i wanna do,
uh well nehmine.
haha aite,
im gonna go cont. with my uh stuff,
soo take care and gnights!
November 26'2007
2:10 AM @
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world.
haha yes im tired,
and yay Alhamdullilah,
ive cleared up much things.
so firstly,
happy birthday Zul!semoga dipanjangkan umur,
dan diredhai-Nya selalu,
and semoga bahagia selalu,
and Syaf! your present is with him,
jadi next year both of you must wear together-gether,
so that ppl know that you both are like out of bounds,
hahaha yeahh,
cuz i still want my first row seat in years to come (:
just finished up dialogue session,
new segment replacing FGD,
so yup Zul/Azrin, i sent t your mails alr,
if theres anything wrong,
let me know asap k,
my brain's kinda uh penat.
but tot i'd just update here.
well let's see,
tday i came home,
haha yes Alhamdullilah (:
tired, yes.
stayed in Crescent till 3 plus.
tot i was goin t chao 2plus,
then i heard the band playing, and they were in the hall,
soo yeap i went down t sit in t listen t them,
andd yes Alhamdullilah,
i tell you they sound really good now,
i love the music too,
and i kinda wished i was still in Crescent playing beautiful music with the main band,
and yup danse diabolique sounded good,
and Rachael is really good, she's on timpani,
andd of course my dearest section,
all the way, you all sound really good,
and yay for trumpet section (:
keep on improving (:
im really proud of you all,
and yup, keep the Crescent band spirit alive :D
aite okay,
i woke up ard 9plus,
got a shower, andd went t help out Ms Low with scanning band stuff,
then Shermin came over did up ppt,
and yup.
did some errands,
lunch was free and good,
Alhamdullilah :D
let's start from Tuesday?
oh ya, finally bought the plain long sleeve white tshirt at Zara,
and yes i used my own money,
tapi ahh takpelaa,
Alhamdullilah dah beli,
penat mencari.
went t skul first in the morn t kasi duit bahas,
then went home, then went Geylang t buy sarong utk angklung,
with the angklung excos, and Ain,
and yup after that went town t get the baju,
and yup balik rumah lepas tu (:
Alhamdullilah (:
abihtu on Wednesday,
my day started early,
was sposed t meet Ain kul 830pagi kat Oasis,
to discuss pasal script before jumpe cikgu Mazalan,
but yes i was, liat nak bangun,
soo yeah reached late,
mintak ampun mintak maaf.
then cikgu Mazalan came ard 9am,
andd yup we discussed drama script.
so yup, cut story short,
drama script is kinda rejected cz ade loopholes,
but at least he said it was good la,
haha but leave q. a no. if assumptions for audience,
but yup the new idea is really good too,
so Insya-Allah it will menjadi,
and will be a success.
and then, yup angklung!
haha we spent the practise wearing the sarong and practise,
so kinda a full dress rehearsal,
for Saturday and Sunday's performances,
and haha yup,
think it went good,
but im still getting used t playing angklung,
new note for Hayat.
haha yeah but it's good,
Insya-Allah (:
andd then after that,
had some time off for awhile before DS meeting with my fac.comm,
but only Aloysius could make it,
soo we discussed bout the new segment,
and Zul called to discuss bout the GOH! for DS (:
haha yes, and yup yay im q. happy with the top 2,
and haha i wanted someone tapi haha takpe,
ahh Zul you know la ye,
yup ended pretty early,
i finished up SEA hwk before that i think,
so left with one more, Alhamdullilah (:
so yeap i went t my fave place in school,
then ard 5+ left skul,
met Zul to discuss with him bout the new segment,
before i type out the proposal,
and yup approved, and yup SMYC meeting.
haha very fun and funny.
Alhamdullilah (:
had phototaking,
and i was like skirt skolah with baju kebaya ngan selendang.
shakes head.
andd yup learnt mass dance,
and i think dah penat sangat sampai steps sumer hancur,
and yes there were pizzas.
Alhamdullilah sebab i havent eaten lunch,
and oreos naik harga up to 70cents at the vending machine,
haha tak sanggup la nak bayar.
well so after meeting,
went off without the others,
but Qi Han and Yusuf were also going home,
so yup didnt walk back t mrt alone,
haha Alhamdullilah (:
went back Crescent,
reached ard, well kinda near to 11pm,
went t band room,
then met Ms Azilah,
haha and we started talking la,
haha very funny and hilarious,
and yup girls' talk la, haha.
and she funny la, cuz well talked bout guys,
and she said she reserve her cousin for me,
haha yup, but anw it's just joking la,
haha and yeahh i like budak baik,
then yeah updates and yup.
then went t staffroom ard 12plus i think,
Ms Low, Ms Azilah and me would be sleeping in the staffroom,
and i snacked, haha,
and yup band stuff,
then went t the sofa area,
i slept in my sleeping bag,
and yeap we slept ard 2plus there la,
cuz me and Ms Azilah were like talking till 2plus,
haha yeah.
then morn,
went t sleep on the sofa,
and yup story has been told.
haha yeah and oh im emcee-ing for band concert,
i think la.
haha yup.
Insya-Allah all will be good (:
and yes, ni dah panjang berlebar betul,
jadi till here,
take care (:
3:12 AM @
Monday, November 19, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
haha hello world!
tdayy is sucha good and tiring dayy,
and yess,
Alhamdullilah (:
okay let's start the day with dialogue session meeting,
haha met up with Azrin kat Redhill and yup,
we reached Tanglin Mall by 10am,
and cikgu was there alr,
so we ate,
and MHA was gonna come at 11am,
so we ended up talking first,
and haha cikgu was like jangan tutup hati pada any guys like that,
haha funny la,
so yup you can kinda have the idea what are some stuff we talked bout,
and soo yup.
haha nahh, bukan tutup hati,
cuma belum ade sangat yang membuka hati,
and im too memilih hahaha,
tapi masih lame lagi, jadi takpela,
Insya-Allah pada masa hadapan adelah seseorang.
anw then Zul came, and we moved t Starbucks,
and kinda prep for their arrival,
and MHA officials came,
and yup meeting starts,
and it went good.
but my mind was kinda uh blank for any questions,
maybe the effects of uh caffeine?
haha such thing.
soo after they left,
stayed abit more for discussion,
and yes met up with Ain!
haha yes,
i walked to the bus stop yes,
and when i was already reaching the bus stop,
i just, well, i hailed a cab,
hahaha yeahh danggg,
ive spent nearly 20 bucks on cab fare for past few days,
but well, im gonna be more yah, berjimat skrg,
soo we started off with Far East!
and yup,
went t look for SYAF and ZUL'S birthday gifts,
haha yes Alhamdullilah jumpe juga,
jadi nanti kita kasi korang ye?
went in search of a plain white long sleeve tshirt for angklung performances.
it was soo tiring,
i mean we practically rounded some areas,
yes optimism,
but we couldnt find the perfect one.
i mean,
such a basic simple shirt,
and it's soo hard to find.
but anw,
yes something happened,
and i kinda well, ahh nehmine,
not gonna say much here,
thanks Ain (:
cuz my mood kinda dipped after that,
andd Syaf Zul,
Insya-Allah panjang umur aku bilang korang k?
well, so Ain left ard 3plus,
and i went t search for Tze Wei's birthday present,
yes it was 31 oct,
sorry aite!
and i was sposed t give him before he go China,
and i forgot bout it,
so yup gonna wait for him t return from China,
and haha yes next year it's gonna be like 10 years of friendship,
and yup,
thanks for everything k?
for well, listening to all my rants,
and giving good advice about my crushes,
hahaha and well, just for being there (:
Alhamdullilah (:
then i went JP,
hoping i could find the long-sleeve-plain-white-shirt,
and well there was one,
but i couldnt bear to part with my money just for that,
cuz it was over 20,
and i didnt wanna spend so much on it,
haha yeah,
soo yup headed home,
singgah kedai t get something,
and yup,
Alhamdullilah (:
and yeap,
im really gonna, Insya-Allah, finish up my SEA hwk,
im gonna eat,
and yup,
John Sloman's book is on my table,
so basically,
i can start reading up on econs,
and again, i just ran away.
like i always do.take care, gnights!
3:16 AM @
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
so tday is tiring but overall it's a good day,
Alhamdullilah (:
well, started off with angklung performance,
set 3 alarms for myself,
haha but i ended up gettin out of bed at 515am,
since i was cabbing to skul.
then got t leave home ard 6something,
got some breakfast but no, no coffee cz it's not gd when im gonna have a performance,
so cabbed, reached skul earlier than 630am!
haha yup, Alhamdullilah (:
well, so performance at YWCA,
i think it went pretty good,
but i thought i couldve played better,
and my drum was slipping sideways,
but no im not gonna blame it for anything,
haha yeah.
uh then after performance,
rushed for SMYC meeting.
then Alhamdullilah i reached at a pretty good timing,
havent started yet so yup.
practised the dance,
had subcomm meetings,
haha yup was funny la,
but anw it didnt last very long,
then discussed some stuff,
and left ard 120pm.
was gonna cab t Crescent,
and i didnt know where t hail cabs from.
soo in the end i was walking along this rd,
i thought okayy,
let's just get t the mrt station,
andd hahaha i think i must've took the wrong turn,
cz i kept on walking till i realised,
uhh, haha i was far fr. the mrt station,
penat kaki jalan, tapi takpe,
ada hikmah juga cuz i saw a taxi stand,
got a taxi and yup, singgah dulu nak solat,
thenn rushed to Crescent for drama!
haha yeap the acting was good,
and yes it was funny, yup.
Insya-Allah our drama next year will be a blast,
and talking about it,
yay Alhamdullilah! script is finally, finally done,
with synopsis and characters' write-ups!
soo yup, just gotta go thru editing by the cikgus,
and yup touch ups.
soo budak-budak ML, kite stat drama pracs in December ye?
jadi next year tak kelam kabut :D
Insya-Allah it's a success (:
well yup,
so tadi balik penattt,
plus with the baju yang dipakai,
tak kluar ngan dorang gi makan,
Fas, Nurul, Sitt, Asyikin, Nad, Hazimah,
walaupun perut lapar juge la,
tapi tak teruk sangat sebab adelah makan kek mase drama,
haha, Alhamdullilah sebab simpan kek tu dari pagi (:
haha yeahh.
and my kaki-kaki ngah aching,
Insya-Allah okay balik (:
when the body says no more,
but the heart says keep on going,
bak kata pepatah :D
ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa, ikut mata leta.
dahh yup.
kempunan KFC.
take care and gnights!
1:08 AM @
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
semoga bahagia selalu,
dan semoga dipanjangkan umur dan diredhai-Nya selalu,
Insya-Allah (:and jangan lupa la ye,
nanti bertahun akan datang, im at the front row k?
hahaha :Dhaha soo it's a day off tday at home,
yes im not bored,
im tired soo yeah,
that explains it,
and i have books t read (:
haha well,
yesterday i had angklung practice,
and yes haha good,
but i was uh tak cukup tido,
so yeahh adela main yang tak betul.
haha but i lasted the whole day,
Alhamdullilah (:
haha i didnt sleep enuf,
like on Tueday, went library,
and borrowed books,
then bacalah buku 'Saka Tok Mun'.
then takutkan diri sendiri cuz yes,
i have wild imaginations,
so at night, i couldnt sleep,
then went t my parents' room, haha (:
and yes exchanged bed with my dad, he slept in my room,
but uh ard 140+am he asked me go back t my room,
well but that's okay la,
cuz im not sposed t be there anw,
haha but well,
i tried t fall asleep,
but yeah, so started sending msges ard 2plus in the morn,
haha yes Nurul was still awake so she layan me,
then she had t go t sleep, but thanks aite?
and after that, i couldnt take it anymore,
i switched on the white light,
and started reading tis Melayu book, jiwang yes,
and i read sampai dah nak dekat Subuh,
then after that, did my some stuff,
cont. reading,
and yeahh did manage t catch some sleep after ard 7am.
then i had t go t skul (:
haha but yes.
but anww,
did script with Ain after angklung prac,
andd haha yes, Alhamdullilah, one+ scene t go :D
girang hati, yes tapi boleh terkata la.
haha Alhamdullilah :D
soo will be meeting with Cikgu Mazalan on Friday,
to discuss and let him see the script (:
Alhamdullilah :D
very happy!
haha yeap after that, went for the meeting,
which i was uhh early,uh earlier la,
but yup sat with Hubert, Jason and dang, i cant rmb her name,
but yeah.
well meeting was good i spose,
we did a dance,
and im so kaku when it comes to that,
buat malu diri je, hahaha,
tapi it was really fun la haha yeap!
andd it ended pretty early,
earlier than expected, soo went home with the rest.
and most of us went t take the mrt,
and yes, train was pretty packed,
and we got separated from Yusuf,
cuz was rushing into the train,
and noo didnt see him but hope he got in.
yup! and took train all the way t JE with Jack,
anw! thanks Jack for helping me carry the bag aite!
haha yeahh,
andd yeah i reached home earlier than last week.
Alhamdullilah :D
reached home, i was super tired,
sampai tak makan my mam punye roti kirai,
nods, but of course, the food shld be good (:
Alhamdullilah :D
okayy so today!
uh like that la,
a good day though,
Alhamdullilah (:
beria-ia nak stat hwk dulu,
tapi i only wrote out the intro,
and just the pt. yang blum pastinya tepat,
and yes nari macam takde mood nak buat,
mungkin malam,
tapi Insya-Allah as soon as possible (:
ahh kat sini je la gini,
haha dah panjang berlebar dahh,
i shld go do something better,
take care!
4:31 PM @
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha alright let's see,
yesterday was well,
a replenishing-my-energy day,
well sort of,
haha i slept alot yesterday,
after-effects of Saturday,
but no matter,
Alhamdullilah (:
finished up some works though,
left with some stuff,
and yes there are additional SEA hwks,
but it's okay,
Insya-Allah all will be good,
and yes i gotta start reading up on my works,
or in another word,
just start revising j1 work,
if i wanna go overseas next year with angklung,
and of course, if i wanna do well,
haha yup,
tapi Insya-Allah boleh (:
hmms im tired,
and yes i have meeting later,
but no im not gonna complain,
yup (:
Alhamdullilah :D
haha yeahh,
the right guy will come when he comes.Insya-Allah (:
uhh haha nothing much t blog bout,
but well take care,
and enjoy your hols :D
November 12'2007
4:42 AM @
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
well nods,
tday is sorta a long day,
and yes tiring.
haha okay but it's a good day la,
enjoyable (:
uhm let's see.
haha i was LATE again,
but the story abit, rather quite selenger la,
haha okay la i went out of my house later than sposed t be,
but it's not that late,
so anw,
boarded the bus,
time was good and all,
and i thought i can still make it to the side gate,
it's not 830am yet.
so i pressed the bell for the side gate bus stop,
realised it's locked,
and no one's alighting,
so yes, i alighted la.
haha thenn i decided t walk, and not board a bus to the next bus stop,
andd i saw tis another gate that's open,
so i happily walked inside,
and realised when i nearly reached the ending of the road,
that it's locked too.
and soo, i have to patah balik all the way,
and walked by the main gate.
and that, should serve as a reminder,
that side gates are not open on Saturdays,
no matter the time (:
ahh but anw,
it was a good angklung session tday :D
Alhamdullilah (:
funny and fun, and yup!
haha my arm lenguh la though,
tapi takpe,
found out Monday's prac is cancelled,
and i still hafta go skul for meeting,
but yes that's okay,
haha yeahh.
thenn after angklung,
i went for band!
haha yes Nurul helped me buy my food,
and after eating, went t set up and prac,
and oh it was q.funny during sorta self prac,
cuz combined would start at 3pm,
so anw we wanted t prac Stand By Me tgt,
and we were in 2 different grps,
cuz i was with Cindy and Karmen,
and Nurul were with the other seniors,
and they were some distance away from us,
so tried to match the metronome's timing,
and haha it was funny in a good sense,
cuz it was pretty uh, hard.
haha and ya.
but anw comb!
uh, i was tired honestly,
but yes, i enjoyed the prac,
but wont be coming for further pracs till the final prac,
cuz of the meetings,
but yup.
uhh haha yeahh,
im gonna go do other things now.
take care!
November 10'2007
2:00 AM @
Friday, November 9, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha had angklung prac tday,
and yay haha it was funn :D
and yes i was late,
haha cuz after breakfast, i read HP,
then i decided t get on my bed,
and yes lepas tu punyelah liat nak bangun,
tapi of course kene la cuz i didnt wanna be late,
but yup it's okay,
i was just slightly late.
and terima kasih Ain sebab bawak turunkan rebanaku (:
haha but yup!
it's really nice t play until your arms ache.
hahaha okay nahh it doesnt sound sadist,
and the feeling of satisfaction is there (:
Alhamdullilah :D
but anww!
uh ya,
then we prac till 1plus pm after Mr.Dzul left,
and yup the kebayas came,
and well,
uh ya.
then uh etc, i went off,
and went t get a haircut.
and yes, when i reached the shop,
sat on the seat, i was kinda regretting getting a haircut,
but it always happen, so yeahh.
haha but ANW!
hmms, oh ah entah pulak ape nak cakap,
haha betulla,
ahh takpela,
haha next time then.
ohh im going for band prac tmr!
and i can for the whole of angklung prac,
cuz there's no meeting for Sg-M'sia tmr,
adelah kebaikan dari semua yang terjadi,
Alhamdullilah (:
aite okay!
anww Mr. Dzul is having a concert on 25 November,
at Fort Canning Park 8pm,
and it's gonna be a blast,
so if you want tix,
it's 20 bucks k!
and yes,Crescent band is having a concert on 27 November,
at Victoria Concert Hall,
and yes it's gonna be a blast too!
haha and alumnae is playing,
and that includes me :D
and yes we are playing Pirates,
and comb. will be playing Noah's Ark,
soo if you want tix,
it's 12 and 20 bucks.yup :D
take care!
10:16 PM @
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
okay tis week has been well!
haha yup.
oh yesterday!
had angklung prac in the morn,
and yes finally got my hands on my rebana.
hahaha i miss angklung pracs, to think of it.
and Reverie was super cool with the super speed,
haha yeah.
well then after that, had script meeting with Ain,
and yup we did manage to progress alot.
Alhamdullilah (:
Insya-Allah we'll be able to finish up the script by next week,
and yes we'll start with drama pracs!
thenn after that, i rushed down to Island Creamery for h3 hist.
and yes haha i wasnt that late,
cuz left skul nearly ard 420 there i think,
and lesson was sposed t start at 430pm
but anw i reached ard 432pm,
and haha the lesson was good.
discussed about the truth in history,
and it was interesting really (:
so why do we study history?a seemingly simple answer, but dang haha you gotta squeeze your brain.
but anw,
history is supposed to be objective and credible,
but there is no absolute truth in history,
and some of the history is written based on pick and choose kinda thing,
so what's the point of studying history?
haha but anw!
was sposed t meet Zul at 630pm at Somerset,
but of course i was late,
uhh haha yeahh cuz lesson ended ard 6pm,
then yaa traffic ard that time wasnt so good,
but yup did manage t be there by 640pm,
uhh ard there la,
so went Youthscape,
etc and Alhamdullilah,
im in ed. and cultural subcomm (:
uh nods!
meeting was good,
it ended pretty early,
jadi balik pun taklah lambat sangat.
haha so took train with the ppl,
and yaa Jason and Hubert were on the train till Clementi,
so it wasnt a boring ride home,
which is okay!
haha but anwww,
uhh ahh takpela.
haha sooo im looking forward to anything actually,
kalau tak bosan duduk kat rumah tak buat banyak bende,
and im going Courts later with my family (:
Alhamdullilah (:
dulu berkobar-kobar nak gi ice skating,
but yes i still belum pergi lagii.
haha and and,
hmms tak pasti lagi.
but anww next year is A's!
and haha angklung going M'sia for the competition!
im very gembira (:
Alhamdullilah :D
was really hoping we could and would go.
hmms anwwww
ahhhh hmms.
im not gonna fall for anyone,
not in the near future,
at least i hope so (:
keras kepala.
hahahaha okay la,
and oh!
i finally found the econs assgmt on km,
so if youre looking for it,
it's under class server,
and haha i realised i had 3 overdue works,
which are like, uh, overdue,
haha but nehmine,
uh ya.
haha okayyy,
i shld go do something more productive,
like, not sleeping or taking a nap.
beams (:
take care,
and happy hols!
8 November 2007
7:19 AM @
Monday, November 5, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
haha okay firstly,
tahniah Wani :D
haha yes i managed to complete much of my hwks for the past 2 days,
and yay all the way!
Alhamdullilah (:
and im still thinking what topic i wanna do on,
yes haha i was contemplating on Middle East,
then i thought of SEA,
but anwww i think i wont really do on the West,
cuz yup dont think well nehmine.
haha yes im gonna go skul tmr,
i sleep alot when im at home,
until my head also macam ahh takpela,
susah nak describe.
okay anwww,
im gonna go off now.
soo take care and gnights!
8:41 AM @
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Peace be upon you (:
hello world!
yes first thing is,
im feeling so much better,
haha yes im good now really,
Alhamdullilah (:
yup OP is finally done,
and yay bye bye PW.
but Ms Vignesh is so funny,
in a good way really,
she's a very good tutor (:
haha alright let's see,
ahh tday!
yay we had meeting cum team building at OBS East Coast Campus,
so naturally, since Zul and I from NJC,
we went tgt,
and we got split up into 2 different grps,
and oh made new friends and meet new ppl.
was really fun,
and oh oh let me tell u,
i kinda realised tday that im claustrophobic,
well maybe slightly but anw!
we had to go like thru this tunnel,
dark and yes small.
at first i didnt know how small it was,
then when i saw how small it was,
yes i didnt wanna go,
i was scared la really,
haha yes i was.
was like thinking what if i suffocate inside,
and kinda thing but anw,
yes i managed t get myself in,
and the OBS instructor, Tracy, she was really nice.
she kinda talked t me and yes,
with the encouragement of the other girls in the team,
haha yes managed t go thru the whole thing,
and it was fun la,
esp. once you're thru the small tunnel thing.
haha yeahh kinda embarassing in a wayy,
but yes anw,
hmm a lesson (:
and oh wells,
uhh let's see.
oh ya,
haha went Syamil's house afte that,
but Zul and me singgah somewhere first to penuhkan kewajipan,
then on the way there was kinda funny,
listening, and no not really eavesdropping,
but ya haha i want the first row,
both of you can like help me find someone if i havent found anyone,
and mine's gonna be at Fullerton,
and at night when the scenery is really beautiful :D
hahaha (:
yup and yes we cabbed t Syamil's house from Woodlands,
sorry Zul, but thanks aite!
and yup he cooked a three course meal for us,
and it was good really (:
haha yup thanks lots for the food and for the invitation aite!
and i think the boys are really adorable,
haha yes,
and one of them is named Danish,
and that's like one of my favourite names.
haha and they are so adorable,
haha okay.
im gonna stop gushing about kids,
but on the train just now on the way t his house also,
there was this really so adorable baby,
and she is like so adorable (:
haha yup!
okay (:
hmm besides that,
oh a little tribute t my PW grp,
NJ029 :D
Insya-Allah we'll get an A for this okay?
haha yup :D
uhh haha yes,
went back for my seemingly one of the last few pracs fo alumnae,
since im gonna have to attend the other meetings now,
but no im not gonna complain,
it's nice yup.
but yeap im looking forward to 22 Nov,
haha yeah sleeopver at CRESCENT :D
and no, i havent told my parents,
but it should be okay (:
Insya-Allah (:
and oh i met Ms Azilah just now,
haha very funny in a good way,
and yes nice (:
and angklung's prac on Wed,
i soo have to prac, so long havent play,
sure penat cepat.
haha yup.
Insya-Allah (:
take care,
November 4'2007